zondag 28 juni 2015

PhD process Holy Day!

Rich and poor
Healthy and sick
Young and old
Learned and 'dom'
Busy and lazy
Married and single
Wired and loose
Smooth and spotted
Hospitable and protective
Homo and hetero

You name it.......

Europeans are quite active with this  as an 'inside ' job
Europeans are quite active with this as an 'outside' job

2000-2015, 'now' can be characterized as a dynamic equilibrium. A perfect thing in physics.

What to do now, with, for instance: circular, rectangular and triangular? The three perfect basic shapes in mathematics? Is there something more perfect to do in History? Something more than countering? Is there something more perfect to do in Mathematics? Something more than counting?

Can I learn from physics, like the law on incertainty, (Heisenberg), meaning : everything ( in physics)
 is uncertain. The rest you can Google, Heiseberg doesn't have Facebook, but he has a Wiki.

You must be in excellent shape to be challenged and triggered by this wicked thought. It takes a 'Tom Cruise' or a 'Koos Bosma' to fulfill this mission impossible. Tom Cruise we all know, but who the heck is Koos Bosma? Is he on YouTube?

I told you, you have seen nothing yet, we are at the beginning of history.........and Europe seems the right place to begin with it. I am in good company.

Now I am exhausted. Time for some holidays. Holy days! I give myself fiftysix holy days. To let my mind go free........( I copied that, from a pop singer, I don't have the energy to cite it, feel free to sort it out yourself, if you wanna know, if you don't belief me, if you don't remember, if you're never heard
of it or just as a trigger to roam around in your own music library at home or on internet)

Okay, I give you one clue: I have a name and a plan. What's the name, the new name for history in the future? How do you want the 'baby' to be named?
Well, you will never guess the plan. If we shall meet in september I will tell you all about it! I am looking forward to our first dialogue. I think I will be fit enough then. Do you set the date?

PhD process Star nr. seven

Star nr. seven is TIME

The beauty of time is, it is always here and there. It can not be countered. It can be counted. It is the most factual from a mathematical point of view and from a historical point of view. The time star can be seen as the Northern star in the sky. If you see it, you know where you are. Having been a polar bear has it advantages now and then. This thick white fur has been a disguise, I hope you can read it this way.

I think I will colour the 'people' Star with lawyers. The keepers of the law. They had to deal with Dutch laws and at the same time with volatile European lawmaking, between 2000-2010.

With what did  the lawyers anno 1900-1910 had to deal? And between 1800-1810?
In Europe in general and in the cities of Assen, Emmen and Groningen  in peticular.
Concerning the plants. Were there any cases? How many? Did it had to do with the agriculture or food or garden business?

Now I have demarcated the peoples/ professionals star, I think I can drop the words bad and ugly in the title of my PhD.

Improved title: plants, cities, Europe.
Subject: lawyers

The word 'darmflora ' , did it  exist in 1810 or 1910? Or the word 'skinflora'? Both words do exist now.

zaterdag 27 juni 2015

PhD process. I found the right words!

I found it!

2000-2010.  And still now

The right words for the 'zeitgeist' is PERFECTIONISM, GREED and SURVIVAL

a precious equilibrium

We are living in the perfect period of time! We, Europeans.
We have 'everything ', everybody joints in, somewhere, everybody counts or is able to count and there is justice for everybody. And at the same time all is jeopardised by emotions, two emotions in particular:

FEAR.   Which leads to hide or run and protection and to make money
LUST    Which leads to new offspring

How to counter these two emotions?
Platonic love?

I will do some storylines later. I have collected some fine 'pictures' made by Jacob Cats, and some very recent pictures, made by an unidentified graphic designer......
And I have done some thinking. I woke up this morning with an enormous headache......

'2001 New York, We' are threathened with machines of our own invention. And we did that before, in WO II, Europe.

Plant thinking, thinking in metaphors, distinction, the diversity of language and the imagination of people.

Factual writing ( so everybody can understand) and imaginary thinking, writing in metaphors ( to seduce everybody)

How to deal with it in History? As a quite 'civilised' profession? Facts and storytelling? It sounds like almost the hardest to do on planet Earth. So, it takes the 'best' persons, the best trained and qualified professionals to do so. You have seen nothing yet. Fukuyama and Maarten are only the beginning.

And when they, the historians, the good guys and  dolls have the money, they dissappear......... Just like the good guy in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Sergio Leone.......what a miracle! And are 'we' not all looking for Mr and or Mrs. Right?

History, I love it! And hate it!

Now, I can eat some more cake. Celebrate good times, com ' on.......

vrijdag 26 juni 2015

PhD process Countering the three stars. A perfect thing to do?

The three stars

A perfect thing to do in history is to counter.

Three counter stars:

Plants and animals
Foundations, walls and roofs

People, plants and animals can be categorized as living species ( biological term from before 2000) or  bio science ( contemporary term, at least a categorization used by biologists in Europe, now)

Indoor space and foundation, walls, roof can be categorized as building
Outdoor space and foundation, walls, roof can be categorized as 'building and garden' or as 'building and street' or as 'building and plaza (place)'. (Scenario thinking, inventive thinking). Which one is the most neutral, most factual? Language....... I have to do something about my language......

Some thoughts.......

It depends on the quantity, I think ( when there are a lot of buildings and gardens, perhaps at the point that one is not capable of counting the amount of buildings and gardens anymore, without the help of something material), that one can feel the need to name all these buildings and gardens an 'urban field' or 'city', or 'village' or 'town' or 'metropole'. (Language thinking)

Material and immaterial
The material can be defined as something one can touch with ones hand or body.
The immaterial can be defined as something one can touch with ones mind.

What to do, or what to think of ( is the same to me, I think 'thinking ' is an action, I do a lot of thinking and it costs me a lot of energy , following the law of Entropy, but about that much later, because it is a construction made/ imagined/thought of by the natural scientists, people in physics and I am not on that point yet, in which star this 'profession' fits). The Chinese have a complete other wird fir energy, namely C'hi. It is a word one almost has to blow. Very efficiënt language, this Chinese, just blow the words, so much energy saved!( no joking, this is true!)

My own experience is that 'Thinking' can be easily misunderstood. I, myself, make a lot if thinking
errors. Fortunately for myself, I am becoming more and more aware of that. Because all sorts of people are asking me questions. The nicer their 'tune' is while asking, the more I am, or my brain is, or whatever it is in my body is, stimulated to think. That makes me think and I like to 'believe', or
think of that that it will make me 'know'. No, I don't like to believe that. ( counter thinking myself) I know nothing factual, because I am looking and while I am looking I see colours, always. And it is perhaps like Antje Krog ( the poet) wrote: colour never comes alone.

And then you are still surprised that other people are asking me: Mijnske, what are you saying? What are you talking about?
 I don 't know! Not really, not factual. So, how am I suppose to write factual? And all that occur has to be copied by an other person as well, girl the sake of science!

So, what happens when I close my eyes. I did a lot, lately, I blogged you about it. Then I still hear a lot of things, sounds, words, machines, people. And for me and some other people even the sounds are 'coloured', de klankkleur in Dutch.

The only thing left for me is to assume and to test, to experiment whether my thought, my hearings, my visuals are the same or differ from somebody else.

So many questions.........

It is a wonder my mother and father didn't go crazy. That only the China didn't survive. I must have learned something at home and on the road.
Now I think of it. Maybe becoming a dr. is not my cup of coffee. I realise, I am already a sr., short for scholarly.

Mmmmmm, oblivion. Well. I leave you with your romantic thoughts. Enjoy. I have the seventh birthday of Lieven Luuk  to prepare ( most of the times I am so pragmatic).....See you next Monday.

donderdag 25 juni 2015

PhD process PEACE! Naming the stars

Yesterday was a little bit dramatic. Exageration, is sometimes good for the story. And to get rid of cliché s, the platitudes.

Today is a day of peace in my mind. I have to sleep less and less. Three Mijnske history stars were born this morning.
In deep space nine it is all dark, except the seasnails. And as you know by now, historians write thick books ( and now and then a small book or blogs) and that takes time. I like to compare actions of myself and others with animal characteristics, like movement, appearance, colours. I have bern looking 'Fabeltjeskrant ' in the seventies of the twentieth century. A typical Dutch TV program for kids. Inspired by Mr. Owl. Mr. Owl always stayed calm, sitting at a branch of a tree. He did the first and the last talking. He or she, had this very nice colour blue. The voice was, mmmm, how was the voice, I like to think this over some time. Calm, like I did, when looking at Mr. Owl, for the five minutes broadcasting time being. I really became a news addict, I like to think of that, as myself, or, maybe it just one of my many needs as a Mijnske, or, it is just opportunity looking, or, it is a confinement to 'you never know' , which has two meanings in Dutch, or, it was the only opportunity as an seven year old to hear something about the world. The 'real' world. I realise now, that nobody, this is becoming tragically now, nobody asked me or told me anything what could be of my interest. I mean , nobody in my family. Except my grandfather from the Sival family. My other grandfather, the grandfather from the Stoker family had a television and with him I looked to the landing on the moon, in 1968. That was a very nice thing to do, together. Short after that he died. I will tell you more stories about grandfather Stoker sometime. It was a man who looked you straight in the eye, afraid of nobody. Enjoying his morning coffee in China ( the porcelain). My Mother threw all this China
through the windowglass, one day. Quite a temper you might say!

