donderdag 3 maart 2016


Danger at the edge of town. Common knowledge. Nineteenth thirties. Europe. The BIG question is, whether the Global nations should use this knowledge. And to whoms benefit. To whoms comfort! To whoms lives!! To whoms future!!!

Do you know where the white Woods are? Is it there where the white wolves hunt. Hunt on the Big Five. And protect? Protect only their own cups. Whom do they let close to them? The natural adventurer, photographer, filmer. The most contemporary eyes and ears of the whathappnd scientist. Who, of course, hardly leaves home and garden. Why? Why do you think? Because it is fully aware of the real dangers. Off course. Which are always closer than one thinks. Did you forgetting to smell anything today? Didn't you take a sniff of you iPAD? Laptop? Personal computerscreen? Does it already smell like you?

Tomorrow: whiterooms, sniffing in the city. The newest, hottest sewagecanals.

maandag 18 januari 2016

Cologne, sex and naked persons

Because I like it too much, typing numbers and listing lines. Today I am a whathappnd scientist alias Mijnske

1. Leonardo da Vinci draws the front of a naked man in a circle, now the symbol of Enlightment, a certain era on the continent of Europe
2. All sort of artists draw and paint declining women, sitting men, dressed and naked, 20th century, continents of Europe and U.S.A.
3. Other artists sculpture men and women, naked, all sorts of material, continent of Africa
4. Artist /architect loves and makes drawings of women, creates buildings like sculptures, 20st century, continent of South Americas
5. Artist and model perform sex in museumbuilding, 21st century, continent of Asia.
6. Artist performs naked in public space, 21st century, continent of Europe

Let me think, art, culture.

Who do not have acces to all sorts of art?

In which cultures?

How come?

zondag 17 januari 2016

Migrationflows in Europe, migratiebeleid in Europe, september 2015

Source: A newspaperarticle by Stephane Alonso, City of Brussel, NRC 22 September 2015.

I copy / translate a few lines:

1. It is like an EU diplomat says: the immigrants  are faster than European decision making.

2. According to OESO, we are facing now the largest immigrant flow since WO II.

3. Frans Timmermans, the 'second man' of the EU commission, speeched on Friday 18 September 2015, warned about the severe reproaches from ' Eastern boys and Western girls' and vice versa. ' There is a scarcity on knowledge about each others sensitivities, cultures and histories'.

4. The dynamics of the immigrantsflow has been radically changed in one week time!!!!

5. Immigrants do not register themselves, they want to go to Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands as fast as possible.

6. A prediction of a EU diplomat: It is going to be ugly.

7. On the half page large picture above the written text  is a photo printed, it shows only young men with muscles, very good swimmers.

Wow! September 2015. Unfortunately, hardly anybody reads or understand Dutch nor EU diplomatics. And hardly anybody knows Timmermans if you compare it with Hollande and Merkel. I was severely in mourning by that time, because the professor, the promotor for my PhD history just
had had an heartattack and died, 63 years old, broken. He wad the same age ad Vladimir Poetin, who is still alive and kicking.

What now? Shall I continue my PhD with the subject Green Architecture or...

I really think I have to change something, because all cultural effects because of WOII are not over. And I predict, not for a long long time. Because, we, the posterity, the descendants, are still very capable of humiliation. And also my father, 78 years old, all of a sudden, started to talk about his memories on WOII. He was between 4 and 8 years of age, as old as my son is now. He had to endure the Hungerwinter, 1943-1944, city of Haarlem, the Netherlands, as skinny as he was already. While the mayor of the city of Haarlem, then, during WOII was a NSB personality, not taking care of the
citizens of Haarlem, at least, not taking care, not managing their most basic needs.
That is really a fact.

And this is a Great Theme: Doing the Right Thing and Do It Now.
One of the things of doing the right thing is: not to be humiliating.

Read my lips: a big theme today, still is HUMILIATION

So, the question is: how to control our humiliating ways of saying and doing. With the civilized aim to respect one another in mind and action.

