donderdag 31 december 2015

Best wishes for ever. Freedom and safety. Whom's exactly?

Let's start with today, 1600 hours. Everybody who is not taking care of safety nor freedom for itself and other natural appearances: stop with what you are doing immediately. Stop. Take a break. Allow yourself to think freedom and safety for now and the next million hours.

On 27 August 2015 I read a column in the newspaper Trouw (Dutch), written by Kirsten van den Hul. The 'head ' of the column read like: Zonder vrijheid is onze veiligheid niet veel meer dan een illusie.
( Without freedom our safety is no more or less than an illusion).

My first question arises immediately:  our safety, our safety? Our? Is safety something we can possessie? We...Whom does Kirsten refer to with writing our, meaning us/ we?

While reading the column, I cannot figure out to whom Kirsten adressed by having typed 'our'

There are some clues: The first sentence contains the words ' mijn partner en ik', 'douanier', 'vluchtelingen', 'men', 'collega', 'hij', 'Viktor Orban', 'onchristelijk', 'terrorist', 'crimineel', 'besmettelijk ziek', , 'wie', 'migranten', 'ons verenigd Europa', 'Europarlementariƫr Ciotti', 'jihadisten', 'Syriegangers', 'geradicaliseerde personen', 'de vijand', 'Belgische premier Michel', 'velen', 'hem', 'mij', 'we', ' onze Europese rechtsstaat ', 'ons', 'ik',

And now in English: 'muis partner and me', 'borderpoliceperson', 'refugees', 'they', 'collegue', 'he', 'VikyorvOrban', not Christianlike', 'terrorist', 'criminal', 'the contagiously ill', 'who', 'immigrantes', 'our united Europe', ' Eurean politician member of Parliament Ciotti', 'jihadists', 'Syriagoers', 'radical persons',  'THE enemy', 'Belgian prime minister Michel', 'many', 'him', 'me', 'we', 'our European State of Law', 'our','I'.

Can you figure it out? It is too little factual for me...

Is it about freedom of mobility, to move freely around 'the world', so is it about access then the accessability and inaccessability of countries...
The questions still remain
Whoms freedom?
Whoms safety?

Bas Heijne on democracy

19&20 September 2015, NRC ( Dutch newspaper ), Bas Heijne, column with the title 'Mens', (=Dutch), 'Human', in English, 'Mensch', in German/ Deutsch

I copytranslate: ' And:"The generous welcome they (Eastern Europe, East Europe) received when connected again with Western democracies, meant a great triumph for Europe."

( funny, trump is that short for triumph, triomf in Dutch, triomfantelijk...looking succesful.... What is in a name? Okay, this is s personal linguistic Joke....permitted isn't, on old years eve).

Eve, evening, twilight zone, when the evening falls, water falls, si si, falling! A free fall or a fee fall or a waterfall. What is my sirname / surname / suriname again?

See you tomorrow, next year, first things of January first...

I love you, my dear dear readers and thinkers. It has been a most exhilerating year. I wish you the best of the best. Now, off course, not tomorrow!

Pencilholders, on democracy

19&20 September 2025, NRC ( Dutch quality newspaper), Bas Heijne, column with the title 'Mens',translated in Wnglish, I mean English: Human, in Deutsch: Mensch.

Menselijkheid, humanoid, menschlichkeit.

Bas Heijne writes in the fifteenth row from below the endline: Remarkable fact is that this very newspaper didn't include our ( our? MAS) common humanisticity, not hope, not dreaming, THE HISTORY.

Bas, are you not reading my blogs? Fukuyama, I mean Francis Fukuyama, the most youtubed historian today ( sept. 2015) wrote about the end of history, somewhere about 1999. He couldn't come up with another name, the verbally strong, but weakrnong old man. Therefore I am here, a six year old, I introduced a better name, I mean a more contemporary, accurate name for the same science, scholarly science, not the economic directed science as practiced in contemporary universities. Or do I have to type at contemporary uni's? Well, it is a real art to choose one's words very carefully. It took Charele Darwin 25 years to write in full length about his observatieballon and about his thinking about these observations. Therefore, dear Charles was in first instance invited to sail along
with the Beagle because of his drawing skills! Drawin', by misstake written as Darwin, sounds like darling....A pkeasant person one can imagine...And don't we all be acquainted with calm, pkeasant, persons?
The most contemporary, accurate, factual name for the science commonly been spoken of as history, in the English language, is named geschiedenis in the Dutch language. Literary translated into English: What ushappening. Meaning, history is happening now. So, isn't more accurate to call this science the name of , a new name like: whatshappnng. I prefer a shorter word like Whatshapp. More like a blog or internet word. A more accurate, contemporary and factual word...

But well, that's my humble desire, need, if you wish another psycho word.
Jij like

dinsdag 29 december 2015

Who are my ears and eyes? On democracy.

The last five monts I have been reading, selecting and scissoring newspaper articles on 'democracy'. To be more specific, from the month of July till December, this year, 2015. The newspapers concerned are Dutch, so called 'quality' newspapers with the illustrious names of de Volkskrant, Trouw and NRC ( which is short for New Rotterdam Courant).

Very important after the first aknowlegdments is to become acquainted with the typists ( that is what they factually do), journalists ( that is how they are named on their payroll and how they are adressed to as professionals in public space).

So, first things first.

A question: what is democracy?