O, o, I need a lot of words, again, I realise all of a sudden.
I just spent an hour drawing five pointing stars and writing text in and around the stars. At first
I had drawn five stars on a small piece of paper, namimg them 'ruimte' (space), 'geld' (money), 'universal, university' , 'people', 'material'. Trying to make visual, to visualize 'what we all have in common', as a sort of zero- measurement (nulmeting).

What is here ( on planet Earth)?
What do we ( all the people) do?
What are we thinking we do?

Then I opened my official sketchbook ( made from used paper, A 4 size, covered with an art invitation, also A4size).

I draw three five pointing stars, writing 'people' in one them, writings 'space' in one of them and writing 'material' in one of them.

This is what I aimed to do for almost three years now. To name and draw the 'essence', the 'core- business' of how I 'see' the 'world'. How people 'see' the 'world' seems to be quite diverse these days. I did not have a world 'view', when I started this PhD, I realised. And, actually, I had no clue what to do first, anyway. So I took the written advice of Loesje, questioning ' how to 'eat' the world ( Hoe behap je de wereld): Just start with the tastiest parts ( Gewoon, bij de lekkerste stukjes beginnen. Een creatieve gebruiksaanwijzing voor de rest van de eeuw.(2012). Samengesteld door jongeren en 65 + ers.

I knew what I liked best, I didn't know what I thought of as the tastiests, still don't know, but that is
another story. I know now what I wanted to know and what is the mores, the aim in studying history.

So, here I am , two winwin situations and one situation in development.
Not bad. ( typical Northern self evaluation thinking)
Good enough, more than fifty percent
Not good enough, I didn't achieve the 100 %

And what did I promise myself?
To live up to the full 100 %
Sometimes a golden ring with  thirtysix 'globes' helps one to reminds one of oneself, at least, me.

What does this have to do with Europe?

woensdag 24 juni 2015

PhD process. The money war, how to prove?

This morning I introduced 'the money war'.

How am I going to prove it?

I try some questions ( experimental thinking)

Is there something like a formal war and an informal war?
Has a war always an organisation.
Can a war occur without organisation?
What is the difference between a conflict, an accident  and a war?

What is the amount of casualties?
In which part of the urban field

How much time do professionals spent in the outside spaces of cities
What do they do, everyday, to shift from a person to a professional and viceversa?

How much money do they spent on plants?

What is the relation between European law and the amount of plants in the cities?

How many citizens want a house and garden.
How many citizens  have a house and garden
How many citizens are not satified not having a house and garden? What do they do about it?

PhD process Good morning, Europe! History...

Some of you know already, some of you don't know. I knew it, but I couldn't formulate it, I could't find the words. So many other voices............

This night the polar bear transformed into a bunch of white feathers, decorated with two eagle eyes and a third eye looking like a spot.

People of planet Earth! Hereby I announce you that we are in WAR!

The name of the war is : MONEY WAR.

Listen..........A long time ago, once upon a time in the West, there was this Burgher.........., his daughter, the poor woman and her son.......The woman asked the Burgher, begged the Burgher for money. She did not beg the Burgher for work.........She was not the only one. There is a ninety- nine percent chance that the son copied the actions of his Mother, but than different......Years later, there was a man with a gun, coming from the East side of planet Earth. He commanded the Burgher in various way. He was, what one could call, very creative. He shouted ' Hands up, or I shoot!' or ' Your money or your life'. He didn't shout ' Your work or your life'. He multiplied. And all of a sudden there were a he and a she. And, well you know what happened then, don't you?
Reasonable doubt. Since I don't know you. I'll continue.
To pronounce he and she all the time, takes too long. Inventive thinking. The word 'we' was pronounced. By whom I have forgotten. Old age, you understand. We.

We all know what we have in common. So, why are so many people, reading and listening to some
group of people who have written and pronounced ' Our common future?' ( 20 st century stuff)

Because 'we' forget what we know?
Because 'we' don't hear time after time what 'we' know already ?
Because 'we' don't listen carefully?

Well, all these questions, trying to search for the big question. Isn 't it just a creative way of Creating more money?

What I know is, I don't like war. I can't help myself being honest about it. The only wise thing to do is NOT GOING TO WAR!

In these days, in the city I am living, it is not an easy thing to do. As a bunch of white feathers with
three eyes I can be anything I want to be. And I want to be free! I knew it. I want it. I am going to go for the hard way. The only wise thing for me to do, at this end, is. I will start with a pelgrimage. To unwind. To walk. You can come with me as you like. I start today, for I am not a very very very patient person. I have been training for this pelgrimage for two months now. I am prepared. For what exactly, one never knows. Heading south, off course. Didn't you read the latest news about the ice? I know what I am doing and I know where I am going to. To an old and empty schoolbuilding where I can touch the elephants and their old and many memories. I know, how do I know? Somebody whispered it to me, even wrote about it. I didn't reply wisely at that time. I was still swimming at that time. In the ice cold see, in previous times when I was a polar bear, only paying attention to the sharks I had to avoid. They are always smelling something lively, I was told. You can read it somewhere, 19 th century science stuff. In the 20th century everything changed, everything stayed the same. Time stood still. The good got quantified and spread. When get fed up with these feathers
and stuff I will be able to show my real nature. And off course, I hope Ibsill look like a beautiful painted elephant by then. A bit skinny maybe, for an elephant. But definitely to be characterized as an elephant. What a memory these anima's are entiteld to. And what a destructieve power, all the good they need! And so much caring, grieving as well, for their children, their infants, their off spring. The females at last. Little known is about the solitary males. They are so hard to follow, to film. They are pretty good in hiding, so it seems.

It is only a game, remember. Game of war. Game of Thrones, pace makers. It is quite simple after all. No more games. It is all or nothing. I know what I have to do. I go excersise in thinking plant and then, one day, who knows , I can act plant.

Oh dear, I halfhalf promised you something. Yesterday. Seems so far away. The song. While you are working........

In Bloom.
Spring is here again, tender age in Bloom, he knows not what it means, sell the kids for good, we can have some more. The water is so yellow, I'm a healthy student, you're my vitamines. Take your time,  hurry up, the choice is yours, don't be late. And just maybe I am to blame for all I've heard but I am not sure, I'm so excited I can't wait to meet you there but I don't care. I don't care if its old, I don't mind if I don't have a mind, get away from your home. Have to have poison skin, give an inch take a smile. Never met a wise man, if so it's a woman, gotta find a way to find a way, I had better wait. One more special message to go, as defense I'm neutered and spayed, what the Hell am I trying to say? I got so high that I scratched till I bled. The second coming came in last and out of the closet. At the end of the rainbow and your rope. Don't hurt yourself, I want some help to help myself, she's just as bored as me. I've got this friend you see, who makes me feel, I don't regret a thing. And the animals I've trapped have all become my pets. Our little group has always been and always will until the end, with the lights out it's less dangerous, here we are now, entertain us, I feel stupid and contagious, here we are now entertain us, a mulatto, an albino, a mosquito, my libido, yay, yay, a denial, I'm worse at what I do best and for this gift I feel blessed, I found it hard, it was hard to find, oh well, whatever, nevermind (1991).

dinsdag 23 juni 2015

PhD process United Dutch Lawyers and Grasping quality

First things first. Calm down. After hearing Mezzanine (the album, cd, 1998) from the popgroep/ music group Massive Attack, 'songs': Angel, Risingson, Tear drop, Inertia Creeps, Exchange, Dissolved Girl, Man Next Door, Black Milk, Mezzanine, Group Four, Exchange. Vocals- Horace Andy, Elizabeth Fraser, Sara Jay.

Is anyone alarmed by now?
The question is: Who is not alarmed and how come?

That was not enough. My heartbeat has not slowed down. Too sensitive, probably? I try the greatest hits from the Australian Crawl, title: More wharf (1998). Containing: Beautiful people, The boys light up, Downhearted, Hoochie Gucci Fiorucci Mama, Indisposed, Things don't seem, Errol, Oh not you again, Lakeside, Shutdown, Daughters of the Northern Coast, Reckless, White limbo, Two can play, Trouble Spot Rock, Always The Way, Unpublished Critics

Now I hope for your sake, that you have Spotify or the same cd's somewhere. Otherwise, it could become difficult following me. I'll try.....I will do my best, as ever.

