donderdag 31 december 2015

Bas Heijne on democracy

19&20 September 2015, NRC ( Dutch newspaper ), Bas Heijne, column with the title 'Mens', (=Dutch), 'Human', in English, 'Mensch', in German/ Deutsch

I copytranslate: ' And:"The generous welcome they (Eastern Europe, East Europe) received when connected again with Western democracies, meant a great triumph for Europe."

( funny, trump is that short for triumph, triomf in Dutch, triomfantelijk...looking succesful.... What is in a name? Okay, this is s personal linguistic Joke....permitted isn't, on old years eve).

Eve, evening, twilight zone, when the evening falls, water falls, si si, falling! A free fall or a fee fall or a waterfall. What is my sirname / surname / suriname again?

See you tomorrow, next year, first things of January first...

I love you, my dear dear readers and thinkers. It has been a most exhilerating year. I wish you the best of the best. Now, off course, not tomorrow!

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