maandag 24 december 2012

morgen...../ tomorrow......mindtravelling

MobileGardens is a project on the platform  voordewereldvanmorgen   /   fortheworldoftomorrow

you can become a member or an activist or a projectinventor too

go and see for yourself

I love Africa, have a nice time, Mananamanana,


dinsdag 18 december 2012

While you are sleeping I wonder

This is my newest treasure today. I had to share it with you immediately. NASA took pictures from our Globe with their newest camera. Good night, stay awake.

1. melting ice Antarctic
2. Aurora
3 wild fires, smoke and clouds, Siberia

maandag 17 december 2012

A wonder. It snowed in the beginning of December

The pavilion Mobile Gardens touched by the first snow of December 2012. Promising. I hope the grape and the Cherrytrees  will survive.



woensdag 12 december 2012

Mijnske en de planeet met de naam Aarde, and the planet named Earth

Als jezelf groter bent dan de voorstelling van de planeet met de naam Aarde en je kijkt naar de 3d voorstelling, dan lijkt het wel planeet Water&Kleur, eindigend op het groenste continent. Ik heb een filmpje gemaakt vanuit mijn gezichtsveld. Dat wilde ik met jullie delen. Groeten uit mijn onderzoekskamer B1.43, Groningen, december 2012.

When you look at the imagination of the planet with name Earth and you are physically bigger than the imagination, the planet should have the name Water&ExoticColours. I made a 1 minute film, turning the little globe in my hand,endign to view to greenst continent of the world. That's wat I wanted to share with you today. Greetings from my researchroom B1.43, Groningen, December 2012.

woensdag 5 december 2012

mijn nieuwste vondst / my newest finding!

Vers Une Architecture Verte / Towards A Green Archite cture
posted by Michael Wartman on June 26, 2012

On the leftpage: leCorbusier: Vers une architecture, 20th century

On the right page: Vers une green architecture, 21th century.

All credits to Micheal and B+H architects, Vancouver.