Updated, 13 May 2015
PhD work title: The good, the bad and the ugly.
PhD work subject: Green architecture in European cities
Field: history
Time: till 2010
Early wednesday mourning, re-Thinking about the requested intellectual framework, this is option twentyfive.
Literature, proposal
1. P. Sloterdijk, regels voor het mensenpark, 2000
2. G.M. Andela, J.E. Bosma, Groene stedebouw 1900-2000, Bouwen in Nederland 600-2000, p.582-598, 2006
(green urbanism, urban history)
3. D.A. Reeder, London and green space, 1850-2000, p.30-40, The European City and Green Space, 2006 (urban history)
4. S. Hagan, Ethics and environmental design, p.65-75, Taking shape, 2001. ( architecture theory)
5. W. Szymborska, Zo is het genoeg. De laatste gedichten, 2013.
(Original language Polish, 2012, translated in Dutch by K. Lesman)
( title in English: This is enough or Now it is enough or Sufficiently it is The last poems.
you choose or translate by yourself or ask a Dutch or Belgian friend, whatever)
First I tried to verify the date of writings by Reeder. Well, he passed away in 2005. So, when did he write this Introduction in the book, The European City and Green Space, edited by P.Clark? I checkend the internet, could not find a list of Reeder's published, written historical research. I have to ask Peter someday.
On my way of looking for information about Reeder's writing activities, I found an interesting text, written by D. M. Pallister, in The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, volume I 600-1540, 2000: 'However, we (we?) have also tried to avoid the excesses of some recent scholarship which is concerned so exclusively with people and places as to exclude the old (old?) constitutional approach altogether. It is not possible (not?) to make sense (sense?) of medieval towns without considering their government and institutions, their customs (customs!) and by- laws. Boroughs, charters and guilds (guilds!) should not be excluded by the new urban history.'
Well, this is coming up with arguments! Making up arguments is still one of my soft spots, I need to work one, wanting to become a dr. History. Do you realise what a nice, fine moment of learning I went through, yesterday?!
Okay, arguments, let's try it
1. P.Sloterdijk, Het Mensenpark, 2000.
Off course, on a European scale some German thinking cannot be excluded. Peter Sloterdijk was the number one on my original list of literature! With Sferen, another book. I am very curious how the writings in Mensenpark will relate to my subject of green architecture. Without doubt, Peter Sloterdijk is the intellectual person in Europe now. It would be stupid to exclude his writings, his thoughts.
I am looking for some French intellect, but I only found a gardener with a lot of practical skills. Premier Hollande declared la France green, only just this spring 2015. My research is demarcated till
2010. So Hollande was too late, to become part of the coming of the first green architecture history.
I did read in Green philosophy. A serious way to think about the planet, written by Roger Scruton, another philosophical work. But I can't take the word Green seriously, anymore, since I became aknowledged with the fact that, beyond the fact the green is the name of a colour we almost all learned in grammar school or at home. Green, today, in discours, writings and using language, is mainly used for campaigning, selling and getting attention.
So I hope you can understand now, that I can.t take the writings of Roger Scruton seriously.
PhD work title: The good, the bad and the ugly.
PhD work subject: Green architecture in European cities
Field: history
Time: till 2010
Early wednesday mourning, re-Thinking about the requested intellectual framework, this is option twentyfive.
Literature, proposal
1. P. Sloterdijk, regels voor het mensenpark, 2000
2. G.M. Andela, J.E. Bosma, Groene stedebouw 1900-2000, Bouwen in Nederland 600-2000, p.582-598, 2006
(green urbanism, urban history)
3. D.A. Reeder, London and green space, 1850-2000, p.30-40, The European City and Green Space, 2006 (urban history)
4. S. Hagan, Ethics and environmental design, p.65-75, Taking shape, 2001. ( architecture theory)
5. W. Szymborska, Zo is het genoeg. De laatste gedichten, 2013.
(Original language Polish, 2012, translated in Dutch by K. Lesman)
( title in English: This is enough or Now it is enough or Sufficiently it is The last poems.
you choose or translate by yourself or ask a Dutch or Belgian friend, whatever)
First I tried to verify the date of writings by Reeder. Well, he passed away in 2005. So, when did he write this Introduction in the book, The European City and Green Space, edited by P.Clark? I checkend the internet, could not find a list of Reeder's published, written historical research. I have to ask Peter someday.
On my way of looking for information about Reeder's writing activities, I found an interesting text, written by D. M. Pallister, in The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, volume I 600-1540, 2000: 'However, we (we?) have also tried to avoid the excesses of some recent scholarship which is concerned so exclusively with people and places as to exclude the old (old?) constitutional approach altogether. It is not possible (not?) to make sense (sense?) of medieval towns without considering their government and institutions, their customs (customs!) and by- laws. Boroughs, charters and guilds (guilds!) should not be excluded by the new urban history.'
Well, this is coming up with arguments! Making up arguments is still one of my soft spots, I need to work one, wanting to become a dr. History. Do you realise what a nice, fine moment of learning I went through, yesterday?!
Okay, arguments, let's try it
1. P.Sloterdijk, Het Mensenpark, 2000.
Off course, on a European scale some German thinking cannot be excluded. Peter Sloterdijk was the number one on my original list of literature! With Sferen, another book. I am very curious how the writings in Mensenpark will relate to my subject of green architecture. Without doubt, Peter Sloterdijk is the intellectual person in Europe now. It would be stupid to exclude his writings, his thoughts.
I am looking for some French intellect, but I only found a gardener with a lot of practical skills. Premier Hollande declared la France green, only just this spring 2015. My research is demarcated till
2010. So Hollande was too late, to become part of the coming of the first green architecture history.
I did read in Green philosophy. A serious way to think about the planet, written by Roger Scruton, another philosophical work. But I can't take the word Green seriously, anymore, since I became aknowledged with the fact that, beyond the fact the green is the name of a colour we almost all learned in grammar school or at home. Green, today, in discours, writings and using language, is mainly used for campaigning, selling and getting attention.
So I hope you can understand now, that I can.t take the writings of Roger Scruton seriously.
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