zaterdag 31 oktober 2015

Plant thinking, thinking plant, portraits, photography

Especially the photo , Black, grey, white, a portrait with hands before the face.

Today I was on the website of HuisMarseille, one of the photography musea I really like to visit regularly. City of Amsterdam. And I was lucky again. The second image to argument my theory on plantthinking / reproduction. To countercounter the evolution theory as written down by Darwin, Charles Darwin.

What I have now, for facts, I have to explore much more, but winter is coming, no worries, books enough in my chestboards.

1. A text approach
2. A photography approach
3. A language approach
4. A philosophy approach

1. De trofee, Honderd jaar eenzaamheid, Ylysses, Jacobs room en Le livre d'or, Vedische geschriften
2. An other photography showing facts on plant thinking are the photographs made by Karl Blossfeldt. Especially the photo Aconitum / Eisenhut, junger Spross / Monkshood, young shoot/ Aconit, jeune pousse, on the frontcorrectie of the book Karl Blossfeldt 1865-1032 by Hans Christian Adam, ISBN 3-8228-7438-8, Taschen publishers is appropriate as well as the photograph as mentioned above by Esko Manikko.

3. I have always found the word 'voortplanting' a fascinating word. Because there is no such word like 'voortdiering' nor 'voortmensing'. In German the word is ' fortplantzung'. The English words are 'breed', ' propagate', 'multiply'. How come?

By the way, voortplantingsorganen / voortplantingsvermogen in English is procreative organs/ procreative power. Interesting...

4. Theofratus, the companion of Aristotle, is far less publicly known than Aristotle himself. At least their names. Believe me, this is going to change. I hereby announce to find facts about Theofratus ' plant research and to blog about it, over and over again. Plant ecologists of planet Earth, start paying attention to my findings and writings. In a time far before Linneus got his assignment by Swedish governmental persons and started his fieldwork, like Charles Darwin much later.

vrijdag 30 oktober 2015

City of Boekarest. Mircea selected.

Plant thinking, thinking plant, writing plant. Derived from the novel De trofee by Mircea Cartarescu, 2012. Dutch today because it is Friday. Hello Robin Crusoe.

Tegenover het in puinstof gehulde huis van nageldunne en al even doorzichtige bakstenen, met monsterlijke planten die in alle kieren woekerden, met een smeedijzeren balkon op de enige verdieping, versierd met kantwerk als een jarretelgordel van zwarte zijde, met een houten bak waarin een met luizen bedekte oleander stond te verdorren, oog in oog met deze ooit met geheugen en wilskracht bezielde reuzenschedel, nu echter gebroken en bedekt met restanten van een beschimmelde scalp, verwachtte ik ieder moment in bezit genomen te worden, (blz.17)

Ik verzonk in het gewemel van bleke bloemen, die uit de vloeren waren gegroeid  en hypnotisch omhoog waren gestuwd door onzichtbare luchtstromen. (blz.17)

dan had ik in mijn zak nu eens een gipsen vinger met een echte nagel eraan, dan weer eens een smeedijzeren bloem waarin, tussen de zwarte blaadjes in, tere meeldraden waren opgekomen, van een doorschijnend groen, aan de bovenkant bedekt met een dikke laag stuifmeel. (23)

en exoftalmische spookgestalte  van het Huis van het Volk, dat met zijn mistfrontons en vacuümsteunberen werd opgetrokken op de heuvel waar het gras begon op te komen. (23)

Alles, inbegrepen mijn droefheid, onrust en angst, waren twee keer zo omvangrijk als in werkelijkheid: de ficussen in hun conservenblikjes, (25)

De populieren , die vandaag de dag even hoog zijn als het flatgebouw en waaruit 's zomers pluis neerdwarrelt dat als rulle sneeuw op de hoeken van de muren blijft liggen zodat niet alleen het terrein achter de flat wit wordt gekleurd, maar als het ware ook de lucht tussen het gebouw en de molen, waren toen net geplant en niet hoger dan de betonnen schutting (26)

Ik sloop de kamer van mijn ouders binnen, keek naar hen hoe ze lagen te slapen, in de lakens gewikkeld als standbeelden op Etruskische sarcofagen, met bleke, bijna meelachtige gezichten, in het door rijen petunia's voor het raam gefilterde licht, (30)

Vuurtoren van populieren, zo scherp als naalden, aan de horizon der horizonten, onder de veel intensere hemel in de verte, omzoomden het reusachtige, blauwgetinte, weemoedige panorama. (32)

donderdag 29 oktober 2015

City of Vienna, today a big day in whatshappnd (former history)

30 Octobre 2015. City of Vienna, Austria, Europe. Probably all security measurements have been taken care for, especially at the airports of the city. The outlook agenda of planet Earth had scheduled the meeting of Vladimir Poetin, Assad, some Saoudies and Barack Obama.


Cause: 250.000 deaths in 4 years. The global conflict on the grounds of the nation of Syria is stuck, the military approach of the previous years has not been succesful.
And, a so called reality check.
The new political relationships, especially those between Syria, Saoudi Arabia, Iran and Russia. Now the USA want to join in 'playing war'.

