zondag 4 oktober 2015

Reading Emotions. A brief history, Keith Oatley, 2004

Addicted to whatshappened. Even on a sundaymorning like the 4th of Octobre, emphetatical with all the animals of planet Earth and beyond. Herman, how was your night out at the cotton club?

This blog I dedicate to Habon, a beautiful and very intelligent woman I had a conversation with last tuesday. We are both very interested in emotions.

So, there it is, the history, the whatshappened, on emotions. Keith, thank you for all your effort.

My notes. Personal notes ( as to copy Marcus Aurelius). A very loose thing to do, a habit of the well done.

According to Keith

There is an affect revolution going on.

He also had some questions:

What are the foundations of the many emotional values of animate existence, if any. Or the roots? Well, then one arrives at plant thinking, vegetation thinking. Or the names, the words.(MAS)

On kindness, p.4 and p.142:
Friendly affection is distinct. It is perhaps our most human emotion: the most recently evolved, perhaps the most fragile. It contributes to the scripts of love, cooperation and kindness. Without it, the human world would exist otherwise.

At the beginning of the 16 th century, in 1509 to be precies, Erasmus wrote the now most famous book Praise of Folly.
Folly stands up and makes a speech in praise of itself
In the end, he says, that fools, people affected by emotions, are the wisest of all. They have often be able to live lives of kindness, while those who are selfimportantly proud of their own wisdom have not.

To understand the behavior of people in love or what is going on in politics, it is not like that that love is blind or selfserving. No insight occurs, nothing changes.
If, only if, one moves the matter onto a different plane, like satire, like Folly praising itself, perhaps in an other way nobody knows of yet, that will allow us to understand both surface and substance and the relation between surface and substance.

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