Is there going to be a war again, in Europe, or not? Or just for a while? And what sort of war am I touching in the light about? A war between nations? A territorial war? A gas war? An energy war? A water war? A food war? A war between the oldest patriarchs (Poetin and Hollande)? Or is it about something completely different. Is it all about the fear to become sick? Remember the ebola virus, just some months ago? Remember the painting by Johannes Vermeer, named The Burgher of Delft, 16.., with a little ghost like girl painted in the front? Or is it even worse. Is it about losing a loved one, or the threat of losing the one one loves the most to become ill, deathly ill? Is that ones deepest fear? Your deepest fear? Or do you not 'have' any daughters, physically, spiritually, mentally? Relieved that thee 'daughter' has found another man or woman to share her life with, who can take care of her now, give her protection, because she became too terrifying, according to you, she became a grown up, according to herself or society.
Is then, the question Who has or has not a daughter in Europe? Or, better, thinks, one has a daughter, thinks one has the opportunity, almost everyday, to look upon, to 'read' a mobile being which caresses the eye and mind the most, the best. Which gives one the best feeling, to be alive.
The next five blogs, I will try to show you some texts, published in 1993, in Dutch. I shall translate it in English. And I am going to type it in such a way that you can create your own conclusions, or even better, that you will come to some insights yourself. And start questioning yourself What am I going to do now? With this information? What have I been thinking? What is in my power, how can I enlarge my power?
Well. I know for myself, I am not going to Paris nor Moskou. I am going to dig the deepest hole I have ever done. Really? Really! In a place with a beautiful name. For the ones I love, without doubt.
And since I love the world, all people on planet Earth, this time the hole is going to be huge or far. And maybe I can become so succesful by doing it, that halfway or for the worst in the end there will be light in the tunnel. Name it universe, also possible. I have my pale fire with me.
Survival of the fittest, you remember, Darwin, meaning, survival of the ones who adapt themselves as quickly as possible. No more theories. No more evolution theory. No more British concepts. From my perspective, the most intelligent personalities, trackies as I like to call them, IT or single mobile unit SMU is all right too, today, for me. The ones who are not stuck in a group. Where does this group thinking come from, any way? According to social biologists today, belonging, behaving in a group gives the idea of being safe. Or more explicitly heard by the nanny of my seven year old son, a plant ecologist ( is a specialized biologist with a master degree from a university) with an extreme political correct social developed feeling: People feel safe in a group, like animals in nature. She recently celebrated het forty- eight birthday, an August type one can name her.
Well, voila, some texts. Before I get off track.
1839. August , not the clown, but August Comte, Auguste Comte like the French like it, Lord Augustus, Herr Graf August, came up with a name for a newly to create field of science. Very innovative, one would say today. Bravo! Just what we need! ( we?). The word 'sociology' slipped out of his mouth. This was obviously not enough. Probably nobody heard him, nor believed him, perhaps he had chosen the wrong audience, maybe his French was too froggy? All probabilities.
So, August, (what a coincidence it is August now, the month I mean), pleaded, talked over and over
again to whom he thought was willing to hear, the ones with an eager ear, the ones without words or ideas, the ones in la France. He even was convinced ( really, a scientist then) that the state of France, the Republic, should focus on changing the natural order of society. Change! A very popular word, nowadays... We can change! A very American thing to do, you might think. Who were the ones who
believed Barack Obama when these same three words escaped his presidential mouth? On top of
introducing the words sociology and change into one of the most melodious languages in Europe, August formulated a programm for moral scholing, education and political action. What a very educational thing to do. And Pink Floyd did not even exist then, singing We don' need no education and Another brick in the wall. How could August possibly have heard of Frank Zappa and his song Don't follow the yellow snow. Even Madonna was not born then, singing much later I am a material girl. Wonder which troubadour sang at the door or in the ear of monsieur Comte. Was he married, to a person who believed in him? Like Andre Hazes, a famous Dutch singer, also dead now.
