Targets / Aims: A practical scientific research, which will find answers for the questions: Which design instruments can be named in the field of Green Architecture? How are these instruments related to the culture of global green strategies?
Content: We can built very sustainable, but why do we not do it on a large scale? Do we need more ambition? Is building sustainable a paradox? We want it, but are we really sustainable ourselves? Is it a moralistic, an ethic, an esthetic, a language, a cultural, a knowledge or a practical problem? My research item: ‘Green Architecture’ is an approach to Sustainable Building, which has become progressively more prevalent in the last three decades. Also known as Sustainable Design, Green Architecture is a method of simpler design that minimises the impact of building on the environment. Once thought of as unconventional and non-standard, Green Architecture is quickly becoming accepted by both government regulatory agencies and the public across the world as a socially responsible and logical means of construction. The beginnings of today’s Green Architecture evolution can be traced back to the social awareness of the 1960s and innovative European design found in Scandinavia. From these origins, new construction techniques have led to the development of innovative materials and design concepts. Successfully designed green projects can involve an extensive array of factors, ranging from the resourceful use of materials, to careful consideration of function, climate and location. My perspective towards Green Architecture is that it still is a green spacial experiment. This, because one cannot speak of it as common accepted architectural approach yet. In the Netherlands 'Green Architecture" is better known as Green Building, a more technical approach. But recently 'Green Architecture' gets more and more attention. Now how does one create a green building with architectural value? Which architectural design instruments can one distinguish or analyse? Till now, one is aware of the existence, but one doesn't know exactly where one is talking about . At least, I do not know of any scientific research or publication yet that orderly and systematically approaches Green Architecture. References. Le Corbusier, forms and ideas’, William J.R. Curtis, Rizzoli international 1986 ‘Native American Architecture’, Peter Nabokov and Robert Easton, Oxford University press, New York 1989 'Modern Architecture', Kenneth Frampton, ‘De lat moet hoger’, inaugural lecture Mrs. Prof. Ir. A. van Hal, NyenrodeBusiness University, September 2011 The Green Zoning Envelope, PHD TU Delft, juni 2011 John Brennan, ‘Green architecture’ Style over content, Architectural Design, London, The Architecture of Ecology, 1997 John Farmer, ‘Towards a green audit’, Architectural Design, London, The Architecture of Ecology, 1997 The Green Apocalypse, Academy International Symposium The Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1996 S, M, L XL, Rem Koolhaas, ‘Think Big’, Belle van Zuylen,the new icon of Holland, a green tower, Frits van Dongen ( the Royal Buildingmaster) FORUM, magazine VNO-NCW, August 2008 GROW, finalyear exposition Minerva Academy (Art), Groningen, july 2011 Green, greener, greenest, symposium BNA, Laren 2011 O Mighty Green, visualisations van STAR, EME Architectuurfestival, Barcelona, 2011 'Green in the environment', Michael Meijer, (article in Dutch magazine) Healthy Building and Living, oktober 2011 Green and blue, the vision po Hiltrud Potz, ( article in Dutch magazine) Healthy Building and Living, okt 2011. 'Arcadia and Metropolis, the landscape experiment of the Enlightment', prof. Ing. Wouter Reh, PHD TU Delft Bouwkunde, 1996 'To Think, to Build, to Live', M.Heidegger, 1952 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', film by director Sergio Leone, 1966 "The right words for the global climate debate are lacking', Stephen Gardiner, philosopher, interview in Volkskrant 18 January 2012 by Martijn van Calmthout
Directions: To search for and name the essential values of ‘Green’, in our contemporary global culture. To gain as much knowledge as possible about Green Architecture, by doing global historical research from 1960 till 2012. To analyse about 15 representative projects. The analyses will show the designing instruments used in the selected projects. To interpret the analyses and to visualise the architectural designing instruments To describe how my analyses and interpretation are related to the values of global green culture |