woensdag 9 september 2015

Whathappened 2015, planet Earth. The spirit and the beginning.

The spirit and the beginning.

Fourteen years ago two persons in planes flew into a highrise building, city of New York. How many casualties? Why didn't they do as I am going to do now?

I know about myself is that I hardly, very very seldom think, when I look upon things, persons or buildings, ' that is what I also want or want to do or want to be'. I think this attitude makes me different comparing to a lot of people I think to know, I have learned to know in the years going by.

Yesterday I spoke to an architect, trained at the TU Delft, departement Building studies, between 1987-1990. He really liked the study because he could start designing from scratch.

Today, carpe diem. The site visit to BeautifulPlace is planned. The beginning of Living in the Wood, thanks to the creative dialogue with me and Ingrid the Pauw, anno 2008. UN nouveauté traite de toute architecture. Sturm und Drang from MAS (= me). Financed by the families Sival en Stoker.

I cite:
Het systeem van de barok had op een dubbelstrategie berust. De gevels van haar gebouwen waren met plantenmotieven gedecoreerd. Het rijk van de mens en her rijk van de natuur waren van elkaar gescheiden gebleven. Zij hadden onderling hun kenmerken uitgewisseld en waren omwille van de ornamentering en het prestige in elkaar opgegaan.

Uit: Moderne architectuur, een kritische geschiedenis, Kenneth Frampton, p.17

A good thing to do in whathappened ( former history) is to counter. So, when I counter the content of the text above, I find myself something to do. No system, no strategy, no elevations, no human dominion, no plant dominion,  no ' kenmerken', no ornaments, no prestige.

You might think now that I am in denial. I think that is a very psychological thing to think, something I do not believe in, I do not appreciate nor value. I think what you see us what you get. The question is , how to look and what to look at or through. Not think off course. What do you factual see, hear, smell, feel?

I named myself an IT ( intelligent tracking) person. Well, that was an concept too limited. I am really a 'natuurverschijnsel', a natural appearance. The art of life for me is to act upon this as well. And
believe me, I try every day. It is in my nature to create...

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