dinsdag 30 december 2014

Leading Lady contest

Who are THE leading ladies of Drenthe?

Do they look like Marianne Thieme?
Do they think like Marianne Thieme?

And where are they?
Where are you?

Please make yourself visible! Please invite me on your LinkedIn and be my friend.

I will Organise a leading lady contest on THE program for 2015. IT would be fun if you want to join.

Project: LLL Drenthe

zondag 14 december 2014

LLLab and 3d printing

Status: idea

Sitting in a comfortable armchair next to a burning fireplace, I thought, WHAT IF there will be standing a few 3dprinters in a vacant labroom in THE Schoolgebouw Venestraat.

In april 2015, for instance.

What would you do?

Would you come biceclycling to THE Schoolgebouw Venestraat and take a look?
Would you go experimenting behind your tablet and send a digital model to One of THE printers? Like a creative Santaklaus, surprising us with your inventiveness?
Would you tell your friends About iT?
Would you make a wishlist with all you want THE printer to produce? Would you tell anyone? Or keep iT secret?
Would you tell your students or pupils About iT?
Would you start complainning at THE wethouders office in Assen, About all this new stuff?
Would you come along THE schoolgebouw Venestraat and throw a bomb at THE 3d devices? Or Some handgranates?
Would you think in a blink IWant to invest in this brilliant idea?
Would you only come to Schoolgebouw Venestraat if there was anything printed to Buy? Like a dress designed by Iris van Herpen in exactly your size, for 50 euro's? Or sheepsocks? Or lego?
What would you think or do Else?

Question is: how do you know? About THE fact and About your action upon iT?

Give me an answer in THE morning......".......

dinsdag 2 december 2014

Core business of LLL Drenthe

THE content of LLL Drenthe will be About business, architecture and communication.

THE sources for your future succes can be described as follows:

Once upon a time modern science was invented. Men and women scientists in these times were fascinated by THE sense to be able to discover eternal laws in THE heart of THE Natural change processes. And by sensing so they really thought time and becoming could be ruled out. The idea of a fixed order in nature caused a scholarship security or so called safeness.

Our intellectual security sense is very deep rooted. So deep that we ( scientists, scholarship)are not able to to see how to let iT go. Even if we suppose to observe a phenomenon what at first sight looks extraordinary mysterieus. Even then we shall stay convinced  About THE fact that sooner or later our not knowing is only temporary. Levy- Bruhl, philosopher.

Later, Heisenberg shares a complete other absolutisme with us, he wrote: everything is insecure. Heisenberg spent more than half of his life studying fysics, Natural science, natuur kunde in Dutch.

What an other perception of life we have nowadays.. IT has and iT is still transforming. IT is becoming more complex, multifolded and iT exist in time.

To Search and analyse THE Natural, to generate ideas from THE results for buildings and space and to make money with these actions. That is THE core business of LLL Drenthe. 

zaterdag 29 november 2014

Learning is studying

What exactly is LLL Drenthe about?

A question I have recieved quite a lot, lately.

Time for Some answers.

Leading is an action, is something you can do. Leading is not About having a car and a driver. Leading is being there for others to support, coach, generate ideas or and new or other perspectives.
Leading green  with integrity is talking to others, communicating verbally,  not writing ideas About
leadership down or making politiek About leading.

Who are THE ladies? Do you feel like a lady or do want to?
I see  Rachel Carson, femke Halsema and Mrs. Brundtland as ladies.
I see myself as a lady, although I am much more a creative lady than a leading lady. I do have a lot knowledge About what other people think of as a good leader. There are at least fiftyfifty leadership types to name which are very accurate for becoming a leading lady.

Is short for laboratory.
In a laboratory experiments are allowed.
THE results of experiments in LLL Drenthe will be discussed and learned from. There will be no such thing as failure or succes

donderdag 20 november 2014

Inspiration day of La Mijnske

What do you know About Madeleine Albright?

