maandag 5 oktober 2015

The first page of my first bookblog. Green...

Architecture, cities and intelligence.
An inquiry into the garden, the city green, philosophy and religion on the 21 st century.
By Mijnske Anne Maria Sival van Andel van Groningen

On a continent like and religion should work together to give our music, our pleasure , an ontward splendor, great dignity and even silence...Therefore the citycouncils and their mayors have a solemn duty to foster gardening, especially religious gardening. To improve it and to care for it. Because the shopkeepers, the industrials, the environmental activists, the ceo's nor the farmers will ever do that. I am convinced that a school or university does not strive to advance garden as much as science, the trancedental experience will be deficient in its remaining time. In scientific matters shortcomings may be more readily condoned, especially in the beginning. But scientific matters neglect in the promotion of garden, the contemporary factual green, city green, is good to become censured.

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