This helps. I am calmed down.
My Peers in Amsterdam seem to have had a 'super' excursion through Amsterdam, yesterday. Seen New things! One of them is on his way to Vienna, is in Vienna now! I have never been to Vienna, I am not sure I want to. Vienna is supposed to have the best organised and the busiest Airport of Europe. I read that in an article written by Planners, planning scientists (European Planning Studies, a quarterly published magazine, finances by the European Union) when I was lecturing European
Planning from 1997-2000 to groups of International students, mainly students Architecture from
somewhere in Europe.
I went skiing a lot in Austria, though, with my adventurous parents and with a former female peergroup at TU Delft University, from 1968-1987. Now I think of skiing as a luxury problem. My nieces ( the daughters of my sister) ask me every year, why are you not coming along! ( Skiing with the family they mean, it has become a family tradition, initiated by my father once. Also a hardworking, dominant family man, respecting the tradition invented by himself and wanting everybody Else in the family to do the same. Well, so much about the desires of a father in the Netherlands.  Every year I make up a new answer, probably to make them ( the nieces) understand me or just to be polite, for nobody else ask me anything. To make my father understand is a mission without succes, I gave up a long time ago. I very wise thing to do, according to myself. Was too frustating. To penetrate, to go through, popular said 'Men are from Mars' or , recently, 'Men and women from Mars' is not my style, my way of living my life, I walk circles, like a polar bear, I wrote about that before, obviously I am more an northern arctic person). I love the white and frozen. But, I
admit, I am fracking the ice since I am in the middle of the so called lifecrises. I am even starting to like men. Wonder why? It has to do with this history thing, must be.

The United Dutch Councellors. I did a check on the 'pre- advice 2015', acting on nr. 1 of my previous
Resourceful thinking products ( previous blog). How did I check it?

I googled ' pre advies  2015 '. ( sorry, is in Dutch, had to Google in Dutch, I'll translate later)

The full title of the pre advice is:
' Pre advies Jaarvergadering 2015   NJV. De pre adviseurs zijn mevrouw Mr. Dr. R.H. de Bock, de heer prof. dr. R.A.J. van Gestel, de heer mr. dr. P.J.P.M. van Lochem.
( Pre advice Annual meeting 2015. United Dutch Councellors)
The theme of the annual meeting was: ' Kwaliteit als keuze; kwaliteits ( beoordeling) van wetgeving, rechtspraak en rechtswetenschappelijk onderzoek
Detail text, on the side: NJV prijs 2014 was honoured to prof.dr. Ernst (M.H.) Hirsch Balin ( former minister of the State/ nation the Netherlands)

The pre advices ( advices! , so there are more!) are available for not members ( NJV)

Link to  www.wolterskluwer.nl

What? How 'commercieel', why isn't this accessible for free? Mark! ( Rutte) , ( Now 'president' of the Netherlands, doing his second, or third term, I lost counting ( haha), did a PhD in history in Leiden)Why  do you not care for making very important information/ knowledge accessible for everybody, for free, well, at least in Europe! The trouble is probably, Mark still goes skiing every year. In Austria? In Switzerland? Or, Jet! Do I have to focus my hope on JetvBussemaker, minister of Education etc. In the Netherlands? She recently has organised a national question inventory, within six months every thing was organised! What a power. But why all these questions? I simple want all the information accessible for free. No more clouds! Sunshine! No more alarming Folkert J's. No more newspapers, no more journalists. What a relief! No more thinking, critical thinking, too critical thinking? I can do much worse...., but remember, it is thinking! Be aware, not alarmed, nothing to worry about, it is in
my nature, you are reading safely, aren't you? Or is something alarming you?)

Okay, I know, I get  distracted sometimes ( the Australian crawls are still playing). Distracted thinking?

I strolled on, on the internet, holding the I- pad  I am using quietly in my left hand, typing with the pointing finger of my right hand ( details are necessary). To realise what I am doing, factual doing, I mean. I thought maybe there was a pre advice in 2000. The start of the time demarcation of this research ( 1800-1810, 1900-1910, 2000-2010, information I have given before, you can see it as a service for the new readers, you have become with about forty now)

I saw the text:  0 products.

Would the United Dutch Architects/ Urbanists/ Planners/ Historians know about this? That you can sell your annual reports as products, by Kluwer, for about  €40?

I do all the typing in Dutch. But, suppose I am Simon Schama, British historian , still alive and kicking, trying to verify sources like this. How does he has to do this? How did he do the research, resulting in the book ' The embarrasment  of riches. An interpretation of Dutch culture in the golden age (1987). The book was published just the year I flew to London, and stsyed a year there, interrupting my architecture and design studies ( I was really fed up with this study). Why didn't I meet Simon then, or at least read this book. I could have started with studying history so much earlier. I could have learned to write history properly, so much earlier. I could have published so much more and made even more money. I almost feel sorry for myself. But no, that I do not think of as a good

thing to do. It is not good for me, I know. I was almost complaining, I almost started to hate myself.

Pre advice 2012 is available, ' Harmonisation of Insolvency law in Europe', ( United Rights for Civilians). Auteur: prof. mr. I. F. Fletcher, prof. mr. Bob Wessels.
' The European Parliament's resolution with recommendations to the European Commission on Insolvency proceedings in the context of EU company law of November 2011, calls for one of more legislative proposals 'relating to an EU corporate insolvency framework', including the harmonisation  of specific aspects of insolvency law. The central question in this Report s wether harmonisation is possible, and if so, in what form( form?!, not forms? No creative, no inventive, no pluralism thinking! MAS) and related to which topics. ( In English, did you notice?!)

Very interesting webpage     wolterskluwer.nl

I go to the next book:

All in Dutch, again, I'll translate later......

'Memo financiële planning - Wft/ Bgfo. De nieuwe financiële advieswereld. Auteur: Jan Aikens.
'De fundamentele wijziging van het beloningssysteem voor het intermediair is lang niet de enige wijziging in de Wft-regelgeving. In feite kan gesproken dat van het Besluit gedragstoezicht financiële  ondernemingen 'een geheel herziene versie' is verschenen ( is deze zin goed Nederlands? Volgens mij zijn ze ergens het woord 'worden' vergeten. Te snel getypt, wellicht?)
e- book. ( text on  coloured bar you can touch)

It becomes more and more interesting, when willI cross the 2010 'border'?

'Vijf jaar wet op het financieel toezicht'. Pre advies Vereniging voor financieel recht 2013. Serie vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut (?????? Never heard of it).  deel 118.
Auteur: prof. dr. Bart Joosen, mr. Rogier Raas.

Na de inwerkingtreding van de Wft op 1 januari 2007 (!!!!!!! bingo) is deze veelvuldig gewijzigd door Europese ontwikkelingen. De vraag rijst in hoeverre de Wft in zijn huidige vorm houdbaar en wenselijk is.
e- book

It becomes even more interesting.......going to the big catch

'Financieel toezicht in bestuursrecht en privaatrecht. Pre advies 2009. Vereniging voor Effectenrecht. Serie vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut.  deel 101. Mr. A. H. Scheltema, prof. Mr. M. Scheltema.    Preadvies Vereniging voor Effecten recht van juni 2009.
'Hoge actualiteitswaarde inzake de verhouding tussen publiekrecht en privaatrecht, met name vraagstukken rondom de sanctionering van de overtreding van gedragsvoorschriften (financiële sector).
Informatie + bestellen
geen e- book

Suppose, I buy all these books, as a citizen of Groningen, as an inhabitant of the Netherlands ( emphatical thinking), what can I do with this knowledge? How do I deal,with this information?

Fortunately for me there is another book on the list of this very webpage:
Title: ' Het hoe en wat van de Wft. Een praktische handleiding. Wegwijzers financieel advies  deel 17
Auteur: mr. Michiel Bouwman, M?J. Westerlaak
De wet op het financieel toezicht (Wft) is op 1 januari 2007 ingegaan. ( and in 2008 'we' in the Netherlands were supposed to be in a crisis, a financial crisis. How come, could you be thinking now! MAS). In deze wet zijn acht verschillende wetten opgegaan waarin eerder het toezicht op financiële ondernemingen werd geregeld.
Geen e- book

Source:   www.wolterskluwer.nl    WoltersKluwerShop. Boeken, vakbladen, opleidingen en software voor professionals.

