woensdag 13 januari 2016

First things first, before I go explore the stars...

First things first.
Famous words of prof. J.E. Bosma, who unfortunately died just before nine eleven 2015. It was his haert. ( One is always curious how / why did the person die).
In his life, JE Bosma, hamstered quite some books. On a beautiful day in Oktober 2015 I was invited by the interim head of Architectuurgeschiedenis, VU University, to the private library of dear former JE Bosma. When I arrived in the city of Amersfoort, I had in mind to select one or two books. I did not know what to expect. After four hours in the library I had three boxes filled with books. Quite a heritage. Fortunately my dad, almost 80, helped my carrying the heavy weight, by driving to the St.Jorisstreet in his white Porsche and by managing a 'hondje', something on wheels, to put the boxes on and transporting all to the parked car, two floors down, round the corner of the alley. All books fitted perfectly in the back trunk.

One of the books I inherited has the title' Sekse en de city ', ( Gender and the city), the 22th edition of the yearbook  'vrouwengeschiedenis', most factual translated as ' whathappnd science on women', published by aksant, 2002.

Quite an issue nowadays in vogue and fashion circles, all around planet Earth. Fourteen years later. I name Freddy Mercury, David Bowie, Ruby Rose, Mijnske Sival. The first two are dead, the later two are alive.

Back to the Yearbook, the Annual. I copy: Een herijking van stadshistorisch onderzoek  in de richting van de nieuwe sociale geschiedschrijving heeft gevolgen voor de plaats die gender  in het stadshistorisch onderzoek dient in te nemen. Het is mogelijk om te proberen de geschiedenis van een stad geheel vanuit het perspectief van vrouwen te bezien - Feminepolis. p.12, ( yes, surprise! All of a
sudden an Ancient Greek word, after all the Dutch words).

Remember this word: Feminepolis.

It just may become a very important in the 21st century. Since The City is the newest icon. The City is the most contemporary icon. After old icons like Madonna with baby/child, and Enlightened Man ( the Leonardo da Vinci drawing, factually The NAked Man In A Circle), The Building (20st century icon). Now The City is being iconned.

Maybe, when I think it over now, the word Gendercity is more likely to have a bright future in this century, the 21st century.

Yes, Gendercity.

At least, it appeals more to me. Guess why?!

I will translate all in Dutch written texts into English, tomorrow. I  have other things to do first. I have to draw a concept for a newly type of citymusicpiece first. My creativity is streaming, I cannot park it anymore. It has to get out of my mind and hands.

So long, cowgirlsandboys.

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