zaterdag 29 november 2014

Learning is studying

What exactly is LLL Drenthe about?

A question I have recieved quite a lot, lately.

Time for Some answers.

Leading is an action, is something you can do. Leading is not About having a car and a driver. Leading is being there for others to support, coach, generate ideas or and new or other perspectives.
Leading green  with integrity is talking to others, communicating verbally,  not writing ideas About
leadership down or making politiek About leading.

Who are THE ladies? Do you feel like a lady or do want to?
I see  Rachel Carson, femke Halsema and Mrs. Brundtland as ladies.
I see myself as a lady, although I am much more a creative lady than a leading lady. I do have a lot knowledge About what other people think of as a good leader. There are at least fiftyfifty leadership types to name which are very accurate for becoming a leading lady.

Is short for laboratory.
In a laboratory experiments are allowed.
THE results of experiments in LLL Drenthe will be discussed and learned from. There will be no such thing as failure or succes

donderdag 20 november 2014

Inspiration day of La Mijnske

What do you know About Madeleine Albright?

Years ago I read her biography. I read THE book till THE end and I hardly do that with Books.

Now you can Hear and see her on

By THE way, A Madeleine in la France is a very delicieus cooky
And Mieke, vind je niet dat ze erg op jou lijkt?

With regards, mijnske Sival

woensdag 19 november 2014

visie op 2015 leven lang leren locatie Assen, hoofdstad van Drenthe

Het eerste event idee van leven lang leren / leidende ladies lab in Assen is:

om iets met eten te organiseren, locatie binnentuin Havenkade 4-6 in Assen

gehoord van event manager Birgit Kuilenberg

dinsdag 18 november 2014

Vision 2015: L L L in THE city of Assen, capital of Drenthe


Life long learning



Life long learning

Is :
THE ongoig, voluntaring and self-motivatie pursuit of knowledge. For personal and professional reasons.

IT not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development.

IT enhances self sustainability

IT does not enhance competitiveness nor employability.

Life long learning is not confined to childhood or THE classroom. IT takes place throughout life and in a range of situations. Almost 70 percent of learning projects are self planned.

Where will LLL Drenthe start to take place? We have selected THE capital of Drenthe, beter known as Assen, as THE capital of our headquarters.

Why Drenthe? THE greenest provincie of THE Netherlands?
Do we have to explain iT ?

Information on THE Side.
Drenthe does not have a University and we are thinking that Drenthe does not need a University, an old school learning place. THE citizens of Drenthe are very wise, THEY participatie in societies since they were Born. THE only misstake students are making is travelling to universities.

If Drenthe people want to be more succesful than they already are, they will join us making LLL Drenthe a succes.

In Co. Creation , Birgit Kuilenberg and Mijnske Sival

donderdag 13 november 2014

Green Florinrode is history ViVE LLL

I am very sorry to anounce that Green Florinrode deed last night. After One month of being vividly alive in THE imagination. Scouting Assen in One dat did iT all.

From THE ashes something even more beautiful is flying around in your world now

Action eventing at schoolgebouw Venestraat


THE first stone of L L L has been landed

Life long learning
Lief long learning
Leiding long learning
Leiding lady learning
Leading lady learning

In Drenthe, THE Netherlands

Drenthe is THE greenest provincie of all

Still One cannot walk everywere in a decent way, so there is Some work to do.

Three Year research develop and study Program, green  lady questions, location, cars not allowed, wil be visible soon, At This blog

In Co. Creation, Birgit Kuilenberg, Mijnske Sival