Question: Were'nt 'we' 'all' alarmed at 11 sept 2001? Two planes flew into the highest buildings containing the most professionals in the field of finance. I was glad Inhad 'doen New York three times. No more. Still, friends of mine go to New York for fun. Challenging, calculating or reckless, not realising, not knowing.
Well, you never know, will you?

Alarmed! What is alarming us?
That's why I sleep very well at night. I don't have to fly to New York, no more. No more big apples. I rather eat big fishes. And the Dutch are good fishingpeople. I am safe here. Now, I work on the fact that I like the Dutch going to love my mind. And the rest of the world, as you understand.

I am in a plane.......vocal Curt Cobain......pop group Nirvana......album 'Nevermind'........1991..........!

O, and what does this have to do with ' Bad, ugly, the plants, cities, Europe'?

I give you one clue: the songtext of the second song in the album 'Nevermind', In Bloom.

And maybe, just maybe, I will type this songtext tomorrow, for your eyes only, on this very spot.
Just maybe. Do you know when you are going to die?

Sleep tight, kiss kiss, big hug.

maandag 22 juni 2015

PhD process The pre-advice of councelor R. de Bock, does it exist?

In one of the previous blogs, I introduced the writings of a journalist/correspondent on a so- called 'pre-advice', apparently written by councelor de Bock, with the title:' Grip op kwaliteit' ( Grasping quality), published or reviewed in 'magazine for Dutch lawyers', this year I guess, 2015. Month unknown

How do I get to know this 'pre-advice' exists and contains that what Folkert J. has reacted upon.
(Resourceful thinking)
1. Google, but to know for sure. I have to ask de Bock about it
2. Try to get a hardcopy, by asking Gerben ( law officer, city of Groningen , father of Christian, friend of Luuk, lives two blocks away) ?
3. Go to the library, public library? University library, I only have acces to the VU library, long distance.....
4. Ask one of ' Elmers' lawyers?
5 mail Folkert Jensma? at T @folkertjensma.nl

I'll try 1 first.

zaterdag 20 juni 2015

PhD process Probable facts on contemporary Dutch law

Newspaper article/ column ' De rechtsstaat' ( the State of law, the nation of law) , written by Folkert Jensma. Title: Goede rechters en dan toch matige rechtspraak ( Good judges, mediocre law practice)

I analysed the column on probably factual information :

-Ruth de Bock is a judge/ counselor in the city of Amsterdam
-Ruth de Bock wrote a 'pre-advice' with the title:' Grip op kwaliteit' ( Grasping quality)
-Targetgroup for writing was: United Dutch lawyers.
-The pre-advice is reviewed in 'magazine for Dutch lawyers'
-Besides six times 'Judges should....' and two times 'Judges should not....', de Bock writes about three notions . First the notion of ' The unguarded field of quality', secondly, the notion of 'Judges do not have a consensus  on the understanding of  'good justice' ( four focusses are distinguished: 1. Temporality, 2. Professionality, 3. Autonomy, 4. 'Europe'. Third notion: impartial and independent judges  are no guarantee for 'good quality' of jurisdiction.

Reasons/ arguments are given:
1. The company culture can be characterized as hiërarchical, causing difficulties with testing existing practises again
2. About the education of judges
3. Knowledge building in jurisdiction has some weak spots
4. Courts of justice only manage mediocre complex cases, not the larger nor the minor ones.

Do I show, noting this, my detailed demarcation of the political, the law? Most judges work in cities, so I heard. Professionals, taking part in making city refubishments and city extensions?

vrijdag 19 juni 2015

PhD process Contemporary news on law in the Netherlands

Sorry, I had to go to a party........ I'll be back.

Memory, speak!

Two items of importance for my phd not mentioned in previous blog.
( It really helps to go out, drink a Grolsch and a Wartmeister, eat some bread, talk to a young military person about the quality or not quality of contemporary military buildings in the Netherlands ( kwalijk, he said, literally baddeadbody) see my son doing very adventurous Tarzan acts in the Woods and in the end fall asleep).

Elmer talked about his officebuilding, a former villa of a citizens of Groningen, built in the seventeenth century, with money this person has gained in the Middle -East. He talked about his neighbours, the philosophers. They need a garden, according to Elmer, he sees them ( the philosophers) outside, in deep thoughts.
Elmer talked about the fire of 1906. The fire that burned down the main Academy building of Groningen, erected according some 'classical' architecture principles. In 1909 a brand new building was realised. Complete other style, almost same frontal measurements ( length and heights) , new item: the tower, on the left side, in the back, almost in the shadow.
Elmer talked about the moving plans for the next four years. They ( the University) has bought the public library of Groningen (really!). This building is going to made fit to the Law faculty (!). The faculty of literature is out of date (built in the 1980s), too many small officerooms. This building is going into refubishment, so it will contain only large lecturers rooms in the near future. The
University library building is going to be extended. Within four years, this building will contain
fivehundred more studyspaces for students.
He shared this information with us, while we were standing on a very highly situated balcony, the
round balcony of the University tower. Going up into this tower is a realtime experience, it reminded
me of films where exiting things happen in lighttowers, in the middle of the night

The University as autonomous client, being the initiator and financier for quite a few buildings in the city centre,  image important buildings, use important buildings. Sounding quite market common. You ask (the students), we build ( the University board).
Or does it sound promising? We ( University board) like you ( students), so we are going to do all what is in our power to make your studylife as comfortable as possible ( virtuous or wicked thinking, inspired by F. Nietzsche, 'Beyond good and evil', translated by Howell. 1990, part seven, Our virtues)

Back to the adress of Oude Boteringestraat 22. Elmer's office is on the ground floor,  the lawyers of the University occupy the first floor. On the top floor the p.r. People are working. Wonder why Elmer was delighted to show us around.....

And would it be a coincidence that the eldest daughter of Elmer and Denise studied at the University
of Groningen, doing pharmacy, joining the honours group, decorated with cum laude, pretty soon, is the expectation? ( light distrusting thinking)

I am so glad I don't work in this old spaces. Please, give me something new. Something concrete and glass, clouds and air, sunlight and birds.

PhD process 90 minutes with Elmer Sterken

I will finish the weekend news on contemporary law in the Netherlands. I Promise you. The question now is, when? Since I am not a planner. Because I am trying the scholarly thing, anno 2015 ( that is my excuse, later, I will discuss the Thing thinking, something of today, something I do and something others did in the past)

Today, this morning, I am invited, I was invited, ( factual writing), at Oude Boteringestraat 44, city of Groningen, the Netherlands. The meeting was arranged by Dirk Pranger, ecologist and friend, former studyfriend of Elmer. We were very friendly to each other. Elmer is a very nice person. I first met him when I was in training, atlethics, cross and ten kilometer. Although I did run half a marathon once. That was one time life experience. I did it within nineteen minutes. And we finished up eating applepie with Elmer and Denise in their beautiful old artdeco like house in Apeldoorn. But no more extreem running, thank you. I do jogging 'on souplesse' now, 15 minutes.

Why did I go there? Curiosity, opportunity. We were promised a universitybuilding tour. Always nice, to roam around in buildings which are not quite accessible in daily life. And you know, while walking around, talking about things happen. So, I got to know some things, which could become of interest, someday.

Elmer likes to tell nice stories. No great stories though. You won't hear the great stories of Groningen from him. Merely anekdotes. He himself has s history in econometrics, and, as I learned today, he has an opinion towards historians. I heard him say ' They try to be complete' and ' they write so many words, the books are so thick' and ' footnotes, pages and pages with footnotes, who is interested in that?'. Karel van Berkel? Karel is Karel.

And, Elmer and I had a discussion about 'the public', ' science' and communication. Jet, PABO mama's and the feeling of penetration. It reminded me of the ' protection  reflex', something I sense
by certain people and about which has been written about in history. Elmer had the strong opinion that the UNIVERSITY is capable of making up all the big questions themselves. No need for public questions. Eleventhousand questions! Organised by the team of Jet (Bussemaker, minister of Education). ViVE l' Autonomous Uni!

Off course I brought up the 'green' University building for biology, the Linneus building. A few years ago realised on the campusground of the University. That is not green, Elmer replies, nothing to do with energy. Energy? I mean, the plants, factual green. O, well. Then I tried to bring the conversation on some more international level, informing him about all the biology University buildings in Europe and that these buildings are all situated in plant rich surroundings.  He was obviously more content
with the stories he could tell about the old universitybuildings and their founders in the citycentre
than the newer buildings on the universitycampus and Henky P. End of  discussion. Next topic...

