woensdag 20 mei 2015

PhD progress Definitions

PhD worktitle: Good, bad and ugly
PhD work subject: Green, architecture, cities, Europe
Green in the meaning of the plants, vegetation, nature even, on a theoretical level
Field: History
Time: 1800-2010

What is green architecture?

I found one definition, I shall quote and I derived two other definitions from more basic definitions in the field of urbanism and art. Since 2014 there is a definition on Wikipedia.
It took me quite some time, to find definitions. Apparently, it is not quite common to define architecture in the field of history. I think it is necessary though, when acting and writing on an academic, scholarly, scientific level.

First definition.
The term 'environmental architecture' may then be used to refer to those architectures which represent a sustainable operation aesthetically. Architectures for which the expression of a co- operatieve between  architecture and nature is as important as its enactment.
S.Hagan, Taking shape. A new contract between architecture and nature, 2001

Second definition.
Green architecture is a thinking and acting proces which is accomplished by designing floors, walls and roofs and by choosing materials, so a building clad with vegetation can be made. Whether a
building is named architecture, depends on a varied number of valueing persons and factors.

Inspired by:G.M. Andela,  J.E. Bosma, Bouwen in Nederland 600-2000, 2007.Chapter: 1900-2000 Groene stedebouwkunde, p.582. Original text in Dutch. 'De stedebouwkunde is een denk- en handelswijze die bestuurlijk handelen, procedures en vormconcepten ontwikkelt voor de exploitatie en inrichting van de aardbodem.'
Translated by me: 'Urbanism is a thinking and acting proces, which develops
governmental acting, processes and concepts of shapes, for the exploitation and to furniture the surface of planet Earth. Also inspired by prof. dr. K. Zijlmans, when discussing the difference
between architecture and building, October 2012, at the VU Amsterdam.

Third definition
Green architecture is architecture where green has a central position.
Inspired by K. Zijlmans ed., World art studies, 2012, chapter Green art, p....

Fourth definition by B. Ingels, architect, Denmark, 2010
'Architecture is a fascinating, well-made building'

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