Years ago I read her biography. I read THE book till THE end and I hardly do that with Books.

Now you can Hear and see her on Ted.com


By THE way, A Madeleine in la France is a very delicieus cooky
And Mieke, vind je niet dat ze erg op jou lijkt?

With regards, mijnske Sival

woensdag 19 november 2014

visie op 2015 leven lang leren locatie Assen, hoofdstad van Drenthe

Het eerste event idee van leven lang leren / leidende ladies lab in Assen is:

om iets met eten te organiseren, locatie binnentuin Havenkade 4-6 in Assen

gehoord van event manager Birgit Kuilenberg

dinsdag 18 november 2014

Vision 2015: L L L in THE city of Assen, capital of Drenthe


Life long learning



Life long learning

Is :
THE ongoig, voluntaring and self-motivatie pursuit of knowledge. For personal and professional reasons.

IT not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development.

IT enhances self sustainability

IT does not enhance competitiveness nor employability.

Life long learning is not confined to childhood or THE classroom. IT takes place throughout life and in a range of situations. Almost 70 percent of learning projects are self planned.

Where will LLL Drenthe start to take place? We have selected THE capital of Drenthe, beter known as Assen, as THE capital of our headquarters.

Why Drenthe? THE greenest provincie of THE Netherlands?
Do we have to explain iT ?

Information on THE Side.
Drenthe does not have a University and we are thinking that Drenthe does not need a University, an old school learning place. THE citizens of Drenthe are very wise, THEY participatie in societies since they were Born. THE only misstake students are making is travelling to universities.

If Drenthe people want to be more succesful than they already are, they will join us making LLL Drenthe a succes.

In Co. Creation , Birgit Kuilenberg and Mijnske Sival

donderdag 13 november 2014

Green Florinrode is history ViVE LLL

I am very sorry to anounce that Green Florinrode deed last night. After One month of being vividly alive in THE imagination. Scouting Assen in One dat did iT all.

From THE ashes something even more beautiful is flying around in your world now

Action eventing at schoolgebouw Venestraat


THE first stone of L L L has been landed

Life long learning
Lief long learning
Leiding long learning
Leiding lady learning
Leading lady learning

In Drenthe, THE Netherlands

Drenthe is THE greenest provincie of all

Still One cannot walk everywere in a decent way, so there is Some work to do.

Three Year research develop and study Program, green  lady questions, location, cars not allowed, wil be visible soon, At This blog

In Co. Creation, Birgit Kuilenberg, Mijnske Sival 

vrijdag 24 oktober 2014

Groen Florijnrode, Green Florinrode in het Nederlands

Actuele geschiedenis van Groen Florijnrode

Groen Florijnrode (betekent: groen geoogst geld)

Groen Florijrode is een mondiaal Drents e-onderwijs instituut, opgericht door de Nederlands architect Mijnske Sival ( architect in de betekenis van iemand met een idee en de wilskracht om dat idee om te zetten in daden)

Op Groen Florijnrode gaat de meeste aandacht uit naar creativiteit, communicatie, culturen en een open blik op de wereld. Het achterliggende doel hiervan is om nog onbekende capaciteiten van jou, de lerende ondernemer, te ontdekken.

Groen Florijnrode richt zich op ontwerpende en lerende ondernemende mensen vanaf eenentwintig jaar. Groen Florijnrode biedt een top actueel programma, vanaf het begin in dialoog met jou vormgegeven als maatpak en/ of partydress. Jouw studiejaar programma gaat dan over specifieke ontwerpvaardigehden en andere kwartiermakende, niet machine gerichte uitdagingen.

Een breed scala aan werkende docenten op allerlei creatieve gebieden (media, architectuur en communicatie) zullen onder andere hun LinkdIn connecties met je gaan delen, zodra je lerende bij Groen Florijnrode wordt.