Which definitions are public? Nowadays, in this contemporary daylight on planet Earth?

Wikipedia :
Was interesting to can do the will take more than one minute to read...

Who wrote about democracy in 2015, the Netherlands, what could be read in the newspapers?
Timeframe JuLy- December

19&20sept2015/ NRC /Bas Heijne / Human (Mens), a column.

'Again, a dream washed away. In his memoirs, Geir Lundestad, former president of the Nordic Nobelinstitute, regrets the laureation of the prizewinner for peace, 2009.'

Who was that again? The (world) winner of the Nobelprize for peace, 2009? ( MAS)

vrijdag 25 december 2015

Come insight, where it is warm and cosy

Blog 3
Countering chapter Tussen vrijheid en veiligheid ( Between freedom and safety) in the book Buiten is het koud en guur by Thomas van der Dunk, (historian), 2004

In the chapter I read 15 times the word vrijheid / freedom
And 17 times the words veiligheid / safety, security and onveiligheid / unsafety
I didn't see the word unfreedom / imprisonment ...

The word freedom is used in two meanings, not twelve unfortunately and not at all in the meaning of freedom as a state of mind. A missed opportunity. Suppose there are twelve meanings of freedom, then Thomas only uses 16,6 % of his language skills to make some points and draw some lines. He does have an excellent face for YouTube exposure, I must admit. A true delight if I may say so. It keeps me smiling through the Christ & MAS days. Yes, you can take that as a compliment, T.

Sorts of safety, security
By T: mobility and trade
Other ten: fire security, burglery, safe sex, verbal security, noise safety, vapour safety, natural disaster securities, armed security, emotional safety, life ensurance.

See you next time...

woensdag 23 december 2015

Come inside, were it is warm and cosy.

Blog 2.
Previous blog: countering the stories of Thomas van der Dunk, historian, the Netherlands, in the book with the title Buiten is het koud en guur, 2004.

Thomas writes : Fear rules.
I blogged: Mijnske rules

What is fear?
What is Mijnske?

The first I know nothing about.
The second I try to find out.

Mijnske is a six year old girl with blond waving hair, wearing a red swirling dress and her tan is lightly  coloured by the summer sun and wind. She loves to count and learn languages, she loves to play in the public space and she loves having conservations with boys her own age. Recently, Mijnske has been extremely succesful. In the newspaper Trouw, Tuesday 22 December 2015, she is represented by the names Annegreet van Bergen.
I say no more.

dinsdag 22 december 2015

Come inside. Here it is warm and cosy.

First words.

The title is countering the title of a book, printed in 2004, written by Thomas van der Dunk, a collegue, NL, Europe. I have no knowledge about a probable translation from the originally writings in the Dutch language into English, for instance...

There is no outside world. Everything is interior, from a human perspective. I like to think, to look and to write as factual as possible. Do not expect any metaphors, sayings or other linguistic style figures from me. I will try to write as readable as possible. Without even knowing you, dear dear reader.

Planet Earth. Here Scotty, do you read me?

Once upon the year 2001 quite a few people were eyewitnesses of a highly remarkable, very rare occasion. Scarce are these moments for the less sensitive among us. The deaf, the badhearers, the blind, the ones without smell or nerves just under the skinsurface. Unknowingly about this, later to be written about, event are the ones without a television in those days.

Thomas, in the 1980s there was no television in the household you were about. Do you remember the landings on the moon? Who told you so? And did you believe it? How old were you by then?

And now, being a so called grown up, you do not believe anything anymore, do you? Or do you not know who, what, were and when you are? And how you sound?

To be continued ...
The fear rules / nothing rules but Mijnske

zondag 20 december 2015

Charles Darwin, city of London, love and heartache

Charles. Charles Darwin I am typing about. 19th century, city of my beloved London. Travel back in time with me.

Suppose, I am acting as a whathappnd scientist, a historian, at the moment. Suppose now, that Charles Darwin himself, appeared not to be that satified about the findings the team did during the Beagle expedition. Charles himself had a talent for making drawings. He, unfortunately, didn't have much talent for linguistics.
How do I know? Well, I have a theory, based on some genetics, a love affair Charles was involved in, a historical typing of the midst of the 19th century in Western Europe, whereabout a lot of historians ( male and female ) nowadays are consented about, the dressing talent of Charles and a fourth and fifth argument on social patterns, naming that Charles didn't have the mother with the right status to introduce him to the family with a daughter he desires to marry and focussing on group thinking and social exclusion or desertion by not getting maried the one woman a man desires.

Exclusion argument.
His grand father was a free spirit, a genius up North. In Scotland in this case. A cowboy ( Scottish highlanders are still a very strong, wild and hairy sort of cows, they do not need herding, so cowboys then didn't have much practical things to do, they spent a lot of time, thinking, dreaming, planning, chewing) at rest, avant la lettre. Or must I write, avant le garde? In the case Charles, Charles Darwin, it is highly, very well, assumable that the actions of Charles are due to a combination of five typical social patterns. Did the young Charles not happen to be utterly in love with a beautiful lady his own age or a girl, probably seven years younger, the years before he set sail with the Beagle? He or someone on his behalf decided that he had to leave, to desert England for a while, to recover from his unbearable heartaches, exhaustion and anxiety. Social pattern one.

To be continued......genetics argument, more about grandpa, pensionado, Darwin.