donderdag 2 juli 2015

Green, cities, Europe. Reading Herodotus

Herodotus. De mens voor het voetlicht der historie. Een keuze uit zijn werk ingeleid en verklaard door L. Geysels S.J.,1966.    S.J.? What do these initials mean? Scholarly Justice?
Geerebaert- klassieken. Griekse en Latijnse schooluitgaven onder leiding van J. van den Bossche S.J. ( again S.J. ?)
I attended the gymnasium from 1977-1984. The book was already eleven years of age. Well, it can be worse. In January of this year I gave two hearing lecturers to the first year students of SABC. About materials. Based on a book, dated from 1986. It is 2015 now! Do you realise how much has been changed?

While re organising my books I found this fourth book I kept from Highschool/ Gymnasium. I had no recollection of it at all. There are even notes, translation notes, from Ancient Greek to Dutch, in my handwriting. Can you believe it?
I will continue in Dutch. I know, I have holy days now, but I donT know what is happening to me, I canT stop the 'machine'. L.Geysels wrote in Dutch

De omslagtekening is van de hand van R. de Pelsmacker. ( de Pelsmackers, probably a family living or making a living from polar bear skin, once upon a time, why else would you have a family name like that? ( MAS)
Ze (de omslagtekening) stelt Herodotus' wereldbeeld voor. Zijn geografisch wereldbeeld vooreerst, dat grotendeels bepaald was door de wereldkaart die zijn voorganger, Hecateus van Milete, had ontworpen ( Milete, a city, at the TU Delft, departement Bouwkunde, educated as the first city in the
world , 1985. Now, 2015, Uruk is introduced as the first city ever on planet Earth, by Margarete van
Ess. Uruk is placed in the epic of Gilgamesh, 3rd millennium BC. Margarete writes: at the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC., Uruk was a thriving city of some 30,000 to 50,000 inhabitants, standing on the river Euphrates on the northern shore of the delta with the Tigris, some 3000 km (186 Miles )
south of modern Bagdad. Text derived from the book: The great cities in history. Edited by John
Julius Norwich, 2009)

To be continued, I only have to catch Luke from school......I thought. In the meanwhile it is fridaymorning the third of July. We went to the citybeach near a large sportsarea in the East of the city of Greeningen ( I start to name Groningen, Greeningen now, because Greeningen is much easier to pronounce and the the name is much more appropriate, because Groningen looks so green today). This citybeach is actually a combination of a lake, a strip with muddysand and an area covered with nice cool green grass. It was packed, yesterday. Luke couldn't stop playing in the water and I had a lot to look at, mostly young students in swimming outfits, trying to gain some teint. And talking all the time. About each other off course, what else?

More about Herodotus another time.....he has been waiting  patiently for me for such a long time. His writings I mean off course. You understand. I recollect the sound of Mrs. Wit. Her voice, telling us this adventurous stories, originated from Ancient Greeks, preparing us for life. We were sixteen then. Me and the gymnasium peers, selection of the 1980s.

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