In het voorjaar van 2015 zal de inschrijving voor de eerste veertig en best gemotiveerde toekomstige groene ontwerpende ondernemers starten.

Netwerkwortels in verschillende lokale samenlevingen.
Verschillende sstudioplekken in Assen, Beilen, Ommen en Hoogeveen zullen in gebruik worden genomen als ontmoetingsplek en handelsruimte. Naast het aanbieden van interactief en inspirerend onderwijs, gaat Groen Florijnrode ook festivals organiseren. Te denken valt aan stadspoort festivals, openlucht concerten en tijdelijke dichters paviljoen festivals.

dinsdag 21 oktober 2014

Ourstory of Green Florinrode

Green Florinrode
(Meaning: green harvested money)

Green Florinrode

Green Florinrode is a global Drents e- learning institute, founded by the Dutch architect Mijnske Sival in 2014. Architect in the meaning of a person with an idea and the willpower to realize this idea.

At Green Florinrode all learners pay the most attention to communication, cultures and open mindedness. By doing so unknown capabilities are created.

The most important focus of Green Florinrode directs to the field of designer executive education. Green Florinrode among no others offers you a high fashionable program, dialogued first of all with you at the start of your study time. These in company programs adress specific design, entrepeneural and not-machine use challenges.

A broad spectrum of global teachers and participants will share their LinkdIn relationships with you as soon as you become a learner. Most of them will serve you as an e- teacher.

Subscription  for the first ten best motivatie learners will start in spring 2015.

Network roots in local communities.
Palace Green Florinrode is used as a meeting and trading place. Besides being an educational institute, Green Florinrode also facilitates events, such as trade meetings, concerts and citysports.

This information has been given on 21 October 2014

woensdag 15 oktober 2014

Take of Green Florijnrode


is the name of a new green learning business.

AIM: to inspire and feed learning eager persons in the fields of green business, architecture & media

TARGET PERSONS: men and women, 21 years of age or older, no car using, banking at a green bank, having their aims for succes clearly noted down.

LEARNING STYLE: immediately effective by listening, understanding and action formulation

START: first series of lessons will be ready for you in spring 2015

COSTS: before attending a lesson you are obliged to pay 50 euro / 30 minuten


to be continued
Sincerely, Mijnske Sival

vrijdag 10 oktober 2014

green architecture, what is it?a swarm of definitions and one historical visualisation

Dear followers

I have been studying green architecture for almost two years now and I have decided to start to blog on it. I have framed my study in western europe and four ( or maybe five) of its cities.

But before I show you some pictures about the practical green architecture which have been built in the last fifteen years in western europe, I like to inform you about the definitions I found in the scholarly world.

I generated three approaches on green architecture:

1. the political approach ( environmental, energy, waste, pollution, co2 emissions, methane emissions)
2. The theoretical / philosophical approach ( Sloterdijk, Scruton, Hagan )
3. The practical approach ( creative designer architect teams)

You may guess which is what.

Green architecture is:

The first to define green architecture was Barbara Stauffacher Solomon. She writes: Green architecture is where the formal and the agrarian merge, where the picturesque theory ( if not patterns) is employed, and where architecture and landscape overlap. Her second definition is: Green architecture is the common ground between architecture and landscape and the familiar resemblance between formal and agrarian gardens. (Green architecture and the agrarian garden, B. Stauffacher Solomon, 1988 Rizzoli, NY, pg.28).

In 2001 Susannah Hagan gives us an answer by writing: Environmental ( or green ) architectures are representations of sustainable operations aesthetically, whereby the expression of a cooperative contract between architecture and nature is as important as its enactment. ( Taking shape,2001, London)

Brian Edwards and Chrisna du Plessis ended a large story about green architecture writing Green thinking is a way of giving living presence back to our architecture (AD July2001, pg.19).
HE Xiao-run: On Green Architecture: Green architecture is a kind of building built on the basis of the harmonious development of man and nature, man's creation and ecological environment. It symbolizes mankind's ecological civilization and wisdom. - Journal of Zhuzhou Teachers College, 2002 - en.cnki.com.cn
Three years later, lord Norman Foster defines green architecture, in the same city of London as sustainable design, meaning doing  the most with the least means. I quote: ’Less is more.’(Where have I read that before?)

