I am still reading in the book 'In Europe. ....20th century, written by Geert Mak, 2004, p.51-69
In the centuries before 1800, the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy had played a crucial (? Maybe important is a better word..) role in Centrla and Eastern Europe.
1848-1916 Emperor Franz Jozef
1900-1910. Austria is seen as superpower, Vienna as a city of talents
1900-1919 More than 3,5 million Austrians emigrate to America ( by boat?)
1900 More than half of the population lived from the proceeds of their small businesses
1900 No departement stores allowed in the city of Vienna
1908 Theo Zasche painted a group portrait, showing all of Vienna's prominent citizens on the Sirk corner of the Ring
1910 Austria counts 50 million inhabitants,the city of Vienna counts 2 million inhabitants
1910 Approximately 1% of all Viennees families had their own home
1910 The architect Adolf Loos has designed a house, without ornament, the elevations to be finished with white calc-cement. It was realised in the same year. In the eyes of many Viennees the house was a monstrosity
I read a lot from and about Ludwig Wittgenstein. Especially the sisters of Ludwig seems to have had a lot of influence on politics and daily life in Vienna, around 1900-1910. They even stimulated Ludwig to build his own house, together with Adolf Loos. ( Ludwig appeared to have been a lousy teacher at grammar school, hitting the pupils with a stick in their fingers (Au!). The women were needed to come up with ideas what to do with their little brother. The sisters were the keyplayers in
introducing these two men to each other. I am still at Ameland, without my real library, but I will come up with the nice names of the sisters of Ludwig. The family name was the same, of course, Wittgenstein, well, what's in a name.....As an historian, one should never underestimate the influence / power of families. The Wittgensteins owned a series of houses in Vienna.......in that time....wonder.....now as well? Ludwig went to London, as an escape, Theresia's a job as professor arranged for him. In the philosophy. Later, he fall in love with another man. Unfortunately for Ludwig, this man didn't want to follow Ludwig to Norway. Wonder why Freddie Mercury, Born in the city of London, wanted to die in Vienna, 1981. Pay back time? Power of the people? Opportunity? Middlefinger? Well, it's out of my time demarcation. But maybe, I find someone who died in the city if Assen, Emmen or Groningen? Lou Reed? Between 2000-2010. Or was shot, that's even better. Unfortunately Beyoncé is still alive and singing.
The historian Brigitte Haman has studied this period of time and space. She cites from a speech by Hitler in one of her books: ' If the words no longer reverberate, then the stones must speak.' As an example and argument to understand demagoguery. Because demagoguery alone was not enough, 'great works can secure the dominion' and 'the crucial importance of social policies and major public-
works projects'.
Makes me think, secure?, dominion? social policies? Major public works? The Netherlands just before and after 2000?
2002. The publication of the book ' De puinhopen van paars/ The ruïnes of purple', 2002 en ''Droomkabinet./ dreamboard of politics...', 2001written by Pim Fortuyn, a city of Rotterdam based politician, with a history of studying sociology in the city of Groningen . He introduced the understanding 'leefbaarheid', ' liveability', ( 'Eerst het leven , dan het ideaal', Heinrich Heine, 19th
century), a very European understanding, into the Dutch politics, in the beginning of the 21st century.
First there was reaction of Hanneke Groenteman on 'Droomkabinet', proposing Adelheid Roosen to become prime minister.( an idea? idealistic? pragmatic?)
In 2012 there was a reaction on Droomkabinet, in HP/De Tijd, an opinion magazine in the
Netherlands, with the proposal to dream of Mark Rutte as prime minister of the Netherland (pragmatic and 'demagogueing'?)
2015 Both cities of Groningen and Rotterdam are occupied with being and becoming 'leefbaar',
'green' so to speak, nowadays. Using mainly plant 'material' and space.
Today, the city of Groningen is marketing itself as a city of talent.
The city of Rotterdam is realising all sorts of gardens everywhere, even in highrise buildings. Do they in Rotterdam want to become the greenest city of the Netherlands, like the city of Emmen is this year? I have to check how the city of Rotterdam is doing its citymarketing (named p.r. / public
relationships, hundred years ago in Vienna).
2010 the city of Rotterdam presented the 'workprogramm Talent and enterprising', for the period of 2010-2014
And........the city of Rotterdam is European Cultural Capital of 2015! Congratulations! And this has nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo, because Rotterdam was elected for this in November 2014.
That's why the New Institute ( former Architecture Institute) has so quickly realised a garden! Speaking if making things beautiful!
So, if you want to go to a city party this year, or are you looking for a platform to show your European film, Rotterdam is the place to be! I will not elaborante on this further, because it is not in the time framework I have chosen for my PhD.( 1800-1810, 1900-1910, 2000-2010)
I think I will elaborate some more on computers, data, curiosity, p.r., the need for electricity, derived from Elmer, I quote: green= electricity. Minions.......E.T....imagination or na apen.
But not today! Holy days! I dream of an holy empire ruled by........., well the persons who know me know the answer, isn't Ingrid?
