dinsdag 30 december 2014

Leading Lady contest

Who are THE leading ladies of Drenthe?

Do they look like Marianne Thieme?
Do they think like Marianne Thieme?

And where are they?
Where are you?

Please make yourself visible! Please invite me on your LinkedIn and be my friend.

I will Organise a leading lady contest on THE program for 2015. IT would be fun if you want to join.

Project: LLL Drenthe

zondag 14 december 2014

LLLab and 3d printing

Status: idea

Sitting in a comfortable armchair next to a burning fireplace, I thought, WHAT IF there will be standing a few 3dprinters in a vacant labroom in THE Schoolgebouw Venestraat.

In april 2015, for instance.

What would you do?

Would you come biceclycling to THE Schoolgebouw Venestraat and take a look?
Would you go experimenting behind your tablet and send a digital model to One of THE printers? Like a creative Santaklaus, surprising us with your inventiveness?
Would you tell your friends About iT?
Would you make a wishlist with all you want THE printer to produce? Would you tell anyone? Or keep iT secret?
Would you tell your students or pupils About iT?
Would you start complainning at THE wethouders office in Assen, About all this new stuff?
Would you come along THE schoolgebouw Venestraat and throw a bomb at THE 3d devices? Or Some handgranates?
Would you think in a blink IWant to invest in this brilliant idea?
Would you only come to Schoolgebouw Venestraat if there was anything printed to Buy? Like a dress designed by Iris van Herpen in exactly your size, for 50 euro's? Or sheepsocks? Or lego?
What would you think or do Else?

Question is: how do you know? About THE fact and About your action upon iT?

Give me an answer in THE morning......".......

dinsdag 2 december 2014

Core business of LLL Drenthe

THE content of LLL Drenthe will be About business, architecture and communication.

THE sources for your future succes can be described as follows:

Once upon a time modern science was invented. Men and women scientists in these times were fascinated by THE sense to be able to discover eternal laws in THE heart of THE Natural change processes. And by sensing so they really thought time and becoming could be ruled out. The idea of a fixed order in nature caused a scholarship security or so called safeness.

Our intellectual security sense is very deep rooted. So deep that we ( scientists, scholarship)are not able to to see how to let iT go. Even if we suppose to observe a phenomenon what at first sight looks extraordinary mysterieus. Even then we shall stay convinced  About THE fact that sooner or later our not knowing is only temporary. Levy- Bruhl, philosopher.

Later, Heisenberg shares a complete other absolutisme with us, he wrote: everything is insecure. Heisenberg spent more than half of his life studying fysics, Natural science, natuur kunde in Dutch.

What an other perception of life we have nowadays.. IT has and iT is still transforming. IT is becoming more complex, multifolded and iT exist in time.

To Search and analyse THE Natural, to generate ideas from THE results for buildings and space and to make money with these actions. That is THE core business of LLL Drenthe.