Who else were born in August? Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright. Not me, not the architects I once worked for. Mmmm, leCorbusier, born in Austria or Switzerland, making career in la France, joining the design team frictie new building of the UN in New York, 29 th century. All these concrete and
glass buildings. I heard a terrible association with the material concrete this summer, out of the mouth of a young, fresh coming up historian, she just has to do the last bit of her master thesis. I could give her some advice, I told her about MUS. She told me that women associate the material concrete with an empty womb. What? I didn't believe her in the first instance. Too awful. Such a thing never crossed my mind. I love the materials of concrete, glass, steel. She was quite sure. So, after given her my feelings that I thought this was really awful, because that could mean....... I had no words. Before I went to Delft University to study Architecture, I thought having babies was a normal thing to do. When I graduated I was really convinced that I didn't want any of them. Luckily I am open for some experiments now and then. And in the newspapers theybare accusing Marie le
Pen of 'killing' her father, in Dutch it is called Vadermoord. fatherkillings, mortdupere, vatermort. Well, before I get too personal, let's go to 1834.
Who was in power, again, in that period of time? In France, in Great Britain, in Central Europe? In
the East? Eurasia?
What were the capitals of these territories again?
Had anyone heard of New York, Washington, Beijing, Tokyo, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro, L.A., Kabul, MexicoCity etcetera, yet? Someone? O yeah, some Dutch. The cocky chickens in the front row. The flyers. The sail and sales men and women. The pioneers, the adventurers, the burgers, the citizens, the farmers, the believers. And now and then a painter, a writer, a poet, a philosopher, actresses, directors, teachers, botanists, musicians, sculptors, a thinker, crafstmen and women, fishing people. What was not done in the Netherlands, by that time? The battle of Waterloo was over.
Which plants grew in Paris, Amsterdam, Groningen, Berlin, London, Rome, Athens, Moskou? Which animals were kept or walking freely overthere? How did these cities smell? Where the cities full of smog? Of waste? Was it cold? Was it hot? What did they do with all the dead corpses? Were they good places for babies to be born? For children to grow up? Did all men and women respect each other equally? Did everybody had enough personal space? Acces to books and other written or painted, drawn, filmed information? I know, so many questions. To be continued.
Text freely translated from the book 'Ruimte voor een nieuwe tijd' (Space for a new time), author prof. dr. J.E. Bosma, 1993, p. 85. Available in Dutch via
Text enriched with comments, information and questions by ITblogger Mijnske
Is then, the question Who has or has not a daughter in Europe? Or, better, thinks, one has a daughter, thinks one has the opportunity, almost everyday, to look upon, to 'read' a mobile being which caresses the eye and mind the most, the best. Which gives one the best feeling, to be alive.
The next five blogs, I will try to show you some texts, published in 1993, in Dutch. I shall translate it in English. And I am going to type it in such a way that you can create your own conclusions, or even better, that you will come to some insights yourself. And start questioning yourself What am I going to do now? With this information? What have I been thinking? What is in my power, how can I enlarge my power?
Well. I know for myself, I am not going to Paris nor Moskou. I am going to dig the deepest hole I have ever done. Really? Really! In a place with a beautiful name. For the ones I love, without doubt.
And since I love the world, all people on planet Earth, this time the hole is going to be huge or far. And maybe I can become so succesful by doing it, that halfway or for the worst in the end there will be light in the tunnel. Name it universe, also possible. I have my pale fire with me.
Survival of the fittest, you remember, Darwin, meaning, survival of the ones who adapt themselves as quickly as possible. No more theories. No more evolution theory. No more British concepts. From my perspective, the most intelligent personalities, trackies as I like to call them, IT or single mobile unit SMU is all right too, today, for me. The ones who are not stuck in a group. Where does this group thinking come from, any way? According to social biologists today, belonging, behaving in a group gives the idea of being safe. Or more explicitly heard by the nanny of my seven year old son, a plant ecologist ( is a specialized biologist with a master degree from a university) with an extreme political correct social developed feeling: People feel safe in a group, like animals in nature. She recently celebrated het forty- eight birthday, an August type one can name her.