Definitely a familyman, not a man of dreams. I don't have dreams as well. I talk easy, I have Mus  (male for Muze). Very nice information to hear was that  Elmer will be here and in his current position in January 2017. And the RUG seems to have loads and loads of cash flow...... But then I seem to have become acquainted with my Peers here. The question is, do I want that. And, who are they? Till now I have two Peers in Belgium and ten Peers in Amsterdam. Two I have never seen nor met, the ten in Amsterdam I meet once or twice a year. It is in my psychological profile as well. That I swop Peers every now and then ( high intelligente and sensitivity profile). Or are there other mores for econometrists and ecologists than for historians? Adapting to University moresses...........I don 't even know what they are, these mores. I heard about the saying: learning a mores/ een lesje leren, je mores leren. Sounds rather agressive, threathening. Not my cup of tea.

Is Elmer Sterken a burger/ burgher/ burgervader... Did Simon Schama ( British historian) already write about him  in the context of Dutch culture, situated three hundred years earlier ( book: The embarresment of Richness. . Did Jan Steen paint him and his (sick) daughter in the painting ' the burger of Delft and his daughter' (1655). Did Lou reed sing about it on his album/ cd 'Berlin', fortunate man.....poor man.....
Burgers en buitenlui (citypeople/civilians/insiders and  countryfolk/ outsiders).......to be continued.

donderdag 18 juni 2015

PhD process Weekend news about contemporary law in the Netherlands

Journalists and correspondents are becoming, no, are already, are now, the eyes and ears of historians. Well, historians like me. You never walk alone..........

A compliment! Well done, NRC team! ( news about the law and history, finances and photographs).Volkskrant team!( news about parties and politics, money,  festivals, popular items, photographs).

Folkert Jensma took the effort to write me ( factual writing, I do not know who 'us' is) about good judges and mediocre law practice ( context: the State, the Nation, the Netherlands). He adresses his piece of text to the 'burgers' ( burger), the civilian. Would that include the hardworking 'Nederlander' ( the former 'Volk', the 'public', the professional, the pensionado's, immigrants, children (Luuk has started to read the newspapers, since he is learning to read at school), nomads, journalists themselves?

Anyway, the 'burger' should be alarmed, he writes. Did anyone Twitter on his piece d'alarme this weekend? Is the 'burger ' not alarmed already? Did he do a zero - measurement? Dies gecreosoteerd believed the 'burger' sleeps well and sufficiënt hours? Doesn't he read the newspapers? The 'burger' seems to swallow millions and millions of sleeping pills. These pills are produced somewhere, doesn't he know. Does he sleeps well? He looks like it. You never know.....
Is he a 'l'homme moyen' ? ( you remember, I blogged about that in a previous blog...). Is the 'burger' a l'homme moyen', or ( now I am  going to sprawl some Mijnske knowledge ) is he a 'homme vraiment fort' (said by André Gide, source: H.A Gomperts, Jagen om te leven, chapter E. du Perron, 1948, p.153) or is he a 'free woman' ( Doris Lessing, Het gouden boek (The golden notebook), 1988, p. 24) or is he a 'Dikke ik' ( Volksktprant magazine, weekend 13-14June 2015) or does wants to be a knight because it is the day of the 'juffen' today?( Luuk attends a primary school following the 'Dalton' education principles, American based education system, adapted to Dutch education laws). It is becoming rather complicated now.
Maybe, and I am interpreting now, just maybe, he ( Folkert Jensma, correspondent, columnist) meant a person with rights according to all Dutch laws. And maybe, just very maybe, he meant a person with the two main rights according to the Magna Carta ( anno 1215).
I have only started......
When I take a good look at the portret photo printed above the text Folkert Jensma seems to have written, (First things first, from hearsay and printed in the book ' The raw shark texts, writer: Steven Hall, 2007, dedicated to Stanley Hall, a gentleman and a scholar ),  resembles a kind of policeman to me, but also a shortsighted man, because of his glasses. He is looking at me in a very frontal pose, his eyes staring above his glasses. He doesn't have long hair, but he seems old enough to have been a hippie. Definitely not a 'contemporary hipster'. Also a bit of a head of a school from past times, trying to explain to you, with a calm and friendly voice that you shouln't have spent your time outside the school. Because of the Education law, you are obliged to spent your time in the school. Would the 'burger' dress up for Folkert the columnist as well, to celebrate a 'Folky' day? And how would the
'burger' look like then? How could I recognize the 'burger'. Has somebody characterized the 'burger'?Is the 'burger' defined, characterized in the Civilian Book of Laws? And is the 'burger' defined and
characterized the same way in every nation of Europe?  Are , we, Europeans, all 'burgers'. What about the  'Berliner' then. Or ' Charlie H.' Do they only have rights as a 'burger'? And what about the mayors of cities, are they still 'burger' or, as they are named ' father ( should also be Mother, now, old school language) of the burger', or 'burgermeester' (burgerjuf), meaning 'master of burger', 'mistress of the burger'.
Some people in the Netherlands are talking about living as it is a life long learning. One never stops learning. In that case, the nation is a school, the prime minister is the headmaster. In the USA the futurous headmaster and headmistress are running for president now. The 'burgers' of the USA are going to have the possibility to choose whether they are going to celebrate ' Folky' day  or 'Juffen' day.( logical thinking). The 'burger' of China, commonly named the 'Han Chinese', what about it. What are they able to celebrate? Does it have a choice? The 'burger' of Russia celebraties 'Poetin' day, there is no doubt about that ( must be sure of something thinking).

Do you understand some persons who want to understand me?


1. I am so glad I don't live in the USA. I am really happy with the team of correspondents, delivering me news every day.
2. I do sleep very well at night.


woensdag 17 juni 2015

PhD process So much news now

3rd June (2015)
Senators of the First Chamber, the Netherlands, only receive  laws and other pieces on their iPad.
8 June
The court in the North of the Netherlands opens Chamber for earthquake cases. Article by Correspondent Wubby Luyendijk. Quote: ' It seems like the Civilian Book of Law has no say in Groningen', by Fokko Oldenhuis, professor Religion&Rights.

13&14 June
-The big story. Napoleon Bonaparte, entiteld as a self made man, autodidact, married with Marie Antoinette in 1810. Journalist/ correspondent Peter Vermaas.
-Good judges. By Folkert Jensma.....
-In Europe. By Caroline de Gruyter (from Vienna) About Cameron, reform, European Agenda, negotiations. The UK sees Europe as a lot of market and very little politics. Cameron was 'on' from 2006.
16 June 2015, articles
-The big story. Magna carta, a law piece of perkament, originated in 1225, written by 'Jan without Land', is now one of the most important documents on planet Earth. On the perkament is inreed a practical soluties for a political problem. Three quater of the perkament is occupied with text, propositie that each individual should be protected against  at random punishing ( bestraffing) and that nobody can denied acces to justice. Earlier this year, on a meeting concerning the Magna carta, David Starkey (historian) tells the audience: 'It was a very British agreement. Two parties agreed on something and then shook hands'. Journalist Titia Ketelaar. Typical British? I saw two men shaking hands on a painting by the Chirico, a painter, highly inspired  by Ancient Greek and roman culture. I
saw two men shaking hands on a cd cover of Pink Floyd (Wish you were here, 1975). Sometimes, I
really begin to question the worldwisdom (wereldwijsheid) of my collegues. Or are it just the British? And, allright, you can startvto question my English
- The colt (the gun that won the west) has problems
- Researcher shows: Chimps put plants into their hair, perhaps to embellish themselves ( What did Ceasar ( Roman Emperor) do in his hair? I am questioning now)
- the North  of the Netherlands (het Noorden) is called Terra Incognita, by the ombudsman Sjoerd de Jong. He writes about the map of pop festivals, this summer in the Netherlands, on which no pop festival in 'The North' is mentioned. Was there a festival map in 2000? In 2010?
- Fracken, a technical drill method, has been applied about a hundred times in the Netherlands, between 1995-2015. The technical drill method is not without risks. It does cause earthquakes and poisoning of groundwater ( in the Netherlands a source for drinking water). The NAM, originally a Dutch based company, now a joint-venture of Shell and ExxonMobil, is still actively using this technology and has plans to continue fracking, especially in the North of the Netherlands.

PhD process Am I going to make it?

When did I start blogging the PhD process?
How many words have a typed since then?


I'll be back in a .......

From the 4th of June till now I wrote twelve blogs, 2048 words.
I started  on 25th of April, I wrote 28 blogs.

I started reading the blogs in staed of counting, after the blog of the third of June. Why isnT there a word count for blogs? Mark&team, work to do!

Lets say I approximately wrote 4100 words.
 80 000 - 4 000 = 76 000 words to go
Approximately 200 words / day makes 380 days.

I would like to be finished on the 1st of January 2017.
Then I have 540 days left.
Am I going to make it?

maandag 15 juni 2015

PhD process. Digestion

It took me some days off. I can say now, I have digested the mental dinner. Thanks to the sewage system, no terrible smell is remaining. One guest came invited, how could I have forgotten this? I am not quite myself these days. Or am I becoming a better me? The cheese platter, le plateau des fromages, het kaasplankje. Assorti Europeene.

