donderdag 21 mei 2015

PhD progress What kind of historian do I want to be?

PhD title: Good, bad, ugly
PhD working subject: Green, architecture, cities.
Field : History
Time demarcations: Beginning of nineteenth century, beginning of twentieth century, beginning of twenty-first century.
Space demarcation: Europe

For writing history on an academic level one is expected to follow four phases:
1. Prepare
2. Structure
3. Formulate
4. Make corrections

I am in phase one, at the beginning of phase two and I am trying a bit of phase three and four.
Right now, I am collecting information with which I can create my 'strars'. Green 'stars' as you would have understood by now or you will understand in time.
As soon as the 'stars' are made visible by me, it shall be possible to create 'stripes' between the 'stars'.
A 'Mijnske history universe' will be visible by then.
On top of this I have a warning. The ones who are afraid of space, of hights and or depths, should make sure they are prepared to dive or to fly before taking action. Reading all my stuff. One can also any time decide to stay on shore. You will be able to see the reflections of the 'stars and stripes' in the water. We are all free persons. And for the technically focussed humen I have the following advice:
try to find the on and off button as soon as possible.
You know what is good for you.

Phase two. The PhD writings has to contain approximately eighty thousand words.
This can be structured by chapters, aimed result: a printed book.
This can be structured by blogs, aimed result: readers all over the world, knowledge spread

What do I do, preparing?
1. I think and blog about the function, the aim and the target group.
2. I have chosen a relevant subject.
3. I am trying to formulate the central question. One I want to find answers for. Therefor I have to study literature to check if I can sustain my question.
4. I am looking for relevant information by reading literature, finding sources and interviewing.

Well, I didn't answer the question 'What kind of historian do I want to be?', by now, did I?
I'll give it a try.
I do like to do all the points written above. What about my focus?
The subjects I am interested in have a broad spectrum. Most of them occur in contemporary times as well in times gone by. Today, and for more than four years already, I am very interested in the 'green' issue. It seems to concern us all, in the end. Add to this that I have been gifted with spatial capabilities, since I was ten. A talent not everybody is lucky to have inherited. I also have a talent for detecting beautiful, ugly and mediocre things. When one is not that esthetical like I am, my experience is that it is really hard to 'meet'. I also have a talent to absord loads and loads of information. Like a sponge. I need a lot of 'water'. My aim in life is to share this talents of mine with as much others as possible. Now, I think I am more talented than skilled at the moment. For writing
history one needs to be quite skilled and have a lot of energy as well. For being quite neutral a person, I hardly favour anything. So what Else to do? I had to find my rage ( thank you, Peter). It was quite hard for me to find my rage, my energy ( I looked at a few Peter Sloterdijk youtubes yesterday evening). I did find my rage, though, it is called 'injustice'.

I sincerely hope you have a little patience with me. I am trying with ups and downs to improve my writing skills, making my way into history. At the same time I really like to receive compliments. Please do not confuse compliments with complaints. I hate complaints.

And now and then I really like an intellectual challenge.......
I'll discuss 'Mensenpark', written by Peter Sloterdijk, 2000, next time.

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