Well, voila, some texts. Before I get off track.
1839. August , not the clown, but August Comte, Auguste Comte like the French like it, Lord Augustus, Herr Graf August, came up with a name for a newly to create field of science. Very innovative, one would say today. Bravo! Just what we need! ( we?). The word 'sociology' slipped out of his mouth. This was obviously not enough. Probably nobody heard him, nor believed him, perhaps he had chosen the wrong audience, maybe his French was too froggy? All probabilities.
So, August, (what a coincidence it is August now, the month I mean), pleaded, talked over and over
again to whom he thought was willing to hear, the ones with an eager ear, the ones without words or ideas, the ones in la France. He even was convinced ( really, a scientist then) that the state of France, the Republic, should focus on changing the natural order of society. Change! A very popular word, nowadays... We can change! A very American thing to do, you might think. Who were the ones who
believed Barack Obama when these same three words escaped his presidential mouth? On top of
introducing the words sociology and change into one of the most melodious languages in Europe, August formulated a programm for moral scholing, education and political action. What a very educational thing to do. And Pink Floyd did not even exist then, singing We don' need no education and Another brick in the wall. How could August possibly have heard of Frank Zappa and his song Don't follow the yellow snow. Even Madonna was not born then, singing much later I am a material girl. Wonder which troubadour sang at the door or in the ear of monsieur Comte. Was he married, to a person who believed in him? Like Andre Hazes, a famous Dutch singer, also dead now.
Who else were born in August? Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright. Not me, not the architects I once worked for. Mmmm, leCorbusier, born in Austria or Switzerland, making career in la France, joining the design team frictie new building of the UN in New York, 29 th century. All these concrete and
glass buildings. I heard a terrible association with the material concrete this summer, out of the mouth of a young, fresh coming up historian, she just has to do the last bit of her master thesis. I could give her some advice, I told her about MUS. She told me that women associate the material concrete with an empty womb. What? I didn't believe her in the first instance. Too awful. Such a thing never crossed my mind. I love the materials of concrete, glass, steel. She was quite sure. So, after given her my feelings that I thought this was really awful, because that could mean....... I had no words. Before I went to Delft University to study Architecture, I thought having babies was a normal thing to do. When I graduated I was really convinced that I didn't want any of them. Luckily I am open for some experiments now and then. And in the newspapers theybare accusing Marie le
Pen of 'killing' her father, in Dutch it is called Vadermoord. fatherkillings, mortdupere, vatermort. Well, before I get too personal, let's go to 1834.
Who was in power, again, in that period of time? In France, in Great Britain, in Central Europe? In
the East? Eurasia?
What were the capitals of these territories again?
Had anyone heard of New York, Washington, Beijing, Tokyo, Cape Town, Johannesburg, Rio de Janeiro, L.A., Kabul, MexicoCity etcetera, yet? Someone? O yeah, some Dutch. The cocky chickens in the front row. The flyers. The sail and sales men and women. The pioneers, the adventurers, the burgers, the citizens, the farmers, the believers. And now and then a painter, a writer, a poet, a philosopher, actresses, directors, teachers, botanists, musicians, sculptors, a thinker, crafstmen and women, fishing people. What was not done in the Netherlands, by that time? The battle of Waterloo was over.
Which plants grew in Paris, Amsterdam, Groningen, Berlin, London, Rome, Athens, Moskou? Which animals were kept or walking freely overthere? How did these cities smell? Where the cities full of smog? Of waste? Was it cold? Was it hot? What did they do with all the dead corpses? Were they good places for babies to be born? For children to grow up? Did all men and women respect each other equally? Did everybody had enough personal space? Acces to books and other written or painted, drawn, filmed information? I know, so many questions. To be continued.
Text freely translated from the book 'Ruimte voor een nieuwe tijd' (Space for a new time), author prof. dr. J.E. Bosma, 1993, p. 85. Available in Dutch via
Text enriched with comments, information and questions by ITblogger Mijnske
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