Where was I?  History, facts and matter. And questions, bien sur.

One milliard people on planet Earth(2)
Laws? Time of Napoleon in the Netherlands, no not the Netherlands, the Republic of Low lands. Lowlands? Isn't that a pop festival, now?
Algeae and Trees in the Republic of LL, how many?...( a tree is a plant, the 'lowest is the Algeae, the Tree is the 'highest' plant, according to the system of Linneus)

1901. De gezondheidswet wordt uitgevaardigd in NL.  Uit: Koos Bosma, 'Ruimte voor een nieuwe tijd: vormgeving van de Nederlands regio 1900-1940', 1993, p.74

2000. Five milliard people, about ? percent lives in or around cities
2000. Celebrating 'boomplantdag', since about thirty years ( I have to check the exact amount of years)
2000. The Netherlands counts..... cityparks with a total of .....m2, ..national parks in total.....m2, not counted citygardens with a total of.....m2
2000. Ten years of Natuurbeleidsplan, (1), p.661
2001. Publicatie 'Vijfde nota over de Ruimtelijke ordening', ministerie VROM, (1) p.664
2005. Publicatie 'nota Ruimte', ministerie VROM,  (1), p.664
2010. Six milliard people, about thirty percent lives in cities, on planet Earth

(2015. Seven milliard people, fifty percent lives in cities, 'we' are nomads, farmers and citizens (2). What about the other fifty percent, the village people?. Mr. Vink is a professional, he thinks in big lines and numbers. He writes newspaper articles and books, blogs also? Not checked. He is a user of the word 'progress'. Why doesn't he uses the word 'process'  or 'more'? He did not  'time' his idea of Antropoceen. Twentythousand year? A geological time demarcation. Geologists, another set of professionals, probably also living in cities.........What do you know about the 'Carbon', a geologists name for a certain time in the past, duration: twentythousand years. I have seen nice visualizations on Internet. The visualists/ graphic designers have used a lot of the colour green in making the 'Carbon' visible for me. Oh, another professional. Living in the city?

(1). Bouwen in Nederland, 2007. Editors Koos Bosma, Aart Mekking, Koen Ottenheym, Auke van
der Woud
(2) Jaffe Vink, NRC weekend 13-14 juni 2015

What do I need more?

Had European law making has anything to do with this?
What do Diane le Beausaq, Heinrich Heine and Napoleon Bonaparte have to do with this?
Descriptions of professional context
Maps! (Air) photographs.
Verify dates on relevant laws. More relevant laws?

Some news (2015):
Architect's office challenges the city of Emmen in court for not paying the bills. (Case: The professional versus the city).


vrijdag 12 juni 2015

PhD process Kyoto for fun


Where does this name remind you of?


Well, here is the story by Lesley Downer schortened by me. Why didn't JJ Norwich by editing the book Great cities...' choose a Japanese historian? To some questions one never get an answer.
(I am allowed to copy ten percent, if I am right. The text contains 1055 words, excluding a quote)

The quote.
When you look out over the present Kyoto from the west gate of Kiyomizu temple, you see such long crowded rows of white-walled storehouses that in summer, in the early sunlight, the city sparkles as if on a snowy morning. (Ihara Saikaku, 1686)

How would, recently, a polar bear react to this? Would she be attracted, be melting? Stop walking circles around the Northpole?

And then Lesley starts writing.
For the most of its thousand-year history, the city we (we?) know (know?) as Kyoto was called Miyako- the Capital. Kyoto was founded in 794 by Emperor Kammu, who chose for his new capital a location which fitted the rules of geomancy ( rules of geomancy?) : a broad bowl-shaped valley surrounded by tree-clad hills, bordered by sparkling rivers to east and west. He named it Heian- kyo - the capital of peace and tranquility. Poets called it the city of purple hills and crystal streams.

This jewellike civilization left one remarkable monument, the world first novel. 'The tale of Genji', written by a court lady in the 11th century, which depicts the lives and loves of those pampered courtiers.

Warlords- flames-battle- shogun- ruler of Japan- Tokyo- flowering- golden- building programme-
extravagante- tea ceremony- cherrywood- garden- the whole world in minitiature- peace- pleasure
quarters-bad places- glamour- carnival- populous- sacred- cultural heart- no American bombings-new war- concrete (the material)- railway station

I wonder, do Asenenmoto, Emzoe and Greeningen (proposed new exotic names for Assen, Emmen and Groningen) had or have a Saikaku, a du Perron, Marsman or Venusvrouw? Or maybe a yet unknown Chinese person who tells tales. A person like Ai Wei Wei. Would this name mean ' Och arme wij'? , 'Oh, we pour souls!', in Chinese? Is that what we have in common?

Is this allowed for a young historian? A juvenile. Or is the little bird imagining too much?


PhD process The seven course 'dinner', historically spoken

Hors d'oevre.                        David Hume / A treatise on human nature

Le salat                                 Gerrie Andela, Koos Bosma / Green urban design-planning            

Bubbles                                 Wislawa Szymborska / This is enough

Fish                                        Koos Bosma / NL an urban field

Meat                                       Meatloaf

Plateau du fromage                Jacob / Virginia Woolf

Something sweet and fresh    Sabrina

donderdag 11 juni 2015

PhD process Mental food

Deep forest III. Comparsa ( music). To suit my black heart. The real reason why I named my son Luuk? Lucky Luke, Lucy without y. Something completely new. I love it.

Mental breakfast.

Arguments for using the word 'green' in relation to the word 'space' and or 'building'

1. The term 'green space' is sufficiently vague to deal with the diversity
2. I use it all the time, when I tell people about my research, it is practical/ efficiënt
3. It sounds good
4. It makes people curious, which green do you mean? It is easily to explain.

What to do in writing History, where writing factual is suppose to be the standard? ( inventive thinking). Maybe with this subject it is more appropriate to show the maps, pictured, images first, then guide the readers through this 'material' and thirdly, write about the all the other facts which are invisible.

Mental coffee upside down ( side kick, something I like you to think about)

' If one is to view the world very sharply, 'on the egde' so to say. Would the world still be fitting?

Mental lunch .

Deep forest. Worldmix.
1200 hours. Appointment with Philip Echers, publishing house for special books. A cocreation with Bernd Eilts, photographer/artist.
If anyone had photographed rosés, then Bernd. I dare to compare his work with Karl Blosfeldt. Completely other 'caliber' though.

Shall I wear my bright green 'Frans Molenaar' dress or my textured greenwhite Chanel dress? It is summertime.......White sneakers are IT this year. I chose the Dutch style. I have to bike, you see. Makes the female historian uniform for the 21st century complete.

The meeting was a succes. It is going to happen. We celebrated with specials teas, chocolate and carrot cake. After saying goodbye I found myself lying in the grass the whole sunny afternoon, thinking about with whom I wanted to have 'dinner' with. A mental dinner to remember. For the sake of History. A five course dinner, of course.

woensdag 10 juni 2015

PhD process Inventory

1. Which 'green' spaces do exist in cities, Europe?
2. Which 'green' spaces exist according to a typology system?

To start with question 2.
On page 23, ' The European city and green space. London, Stockholm, Helsinki and St. Petersburg, 1850-2000, ed. P. Clark, 2006, the figure ' preliminairy typology of green spaces in the four cities' has been printed. The figure shows a distinction between natural green space and planned green space, along the vertical bar.

 -What is natural and what is planned still has the status of 'debate'/ discussion/ discours-

Time demarcation between 1850 -1990 , patterned with seven times 20 years, along the horizontal bar.

Although the figure suggests eightteen types. According to me, nine types can be distinguished: forest, greenery, common, park, cemetary, garden, ground, cityfarm and marina.( marina? Can be left out, I think )
Seven variations on the park type are typed down, knowing: people's park, major park, local park, park of culture and recreation, victory park, forest park and national urban park.
Five variations of the garden type are typed down, knowing: hospital garden, planned garden, school garden, company garden, allotment garden.

Or is it a case of name- giving? Timebased name - giving?

And why are guerillagarden, public garden, private garden, roofgarden, vertical garden, university garden, campusground, dog ground, tiergarten, backyard, vegetable garden, balcony garden, herbgarden, flowergarden, museumgarden, flowerbeds, green spot, grass zones, 'grotto' (a building covered with plants), treestreet or treelane not included?

Is it what P. Clark notices: .....and almost no attempt to relate different ideas and initiatives together  to provide a coherent discussion of the evolution of urban green space as a whole, whether from a national or  comparative perspective. 'The European city and green space', ed. P. Clark, 2006, p.6

Although I do not believe in 'evolution', in  same book P. Clark  warns us on page 8, writing:'Even the basic concepts of 'urban space', 'urban nature', 'urban culture', 'public space', or 'green space' are not exactly the same in all cities.'

