P. Novick wrote a book, titled That Noble dream. The objectivity question and the American historical profession. In the book the four figures 1 9 8 8 are printed.
P. Novick called himself and has been entitled a historian, a scholarly one. Location: Chicago
The book is introduced as follows: The aspiration to relate the past as it really happened has been the central goal of American professional historians since the late nineteenth century. In this history of the profession, Peter Novick shows ( writes, iS more factual, MAS), how the idea and ideal of objectivity were elaborated.
Tip: When you Google scholar , dream, stroll a bit, you find the whole PDF.
Francis Fukuyama wrote texts as well, which were published as a book, titled The end of history and the last man, dated 1992. Later he came back to this, he countered himself. So I heard from a former phd fellow. I have not read these published texts yet, msybe they don't have the title The beginning of history and the first man. I am waiting..........do you know what he is up to. Maybe he needs some other ideas. I have one, The beginningof whatshappened and persons , or ... and personalities, or ... and moving organisms.
Just a month ago I introduced a thing in the field of language and the words history and geschiedenis. An English word and a Dutch word, meaning quite the same, these days. I prefer the word geschiedenis, because the word itself comes very close to the factual activities of the professional field, I thought. How very American of me!
If one wants to do research as factual as possible, as neutral as possible, one has to register and count. All the other activities, like creating a text other persons are possibly willing to read and control, can be placed in the field of literature. Just for the purpose of clarifying one or two things. To avoid
misleading practices, possibly.
The only problem left now is, how to conclude on registered facts and numbers? Is it an idea to skip making conclusions? Just not make conclusions any more? To do and not to do?
Advantages: keeping an open mind, enduring a sort of factual future, embracing incertainties.
Disadvantages: maybe you have some things to add here?
I wonder, what consequences would this line of thoughts create for the Noble Prize?
What I do know is that on the isle of Ameland, NLcity or NL bv. or NL nv, whatever you prefer, commonly known as the Netherlands, earlier known as the Low lands and even earlier spoken of as Holland, one can purchase a jenever with the name Nobeltje. A great spirit. Well, as you understand, that's my opinion after the taste of it.
A last bite. In 1985 the album Hunting high an low, by a-ha , was released. The nineth song on the cd
is named I dream myself a life. The song takes 3 minutes and 6 seconds. ( a-ha is a popgroup originated from Norway, Europe. The musicians made their career in London. The group is musically categorized in The new wave. Next year, 2016, the group is programmed in the Heiniken Music Hall, Amsterdam. They are living their dream, one could say. But, what was their dream exactly? Are they
still having dreams? What sort of dreams? And who are they?
O, o. I shouldn't forget another person, a French person, named Gaston Bachelard, who wrote as well. Also about dreaming and the dreamer: For our house is our corner of the world. As has often been said (???????? Not to me, MAS). It is our first universe, a real cosmos in every sense of the word ( Wow! Do you believe that? Think about the mother and daughter and the nine sons, a blogged about earlier, domestic violence... MAS). The house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.
I know, 20 th century writing stuff again.
Are we or have we been waking up or something? And then I mean, we, all of us, people on planet Earth. And not this group of poets in France. How come? I dare to say, not by historians.
Reading tip: Dromology, by Paul Virilio. I know, 20st century stuff. Or, a looking tip for the ones who like pictures, after war periods and bunkers: Bunker archeology, Paul Virilio, 19.. He did write texts with the theme of Fear in the 21 st century, after 9/11. Right! 2 more days to go, remember?
P. Novick wrote a book, titled That Noble dream. The objectivity question and the American historical profession. In the book the four figures 1 9 8 8 are printed.
P. Novick called himself and has been entitled a historian, a scholarly one. Location: Chicago
The book is introduced as follows: The aspiration to relate the past as it really happened has been the central goal of American professional historians since the late nineteenth century. In this history of the profession, Peter Novick shows ( writes, iS more factual, MAS), how the idea and ideal of objectivity were elaborated.
Tip: When you Google scholar , dream, stroll a bit, you find the whole PDF.
Francis Fukuyama wrote texts as well, which were published as a book, titled The end of history and the last man, dated 1992. Later he came back to this, he countered himself. So I heard from a former phd fellow. I have not read these published texts yet, msybe they don't have the title The beginning of history and the first man. I am waiting..........do you know what he is up to. Maybe he needs some other ideas. I have one, The beginningof whatshappened and persons , or ... and personalities, or ... and moving organisms.
Just a month ago I introduced a thing in the field of language and the words history and geschiedenis. An English word and a Dutch word, meaning quite the same, these days. I prefer the word geschiedenis, because the word itself comes very close to the factual activities of the professional field, I thought. How very American of me!
If one wants to do research as factual as possible, as neutral as possible, one has to register and count. All the other activities, like creating a text other persons are possibly willing to read and control, can be placed in the field of literature. Just for the purpose of clarifying one or two things. To avoid
misleading practices, possibly.
The only problem left now is, how to conclude on registered facts and numbers? Is it an idea to skip making conclusions? Just not make conclusions any more? To do and not to do?
Advantages: keeping an open mind, enduring a sort of factual future, embracing incertainties.
Disadvantages: maybe you have some things to add here?
I wonder, what consequences would this line of thoughts create for the Noble Prize?
What I do know is that on the isle of Ameland, NLcity or NL bv. or NL nv, whatever you prefer, commonly known as the Netherlands, earlier known as the Low lands and even earlier spoken of as Holland, one can purchase a jenever with the name Nobeltje. A great spirit. Well, as you understand, that's my opinion after the taste of it.
A last bite. In 1985 the album Hunting high an low, by a-ha , was released. The nineth song on the cd
is named I dream myself a life. The song takes 3 minutes and 6 seconds. ( a-ha is a popgroup originated from Norway, Europe. The musicians made their career in London. The group is musically categorized in The new wave. Next year, 2016, the group is programmed in the Heiniken Music Hall, Amsterdam. They are living their dream, one could say. But, what was their dream exactly? Are they
still having dreams? What sort of dreams? And who are they?
O, o. I shouldn't forget another person, a French person, named Gaston Bachelard, who wrote as well. Also about dreaming and the dreamer: For our house is our corner of the world. As has often been said (???????? Not to me, MAS). It is our first universe, a real cosmos in every sense of the word ( Wow! Do you believe that? Think about the mother and daughter and the nine sons, a blogged about earlier, domestic violence... MAS). The house shelters daydreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.
I know, 20 th century writing stuff again.
Are we or have we been waking up or something? And then I mean, we, all of us, people on planet Earth. And not this group of poets in France. How come? I dare to say, not by historians.
Reading tip: Dromology, by Paul Virilio. I know, 20st century stuff. Or, a looking tip for the ones who like pictures, after war periods and bunkers: Bunker archeology, Paul Virilio, 19.. He did write texts with the theme of Fear in the 21 st century, after 9/11. Right! 2 more days to go, remember?
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