dinsdag 2 december 2014

Core business of LLL Drenthe

THE content of LLL Drenthe will be About business, architecture and communication.

THE sources for your future succes can be described as follows:

Once upon a time modern science was invented. Men and women scientists in these times were fascinated by THE sense to be able to discover eternal laws in THE heart of THE Natural change processes. And by sensing so they really thought time and becoming could be ruled out. The idea of a fixed order in nature caused a scholarship security or so called safeness.

Our intellectual security sense is very deep rooted. So deep that we ( scientists, scholarship)are not able to to see how to let iT go. Even if we suppose to observe a phenomenon what at first sight looks extraordinary mysterieus. Even then we shall stay convinced  About THE fact that sooner or later our not knowing is only temporary. Levy- Bruhl, philosopher.

Later, Heisenberg shares a complete other absolutisme with us, he wrote: everything is insecure. Heisenberg spent more than half of his life studying fysics, Natural science, natuur kunde in Dutch.

What an other perception of life we have nowadays.. IT has and iT is still transforming. IT is becoming more complex, multifolded and iT exist in time.

To Search and analyse THE Natural, to generate ideas from THE results for buildings and space and to make money with these actions. That is THE core business of LLL Drenthe. 

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