As a warming up for the figure twentytwo pages of text are produced, containing a lot of information.
In other fields an infographic can be created, based on such a quantitaty of information. Maybe this is an idea for doing history as well and for sharing it with you on this blog. I am not going to write the 22 pages down here, as you will understand.

Shoot media makes graphically nice infographics. Shall I ask them?

O,oh. What a coincidence! 'Terrible' Maarten has adopted this idea, earlier than me! Smart a......(just joking)

In the meantime I will read again, for my personal well being, in 'Hoe erger h hoe beter', by Jeffrey Wijnberg, 2013. Because I like the comics by Peter van Straten about Sigmund, so much. My favoriet: chapter four, 'Je hoeft je niet slecht te voelen'. Bye.

vrijdag 5 juni 2015

PhD process. An overview and new questions

After rewriting some words in previous blogs ( I have to edit myself, sometimes)

Where do I stand now, researchly spoken?

Title: Bad, ugly, plants (green), cities, Europe
Subject: The professionals
Field: History
Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.E. Bosma, VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Time demarcation: 1800-1810, 1900-1910, 2000-2010
Space demarcation: City of Assen, city of Emmen, city of Groningen, the Netherlands, Europe.
Space demarcation, detailed: outdoor space

PhD research in the Netherlands, in the field of History is typed as quality research.
Main aim in historical research is to come to a better understanding of the subject.
Historical method: literature, interviews and sources.
Research focus on: the political, the spatial and the acoustical
Research slipstreaming: the visual, the biological, the economical.
Core business in History: it is all about the facts
Writing style: factual writing

Yes, you did notice it right. Where does the acoustical come from? Wasn't it the linguistic? Well, the linguistic you can read yourself in time and it is too close to fantasy, to theory. The acoustical is happening in real time, outdoor-wedstrijd, in the streets. It is factual. Sounds, music, exist in space.
Thereby, I am very sound sensitive, so, in a way, it is something I notice all the time. To make this
research even more interesting for me, so I can fulfill it, two and a half more years. The acoustical is an important 'ingrediënt' to keep 'eating'.

Main Question :
How come plants (green) and cities are becoming more and more popular these days?
How come green gets so much attention in the city, these days?
How come that it looks like green get so much attention in the city, these days?
How come the city is not green enough already?

 Now the inventory can start.

1. Definitions, characteristics, personalities, choice of articles, searching for maps, acts

More questions........

Which lawyers, political persons wrote about bad and or ugly between 1800 and 1810, 1900 and 1910, 2000 and 2010, in Europe?

Probably some biologists have written about plants and given it a definition. Literature

Probably some urban historians have written about cities and making cities and tried to formulate definitions. Literature

The word 'professional', how do I get to know definitions on this word? Mmmmmm. No idea, yet. Sociology?

donderdag 4 juni 2015

PhD process Learning doing history by reading

Sunshine in the city, I am wearing red today. White sneakers. Very sporty. Luuk and I won the cycle battle 'Who is first at school'? Big smile of a six year old boy. Energy!

The notes, I continue.( for details about the book etc, see previous blog)

7. Valckenier Kips pleaded for a city plan, organised according the system of three angles ( threecorners?, driehoek)......... The engineer had to design the city neighbourhoods and the roads. The architect had to embellish this plan. The car and bicycle were not present. The idea was to introduce the electric tram and the railway, connecting spatial, regularly and hygienic dwellings for the worker and his family.......110
110. Valckenier Kips, 1894, 292
( in an earlier note, the Valckenier Kips references, refer to a set of articles in a newspaper)

Intermezzo. In the newspaper of yesterday, the 3rd of May 2015, NRC, an article about Rijkswaterstaat ( National Waternation, the most powerful organistaion in NL in the field of space)
Headline: Hoe ga je hier niet failliet aan! (How can one not go bankrupt on this!)
2015 The big building compagnies in NL versus Rijkswaterstaat. Three points of complain: the projects are too big, the projects are too risky, the cooperation doesn't go smoothly.

Daily context: FIFA! FBI , the 'corruptness' of Sepp Blatter and his rise ( three days ago) and fall ( yesterday)

Where is Valckenier Kips now? Why did he die? He should have been kept alive to live this day!( a
little ironic now, he had quite an biography in the 20st century)

I don't even know who is the topdog engineer of NL? The minister of Traffic is Mrs. Melany Schulz
......, was there a minister of Traffic in 1894 ?
Is this all a coincidence, now? So much to do, as an historian. Who else finds this interesting? Become an historian! If I can do it, why not you?

Back to the notes........

8. ....in 1908, the modern means of traffic, bicycle and tram,  were much more prominent
9. It is not that surprising that there were critical sounds about the not presentness of talent and skills among architects and engineers to accomplish a plan, according to the new laws and technical and esthetical regulations.
10. In the handbook 'Town planning in practice', 1909, Raymond Unwin advices to collect as much
information as possible about the local happenings. 123
123. Voor een opsomming van die kennis: Fockema Andreae, 1912, 37-38
11. The urban designer/urbanist/urban planner (stedenbouwkundige)  designs the traffic structure ( streets, corridors, canals, squares/plazas) and the 'dressing' of the city: the care for the appearence of the built environment (zoning, buildinglaw, heritage, regulations for advertising), streetgardening, small parks, large parks, connecting parks, works of art, streetfurniture. 125
125 Fockema Andreae, 1912, 66-67
12. .....modern urban thinking and designing gained influence between 1900 and 1945 in the big cities of Europe
13. Pastoral think patterns were introduced in the big cities, at least in some European countries.
14. This new person, ( l'homme moyen) lived in a new city or in a renewed historical city, representing the top of Creation: a concentrationnof culture and conditioned nature
15........ of facial importance.......

The Slow notes.
Now. Humen are seen as:
1. Social animal ( biologists, animal ecologist, scepticists)
2. As highest creature of The Creation ( Christianity)', 'believers'
3. A container full of emotions, the 'public' which is about almost everybody, except an elite
4. Greedy, obese, a worm never enough ( rupsje nooit genoeg)
5. a creative being ( Playing humen, Huizinga, Dutch historian)

Now, contemporary themes are, at least in Europe
The livable city
The green city / sustainable city
The science city / the city of talent
The world city/ metropole
City of talent
European city of culture ( a yearly phenomenon)
The Olympic city

What I read on the pages of the book 'Space for a new time' ( 1900-1940) is:
The esthetical city , de fraaie stad
The hygienic city
The civil engineered city
The city of knowledge
The social city
The peaceful city
The properous city
The international city/ world city
The cultural city

woensdag 3 juni 2015

PhD process Learning doing history by reading

After many blogs of writings by myself, I got a little fed up with it. For comforting myself, I start reading the writings of somebody else. Like the writings of professor dr. J.E.Bosma, who happens to be my promotor as well. As you will understand, he has written quite some books and articles. Since I have to limit myself, I indulge into his, according to me, most transcient writings with the title 'Ruimte voor een  nieuwe tijd: vormgeving van de Nederlandse regio 1900-1945. Published in 1993 by Nai publishers, NL. Last night I forgot about the time, reading chapter II De stad: pastoraal of sanitair oord: stedebouwkunde 1880-1915 and making notes in the book I purchased in 2013. It is my book now. Well. So far about possesion.
In English:
Booktitle 'Space for a new time: designing the Dutch region 1900-1945.
Chapter II The city: pastoral or hygienic place: urban design/urbanism/urban planning 1880-1915, p.42-83

I read the pages 70 till 83 over and over again, trying to extract words and information which could be useful, relevant for my research. Reading the hygienic city and the civil-engineered city. Historic writings are very hermetic, dense so to say. There is a lot of information in every sentence. So I warn you, when you ever start reading history, be alert. It all must be based on facts, you know. Good history, I am talking about. Uh, uh. The best book Bosma has written, according to me, is 'Schuilstad', published in 2006. It is available in American English as well. ' Shelter city'.
Back to 'Space for a new time'. I read it before, a year ago and I already made notes on the white left of the printed pages. How I make notes? In various ways. One way is I draw lines around certain words or combinations of words which I think of might become useful (thinking fast, Thinking, Fast and slow, D. Kahneman, 2011, winner of the Nobel prize 2002).  Ah, do I have you attention now?
After or in between making notes this way, I think about the content of the notes and the text in
general and now and then I write a text according to my own thoughts, on the subject (thinking slow,
Thinking, Fast and slow, D. Kahneman,  2011).

Which notes did I make? To really understand these notes, one needs to read the full text.

