woensdag 26 september 2012

toekomstperspectief OPEN LAb context MobieleTuinen

De toekomst van het Open Lab in het Ebbingekwartier:

. Be Paletto:
Be Pellato
This was a strip of platform curving and inundating for walking through the school’s courtyard. The structure was built by stacking wooden pallets in a cantilever to create natural steps. People seemed to be greatly attracted by the structure and many of them were found to use it to walk across the courtyard or sit on the steps to get some sun and socialize. It’s the idea and work of 9 architecture students at Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark who were on an exchange program in July 2010. The entire structure when lit up at night was a treat to the eyes.The Be Paletto gained a lot of popularity at the school and the effort was appreciated.

We hoeven dus alleen een uitwisseling met Aarhus studenten te organiseren.....en dan kijgen we iets heel moois en sociaals. Voor dag en nacht.
Wat een vondst!

Mijnske googlede green architects, een aanrader, voroal 's ochtend bij de koffie. It made my day.

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