O boy!

Fortunately Europe had grown up already.

woensdag 28 oktober 2015

Plant thinking, thinking plant, thinking rose in literature. NLcity. City of Boekarest

An image of green architecture in the Netherlands, Europe, 2013

Or go to Lola log. Dwaalster Groot Vijversburg. Coop with Piet Oudolf

What does this has to do with reading The trophy, a novel by Mircea Cartarescu, 2012. I am reading a print in the Dutch language, translator Arjan Wilem Bos, publisher De bezige bij, Amsterdam.

First things first.
Could it have been possible that architects and clients had read novels before trying to establish a building? I think of it as a high rated chance.

What does Mircea write about plants?
Could it be possible that the writer thought about plants first and then started to write about plants. Could it be possible that the writer saw plants before thinking and writing about plants? I think of this as a high rated change.

Knowledge item: today trees are categorized as plants too, thanks to European biologists. We are grateful, dear scientists!

Txt. derived from The trophy/ De trofee.

En wat u zaait heeft nog niet de vorm die het later krijgt; het is nog een naakte korrel, een graankorrel misschien of iets anders (page zero)

Tevergeefs plant ik mij neer voor mijn ovale venster en probeer geluiden op te vangen (page 9)

Ik ben een groot zintuiglijk orgaan, open als een zeeanemoon filter ik door het witte vlees van mijn zenuwen de maalstromen van dit unieke bestaan, van deze unieke zee die mij voedt en bergt
(page 11)

Want de godheid is een reusachtig brein, een plechtige kwal met miljarden zintuigen die verglijdt in de afgrond van de door batterijen van blauw licht zwak verlichte nacht. Zijn koepel pulseert zachtjes en zijn doorzichtigheid is louter liefde. Een grote kwal die denkt (page 12)

Zodat uiteindelijk ook de godheid niets anders dan een fantastisch zintuig voor een meer verhuld niets is. Plooien in plooien, als een roos, als een vulva (page 12)

Tegenover het in puinstof gehulde huis van nageldunne en al even doorzichtige bakstenen, met monsterlijke planten die in alle kieren woekerden, met een smeedijzeren balkon op de enige verdieping, versierd met kantwerk als een jarretelgordel van zwarte zijde, met een houten bak waarin een met luizen bedekte oleander stond te verdorren, oog in oog met deze ooit met geheugen en wilskracht bezielde reuzenschedel, nu echter gebroken en bedekt met de restanten van een beschimmelde scalp, verwachtte ik elk moment in bezit te worden genomen (page 17)

Ik verzonk in het gewemel van bleke bloemen (page 17)

waarin de planten van het behang allemaal ritmisch een kant uit golfden en dan ineens, alsof ze door een waterkam werden gekamd, naar de andere kant, verloor ik soms het bewustzijn en wanneer ik dan weer tot mijzelf kwam, vroeg ik mij af waar ik tijdens dat ogenblik van afwezigheid was geweest  (page 18)

doolde over de door moerbeibomen overschaduwde weg die me, tussen het onkruid (page 19)

een glazen knikker, die ik gevonden had, in de dikte der tijd, toen ik de stekelige groene bolster van een kastanje afpelde (page 20)

Wat was mijn boek? Een roos met -reeds- honderden blaadjes? (page 21)

dinsdag 6 oktober 2015

Green... Page 2, visual 1 and some activating txt

Location. University campus, City of Groningen, NL
Time of construction. 2010
Function. Universitybuilding, education and research, all sorts of biologists.
Name. Linneausborg.
Information. A part of the sloping roofs are covered with grasses and mosses, to slow down the rainwater. It is a tool for watermanagement, otherwise the sewagesystem underground could become overloaded and got damage.

 That would be quite a disaster, like in the night of the 9th and 10 th of September this year, 2015, city of Amsterdam, University Campus Zuidas, building VUmc, the oldest building on the campus with the oldest sewage system.
Quite neglected, by the citycouncil of Amsterdam? The building departement of the citycouncil of Amsterdam granted a building permit for a newly to built universitybuilding for ICT purposes. The national ministery of Traffic and Wateraffairs, responsible minister Melanie Schulz, almost at the same time, gave commission to start with the building preparation for the broadening of the main through road along the Zuidas. And as a third, I presume, some CEO people of Shell company gave the commission for the first drillings, looking for the fuel GAS, In their territories, north of the city of Amsterdam. There lies an old and almost forgotten gasbubble. I don't know how deep underground. But imagine the tremblings all these three activities must have caused. On top of that, the summer of 2015 is noted as the hottest and dryest in the world. Really! Contemporary measurements by all the important climate institutes, published in the Dutch newspapers on 21st, August 2015. And heat brings drought, which can be life endangering, Dutch people and the heads of the Waterschappen know all about it, with their expertises developed while controlling the dykes for centuries. It must have done something to the clay soil the Amsterdam Zuid earthlayer is made off. As a fifth cause, I feel the urgence to mention the very heavy monsoon like
rainfall in the evenings prior to the night of the 9th and 10 th of September this year.
Responsible people at the Vrije University Amsterdam are conducting research now, about the facts. Do you think they have thought of all the aspects I have mentioned above?
Are you sure, the new 'boss' of the Vrije University Amsterdam is fully aware of the complexity?
Can you tell him, please? He seems to be a quite open personality...