'Thinking, Fast' notes (original written in Dutch, translated in English by me)

The hygienic city

1.  a medical-biological imperitve
2.  on the social case.
3. The  hygiënists viewed upon the city as a fundamental dangerous place. The city improves illness
and physical torndowns, because '...there was a deprivation of almost all natural conditions necessary
for a healthy life.' 85
(85. Houwaart, 1991, 65)
4.  entered the politic arena.
5. - a health program-, - very influencial in time-, - the medical topographical-
6 - l'homme moyen-
7. A fictional person, human mediocre, became the so called objective norm for the knowledge about the individual, an econometric figure representing the entire population
8. In less than ten years, statistics has become the dominating factor in studying popular diseases
9. Being thirsty for econometric figure knowlegde in the Netherlands....
10. 1829 and beyond: population countings, 1847 first Statistic health yearbook is published, 1848 governmental Office for Statistics runs smoothly. 1850 The citycouncels were obliged to keep a population register.1866 A national (Dutch) medical topography, named ' Death atlas of the Netherlands' is published.1872 The encyclopedia 'Manual for public health regulation and the health
police' is published. 1879 The second national medical topography is published, over the years 1860-
1874. The encyclopedia was used as a 'bible' by hygiënists in the second half of the nineteenth century
11. The law on Medical State Supervision was activated in 1865, together with three other medical laws, it became the foundation for the health policy of the Dutch national government.
12. In 1901 the Law on Health, in Dutch ' de Gezondheidswet' is adopted in the Book of Laws, including hygienistic thinking.

The civil-engineering urban design/urbanism/urban planning ( in Dutch ' stedebouwkunde'
1. The natural approach .......... enrichests the city with the most beautiful boulevards. 101
(101. Nachenius, 1880, 48-49)
2.....the Prusian approach on authority. 103
(103. Valckenier Kips, 1905a. Idem, 1908a. Idem, 1909. Idem, 1916. Idem,1921. Idem, 1939)
3. ....explosive growth of urban development in Germany after 1870
4. .....demanded amounts of green ( plants etc)......in handbooks.
5. In 1908 Valckenier Kips formulated ........in detail the urban growth and design cases.....
6. .......V. Kips writes about the taskforce of engineers and architects. He Thinks that thesectaskforces
should be apart.

It is quite enough for today.

eight more 'Fast' notes to go, seven 'Slow' notes to go...... see you tomorrow, early in the morning.....

Don't forget my reading tips! ( I will go to a teachers rehab soon or maybe I don't)

and something Nietzsche wrote in 'The gay science', p.134 (it is too good to be true) ( I really like the writings of Nietzsche, I always have a good laugh, reading. Fortunately, nobody sees me then, you could start to like me, imagine!). Since seven weeks I do no more teaching. I quit, I am  now fully dedicating my thinkable and unthinkable life to the scholarly, a sort of science, but then , different.

305. Self control. -Those moral teachers who first and foremost order man to get himself into his own power, induce thereby a curious infirmity in him ( her! Friedrich, did you forget me! Oh, you didn't know me then, well, I forgive you, you  darling dummy) - namely, a constant sensitiveness  with reference to all natural strivings and inclinations, and as it were, a sort of itching. Whatever may henceforth drive him, draw him, allure or impel him, whether internally or externally - it always seems to this sensitive being as if his self-control were in danger: he is no longer at liberty to trust himself to any instinct, to any free flight, but stands constantly with defensive mien, armed against himself, with sharp distrustful eye, the eternal watcher of his stronghold, to which office he has appointed himself. Yes, he can be great in that position! But how unendurable he has now become to others, how difficult even for himself to bear, how impoverished and cut off from the finest accidents
of his soul! Yea, even from all further instruction! For we must be able to lose ourselves at times, if we want to learn something of what we have not in ourselves.

Amen (just kidding), love you.

dinsdag 2 juni 2015

PhD process casestudy city selection arguments scenario nine

I am starting a bit later today. When I woke up, I started to doubt my arguments. Again. Okay, first things first. I had breakfast, fruit, boiler water, two cups of coffee upside down. I paged through the newspapers of yesterday afternoon. I smiled looking at a comic of Fokke and Sukke. I scissored three articles for my archives. One about FIFA and talken of corruption, a painting made by Kama and Herr Seele, artists. Naar James Ensor, Oisterwijk eating sister (1882), now: Sepp Blatter eating football players. Second article, categorie science, about women in sport and their testosteron. I used to do a lot of sports, actually I started yesterday with jogging 'on souplesse' in preparaten for a personal goal, to start with atlethics. October this year, new season. Some condition is requires, I suppose. Third 'article', 'This week in 1981', On 31 May 1982 the library in Jaffina, Sri Lanka, was burnt out. More than 90.000 historical Books and documents, cultural heritage of the Tamils were lost. Hatred from Tamils versus Sinhalese was fed by this. Fortunately, I didn't have arguments to choose Sri Lanka for my thesis. After this I read in the book 'Verveling', Peter Toohey, 2012, translated by Peter Diderich. Peter Toohey has the Canadian nationality. A part of my family generation lives in Canada, the western part. That seems to be very Dutch. I realised, I am never bored. A creative mind is a joy for ever. Except in the company of certain people......
Now I am ready to continue blogging my arguments for choosing scenario nine. Writing down the arguments for the city of Emmen, I will follow the same sequence as I have set up for the arguments on the city of Assen. In the meanwhile, I am listening to 'Boulevard', the complete works by St. Germain. Precise year unknown yet, something end 1990, just before the year 2000

The city of Emmen is:

Remarkable, not ugly. The city of Emmen is a officially a place, not a city. At the same time, Emmen
has become a city and has remained a village (paradox). What to do with this in history?

Promise to become embellished by Utopolis, a cinema, and a theaterbuilding with a wild waving grass and moss (green) roof
Occupied by some socialists and a lot of CDA people (CDU f or German readers, don't know how to translate this for the British and American followers, C stands for Christianity)
Represented by Stenden University
Known internationally for its urban design history in the twentieth century, called 'open' and 'green'  city
Known for its zoo
A questionmark: Are there writers, poets, playwrights or rappers, political talents or highlights, famous urban designers, originated from or living in Emmen?
Spatially 'open' and 'green'
A city wherein the citizens mainly speak Dutch, English and or German. They try to learn Chinese.
A city with a central position/role in the region Zuidenveld and beyond
Having a sister-pact. In 2010 the city of Shanglao (China) was officially announced as sistercity

Main source nl.m.wikipedia.org

The city of Groningen

Is very nice
Is embellished before the year 2000 with a museum and after 2000 with a newly built University building for Life Sciences
Is occupied by socialists, people of the new creative class and a lot of higher educated people
Has a two universities, one since 400 years ago and one for the applied sciences
Is the capital of the province of Groningen
Is known for all the festivals and music events, i.e. Noorderzon and Noorderslag
Is spatially 'typical Dutch', maybe even 'typical European', whatever that is (provocative thinking)
Is occupied for more than fifty percent by students and 'professori'
Is a city where all sorts of languages are praktiseren
Is a city where poets, writers, playwrights and rappers, political talents and highlights originated. But urban designers? Landscapedesigners? Architects?
Has tied relationships with the so called Hanzecities
Has not yet a 'gas' problem

Sources: newspapers, all sorts

maandag 1 juni 2015

PhD process Casestudy city selection arguments scenario nine

A few days ago I made up ten scenario's (inventive thinking), for I am at the verge now. It is time to select the case studies. In my case, selecting the cities in Europe, which are relevant, interesting and feasable for me, now, in the field of history, to do research on.

Key words for selecting, considering scenario nine are: 1. diversity, 2.close to me (physically, not mentally or emotionally).

First selection: city of Assen, city of Emmen, city of Groningen. All cities in the Netherlands, specifically: in the North of the Netherlands.

The city of Assen is:
Very ugly
Embellished  recently with the most beautiful building of the Netherlands, a museum
Occupied by a majority of inhabitants,(except the moms, dads and children, who are everywhere) of the so called civil servant pensionado's
Not known for its very interesting history, before 1800
Not occupied by students or 'professori' ( I try some Italian sometimes, to make this process sound more fun).  With other words, there is no university
Known for its TT, a yearly event for everybody interested in (e-) motorbikes
Politically rather liberal
A questionmark: are there any writers, poets, playwrights or rappers, political talents or highlights, famous architects, originated from or living in Assen?
Spatially rather small, though interesting, because almost all spatial ingredients a city needs are present, except the characteristic of density ( two defined characteristics of urban dimension: density and proximity, P. Clark, the European city and green space, 2006, introduction p. XI)
A city wherein the inhabitants speak and or write Drents, Dutch and/or English