And I think I have the solution: we have to stop Seeing each other, in public life as man and woman, because this is a too biological approach, not a civilized approach. We have to start to see each other
as persons and this has to be written in newspapers as consequent as possible. Probably a new dresscode is one of the consequences as well! And that is going to be the toughest thing for black, yellow, red, braun and white persons who are used to wear suits.
Everybody has to go and wear a dress in public life. You know, dresscode! Think first, please, before opening your mouth or start moving your fingers impulsively on one or other machine!

What a golden opportunity for the Vetements industry! Abandon all suits and ties, introduce the most comfortable dresses for going public.

Freedom of body mobility for all! What a brilliant idea! I can picture it all in my head.

Can you?

And off course, do not through your suit away, that would be such a waste, wear your suit at home, because a lot has to be managed at home. We have to read and talk about so much history, sensitivities and cultures. Not NIKE, not just do it. Be calm and explore on your iPad all the texts and pictures on European history. Maybe there is even more need of topmanagers at home and more need of welldressed persons in public life.

Creative thoughts...........Innovation is calling!

zaterdag 16 januari 2016

One can hear the thunder in Koln / Je kan het in Keulen horen donderen

A social pattern.

War, scarcity of women, no guts no glory, the Sabines /Virgins, rape.

1. Around 750 before Christ, Europe, the Romans
2. 1945, Italy, the Africans and the Americans
3. 2016, city of Koln, Germany, by men with what nationality?

And what was the mythical story about Europa again? Zeus himself, transformed in a white bull, too hard to resist, the beautiful virgin princess mountaining its back, voluntarely, when her female guardians look the other way for a short while, distracted by something else.

But well, that is Ancient Greek. Who beliefs that, nowadays? Anybody, knowing this story? Hello, out there!
No one in a CDU or CDA party, having fun at newyearseve, I think so.

Curzio Malaparte wrote so terribly painfully beautiful about 1945, city of Napels, Italy in the novel De huid ( The skin), 1949, de Arbeiderspers, translation by Jan van der Haar. Why I have this association, now? You only may guess once.

I copied a few lines out of the novel

De maagd van Napels.
Heb je nooit een maagd gezien? vroeg Jimmy op een dag, toen we de bakkerij aan de Pendino di Santa Barbara uit liepen en van de lekker warme krokante taralli knabbelden. Jawel, maar dan van ver. No, I mean, van dichtbij. Heb je nooit een maagd van dichtbij gezien? Nee, van dichtbij nooit. Come on, Malaparte, zei Jimmy.
In eerste instantie wilde ik niet mee, ik wist dat hij iets pijnlijks, iets vernederends zou laten zien, een afschuwelijk bewijs van de fysieke en morele vernedering waartoe de mens (hmm, moet er niet staan, de man? En dan met name de man die denkt in bezit, en daar de bezittaal voor gebruikt, bezigt, bijv.
zijn vrouw, zijn dochter, MAS), in zijn wanhoop kan komen?  p.50

I stop here, and I can tell you, it is getting worse and worse, the lowest of the lowest Malaparte is able  to write down. Applausje.

woensdag 13 januari 2016

First things first, before I go explore the stars...

First things first.
Famous words of prof. J.E. Bosma, who unfortunately died just before nine eleven 2015. It was his haert. ( One is always curious how / why did the person die).
In his life, JE Bosma, hamstered quite some books. On a beautiful day in Oktober 2015 I was invited by the interim head of Architectuurgeschiedenis, VU University, to the private library of dear former JE Bosma. When I arrived in the city of Amersfoort, I had in mind to select one or two books. I did not know what to expect. After four hours in the library I had three boxes filled with books. Quite a heritage. Fortunately my dad, almost 80, helped my carrying the heavy weight, by driving to the St.Jorisstreet in his white Porsche and by managing a 'hondje', something on wheels, to put the boxes on and transporting all to the parked car, two floors down, round the corner of the alley. All books fitted perfectly in the back trunk.

One of the books I inherited has the title' Sekse en de city ', ( Gender and the city), the 22th edition of the yearbook  'vrouwengeschiedenis', most factual translated as ' whathappnd science on women', published by aksant, 2002.

Quite an issue nowadays in vogue and fashion circles, all around planet Earth. Fourteen years later. I name Freddy Mercury, David Bowie, Ruby Rose, Mijnske Sival. The first two are dead, the later two are alive.