In the centuries before 1800, the dual Austro-Hungarian monarchy had played a crucial (? Maybe important is a better word..) role in Centrla and Eastern Europe.
1848-1916 Emperor Franz Jozef
1900-1910. Austria is seen as superpower, Vienna as a city of talents
1900-1919 More than 3,5 million Austrians emigrate to America ( by boat?)
1900 More than half of the population lived from the proceeds of their small businesses
1900 No departement stores allowed in the city of Vienna
1908 Theo Zasche painted a group portrait, showing all of Vienna's prominent citizens on the Sirk corner of the Ring
1910 Austria counts 50 million inhabitants,the city of Vienna counts 2 million inhabitants
1910 Approximately 1% of all Viennees families had their own home
1910 The architect Adolf Loos has designed a house, without ornament, the elevations to be finished with white calc-cement. It was realised in the same year. In the eyes of many Viennees the house was a monstrosity
I read a lot from and about Ludwig Wittgenstein. Especially the sisters of Ludwig seems to have had a lot of influence on politics and daily life in Vienna, around 1900-1910. They even stimulated Ludwig to build his own house, together with Adolf Loos. ( Ludwig appeared to have been a lousy teacher at grammar school, hitting the pupils with a stick in their fingers (Au!). The women were needed to come up with ideas what to do with their little brother. The sisters were the keyplayers in
introducing these two men to each other. I am still at Ameland, without my real library, but I will come up with the nice names of the sisters of Ludwig. The family name was the same, of course, Wittgenstein, well, what's in a name.....As an historian, one should never underestimate the influence / power of families. The Wittgensteins owned a series of houses in Vienna.......in that time....wonder.....now as well? Ludwig went to London, as an escape, Theresia's a job as professor arranged for him. In the philosophy. Later, he fall in love with another man. Unfortunately for Ludwig, this man didn't want to follow Ludwig to Norway. Wonder why Freddie Mercury, Born in the city of London, wanted to die in Vienna, 1981. Pay back time? Power of the people? Opportunity? Middlefinger? Well, it's out of my time demarcation. But maybe, I find someone who died in the city if Assen, Emmen or Groningen? Lou Reed? Between 2000-2010. Or was shot, that's even better. Unfortunately Beyoncé is still alive and singing.
The historian Brigitte Haman has studied this period of time and space. She cites from a speech by Hitler in one of her books: ' If the words no longer reverberate, then the stones must speak.' As an example and argument to understand demagoguery. Because demagoguery alone was not enough, 'great works can secure the dominion' and 'the crucial importance of social policies and major public-
works projects'.
Makes me think, secure?, dominion? social policies? Major public works? The Netherlands just before and after 2000?
2002. The publication of the book ' De puinhopen van paars/ The ruïnes of purple', 2002 en ''Droomkabinet./ dreamboard of politics...', 2001written by Pim Fortuyn, a city of Rotterdam based politician, with a history of studying sociology in the city of Groningen . He introduced the understanding 'leefbaarheid', ' liveability', ( 'Eerst het leven , dan het ideaal', Heinrich Heine, 19th
century), a very European understanding, into the Dutch politics, in the beginning of the 21st century.
First there was reaction of Hanneke Groenteman on 'Droomkabinet', proposing Adelheid Roosen to become prime minister.( an idea? idealistic? pragmatic?)
In 2012 there was a reaction on Droomkabinet, in HP/De Tijd, an opinion magazine in the
Netherlands, with the proposal to dream of Mark Rutte as prime minister of the Netherland (pragmatic and 'demagogueing'?)
2015 Both cities of Groningen and Rotterdam are occupied with being and becoming 'leefbaar',
'green' so to speak, nowadays. Using mainly plant 'material' and space.
Today, the city of Groningen is marketing itself as a city of talent.
The city of Rotterdam is realising all sorts of gardens everywhere, even in highrise buildings. Do they in Rotterdam want to become the greenest city of the Netherlands, like the city of Emmen is this year? I have to check how the city of Rotterdam is doing its citymarketing (named p.r. / public
relationships, hundred years ago in Vienna).
2010 the city of Rotterdam presented the 'workprogramm Talent and enterprising', for the period of 2010-2014
And........the city of Rotterdam is European Cultural Capital of 2015! Congratulations! And this has nothing to do with Charlie Hebdo, because Rotterdam was elected for this in November 2014.
That's why the New Institute ( former Architecture Institute) has so quickly realised a garden! Speaking if making things beautiful!
So, if you want to go to a city party this year, or are you looking for a platform to show your European film, Rotterdam is the place to be! I will not elaborante on this further, because it is not in the time framework I have chosen for my PhD.( 1800-1810, 1900-1910, 2000-2010)
I think I will elaborate some more on computers, data, curiosity, p.r., the need for electricity, derived from Elmer, I quote: green= electricity. Minions.......E.T....imagination or na apen.
But not today! Holy days! I dream of an holy empire ruled by........., well the persons who know me know the answer, isn't Ingrid?
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