In Green gone wrong.Dispatches from the front lines of eco capitalism, Heather Rogers notes: ‘Green architecture is a product for a healthier planet, like green cars, green investing and green energy.’( 2010, p.4)

Remarkable is that hardly any American, French or German thinkers, philosophers or theorists take part in the practical action ‘green architecture’ today. A known person is Philip LeBlanc, a gardener, who is not taking for granted that the cities are not full of plants and flowers. He merely has an ambition to green la France. I also know a biologist who definitely thinks that planet earth is not green enough ( Dutch biologist, ecologist).

A found more general definitions on architecture and green, which I think of as illuminating:

Hugh Honour and John Fleming formulated architecture as follows: The term architecture encompasses the entire built environment ( The visual arts: a history, revised seventh edition, 2010, in introduction)

Bjarne Ingels recently has said: architecture is a well designed building( www.big.de)

And as a throw out, I found very funny visualisations ( but no definition) made by  a European researcher in architecture living in Rotterdam at the moment. You do probably know her name already. Or did you forget?

The image is a bit historical, I have warned you. Next time I show you this can be done much better! More contemporary.

there have arisen a technical problem, how to turn this image to the left? Or maybe you can turn your head to the right?

dinsdag 9 september 2014

steel construction available for re use

dear dears

the steel construction of the former pavillion Mobile Gardens is available for you

PLEASE , CONTACT BY SMS  06 19344220

sincerely, Mijnske Sival
founder and creative designer at Mobile Gardens / www.mobieletuinen.nl

woensdag 11 juni 2014

notes on the sound chamber of the Doors house

For Suzanne.

The Doors house is a private artwork in the city of Groningen were three persons try to live in and around.

One of the spaces of the Doors house is the sound chamber. www.mijnske.org / work / the doors house

Light is a physical phenomenon that moves through the building. Sometimes it rests, sometimes it hides and plays with the surfaces like the sound of a popsong is created by different instruments and voices. The overall character of the light of a building, the atmosphere is given by the light and its variations ad durations.

A sound chamber is created for the light. The different lights meet and mix. They interfere with each other and then disappear. Light and sound are both ephemeral.

Light exists in relation to the shade. In music the sounds need the silence to evolve into a piece and to define its existence from beginning to end. Blackness surrounds the light in a very tight relationship of indefinite dependency.
A photo can show one moment of the harmony of light and silence.

Mijnske Sival, June 11th, 2014  

dinsdag 11 maart 2014

pavillion Mobile Gardens waiting for new life

The pavillion Mobiele Garden has been stripped down
Too much vandals on thursdaynight in big city Groningen
What a shame what a waste.

Now they want to develop the Ebbinge area into somthing sporty
who wants to design a sporty vandal proof mobile garden on this spot?????
 I will do something with the guerilla gardeners in May 2014
Feel free to join me.

some sketches I made last christmas

dark times are history

I promised you the dark times
here they are
fortunenately they are already history
Anke just called
Anke makes radioprogramms for radiosteunkous
Amsterdam calling
she was very interested in the profits for elderly people 
but there isn't a oldy  mobgard. yet
my future has just begun
this year i will design an historical mobiel tuintje or un jardin mobile historique ou a historic mobiel garden
when you are still interested in the dark times
i took photographs in december 2013

and today i bought saly and rosemary, huge plants grown outdoor
saly is good for your peace of mind
rosemary is good for your memory and in your fresh mto make salad
when i smell rosemary i think of Italy
spring is in the air
with love Mijnske

vrijdag 14 februari 2014



THAT were the sunny times
next week: DARK times