Back to the Yearbook, the Annual. I copy: Een herijking van stadshistorisch onderzoek  in de richting van de nieuwe sociale geschiedschrijving heeft gevolgen voor de plaats die gender  in het stadshistorisch onderzoek dient in te nemen. Het is mogelijk om te proberen de geschiedenis van een stad geheel vanuit het perspectief van vrouwen te bezien - Feminepolis. p.12, ( yes, surprise! All of a
sudden an Ancient Greek word, after all the Dutch words).

Remember this word: Feminepolis.

It just may become a very important in the 21st century. Since The City is the newest icon. The City is the most contemporary icon. After old icons like Madonna with baby/child, and Enlightened Man ( the Leonardo da Vinci drawing, factually The NAked Man In A Circle), The Building (20st century icon). Now The City is being iconned.

Maybe, when I think it over now, the word Gendercity is more likely to have a bright future in this century, the 21st century.

Yes, Gendercity.

At least, it appeals more to me. Guess why?!

I will translate all in Dutch written texts into English, tomorrow. I  have other things to do first. I have to draw a concept for a newly type of citymusicpiece first. My creativity is streaming, I cannot park it anymore. It has to get out of my mind and hands.

So long, cowgirlsandboys.

maandag 11 januari 2016

Plant thinking / language 2015

Field : contemporary whathappnd science
Author : MA Sival
Sources : Dutch quality newspapers

A list like U. Eco likes to do.

1. Een stuk dat Nederlands en werelds tegelijkertijd is, een liefdevol verhaal over ontworteld zijn en het zoeken naar een thuis. A stagepiece as Dutch and global at the same time, a story full of love, about being uncarroted and searching ones home. Editorial, de Volkskrant, 14 August 2015.

2.really new: the Parliament of things. So plants, seaweeds, trees can become represented politically. At least 80 representants are alive and writing, published in the Guardian and the Correspondent and on the worldwideweb   Bianca Stigter, NRC weekend, 22/23 August 2015

3. My grandfather is a tree / Mijn opa is een boom. An emotional childreadbook about getting old / Een ontroerend boek over oud worden.

Mijn opa is een boom. Hij is groot en sterk. Als een eik van honderd jaar. Je duwt hem niet zomaar omver. Ik heb het geprobeerd. Mijn a moest lachen en tilde me van de grond alsof ik een veertje was. Ik gilde: wiiiiiii!, en wat voor vogel ben ik, Opa? 'Mijn kleine, gekke mus', zei hij. NRC, 25September2015

4. Carl Linnaeus'. Reis door Lapland 1732. (Book) Lieve lijn tekening van de vrouw met de naam
Andromeda (uit de Griekse mythologie, Andromeda was een Ethiopische schoonheid) en de plant
met nu dezelfde naam. Bijschriften van Carl : fictief ( ficta) en werkelijk (vera). Geheimzinnig (mystica ) en echt (genuina). Vormgegeven (figurata) en afgebeeld (depicta). P.87. Carl was obviously getting lonely...

zondag 10 januari 2016

Back to plant thinking, plant language last week

Saturday, 9 th  of January 2016, Trouw, best Dutch quality newspaper

Some words which attracted my attention

En die graven ruiken naar rozen Terwijl ik op mijn hurken zat en mijn neus op de marmeren grafsteen drukte, zei de medewerker aldaar dat ik vooral niet moest denken dat die geur van rozenwater afkomstig was. Nee, het waren lijken zelf die na ettelijke decennia nog steeds een paradijselijke geur wisten af te scheiden / the graves smelled like roses. I pushed my nose upon the gravestone, sitting on heels. The coworker told me not to think of the odeur as rosewater. The paradiselike parfume originated from the bodies, now more than tens of years beneath the Eart's surface. City of Teheran, Iran, MiddleEast. (Caroline Omidi, p.17)

de Rozenoorlog / the war on Roses. ( Peter Rietbergen, p.12)
Guide Knopp (What's in a name...MAS), p.13
Patroon van bladloze takken / pattern of leavesles branches, Anna Enquist, p.23
Doodmoe gras / deathly fatigued grass, Anna Enquist, p.23
De takken van de plataan / the branches of the platanus Hispanica, Anna Enquist, p.23
bloemen / flowers, Janita Monna, p.22