How many people, patients, died, on the 10 th of September 2015. In the city of Amsterdam. Because  of what? Who keeps count of that? And is this information 'open'?

There has been this film, death in Venice. At the end it rains softly, love has come to an end. And life it seems as well. But then, that is a film, a constructed drama. The real drama in cities in Europe, at least since 2000, are the facts that people are attaining high ages, are becoming less and less mobile, are neglected more and more by younger generations, are left at home in cities during these hit summer times. What do gou think of the effect if high temperatures on the hearts of 'our' parents?

My phd promotor, professor dr. J.E. Bosma, with the nickname Koos, died between 05.00 and 07.00 in the city of Amerfoort, in the just newly built hospitable building, built on new grounds, so to say. An understanding in the field of geology. Ground, still very sensitive for tremblings. Named cause of death: a snapped heart vein. The man was age 63. Today, not old enough to die. He was in his Autumn years, so to speak with Gabriel García Marwuez. Would there be a relation between his sudden death and the three fold tremblings in the south of the city of Amsterdam?

On top of this. The NAM has published over and over this year, researchresults of the melting of large icemountains near the Northpole and shock, tremblings in the earthcrest in the North of Europe. The conclusion of the research was, there is a relation between the icemountains melting nearby the Northpole and the earthshakes in the North of Europe.

Is this thing becoming global, or what?

I am going to light two red candles for Koos at my kitchentable. I miss him terribly. There is no such thing he can be replaced by another promotor. He was such a Unique, questioning and intriguing personality. He wrote about the city of Amsterdam Zuidas long before the waterdrainpipe of the VUmc broke in half. So there is already a research result everybody can read. Archis magazine, published somewhere in the beginning of the 21st century. I am sure Ole Bouman can show you the way. The former former CEO of the New Institute ( former Nai, city of Rotterdam). Or perhaps Freek Schmidt, historian at the VU and former roomcollegue of JE Bosma. He was too young to die.

Is there any justice in this world? On planet Earth? Anywhere?
Lawyers of the Netherlands. Wake up! Sew these bastards and bastardesses.
Nail them and ruin them!

maandag 5 oktober 2015

The first page of my first bookblog. Green...

Architecture, cities and intelligence.
An inquiry into the garden, the city green, philosophy and religion on the 21 st century.
By Mijnske Anne Maria Sival van Andel van Groningen

On a continent like and religion should work together to give our music, our pleasure , an ontward splendor, great dignity and even silence...Therefore the citycouncils and their mayors have a solemn duty to foster gardening, especially religious gardening. To improve it and to care for it. Because the shopkeepers, the industrials, the environmental activists, the ceo's nor the farmers will ever do that. I am convinced that a school or university does not strive to advance garden as much as science, the trancedental experience will be deficient in its remaining time. In scientific matters shortcomings may be more readily condoned, especially in the beginning. But scientific matters neglect in the promotion of garden, the contemporary factual green, city green, is good to become censured.

zondag 4 oktober 2015

Reading Emotions. A brief history, Keith Oatley, 2004

Addicted to whatshappened. Even on a sundaymorning like the 4th of Octobre, emphetatical with all the animals of planet Earth and beyond. Herman, how was your night out at the cotton club?

This blog I dedicate to Habon, a beautiful and very intelligent woman I had a conversation with last tuesday. We are both very interested in emotions.

So, there it is, the history, the whatshappened, on emotions. Keith, thank you for all your effort.

My notes. Personal notes ( as to copy Marcus Aurelius). A very loose thing to do, a habit of the well done.

According to Keith

There is an affect revolution going on.

He also had some questions:

What are the foundations of the many emotional values of animate existence, if any. Or the roots? Well, then one arrives at plant thinking, vegetation thinking. Or the names, the words.(MAS)

On kindness, p.4 and p.142:
Friendly affection is distinct. It is perhaps our most human emotion: the most recently evolved, perhaps the most fragile. It contributes to the scripts of love, cooperation and kindness. Without it, the human world would exist otherwise.

At the beginning of the 16 th century, in 1509 to be precies, Erasmus wrote the now most famous book Praise of Folly.
Folly stands up and makes a speech in praise of itself
In the end, he says, that fools, people affected by emotions, are the wisest of all. They have often be able to live lives of kindness, while those who are selfimportantly proud of their own wisdom have not.

To understand the behavior of people in love or what is going on in politics, it is not like that that love is blind or selfserving. No insight occurs, nothing changes.
If, only if, one moves the matter onto a different plane, like satire, like Folly praising itself, perhaps in an other way nobody knows of yet, that will allow us to understand both surface and substance and the relation between surface and substance.