Sorry, I had to go to a party........ I'll be back.
Memory, speak!
Two items of importance for my phd not mentioned in previous blog.
( It really helps to go out, drink a Grolsch and a Wartmeister, eat some bread, talk to a young military person about the quality or not quality of contemporary military buildings in the Netherlands ( kwalijk, he said, literally baddeadbody) see my son doing very adventurous Tarzan acts in the Woods and in the end fall asleep).
Elmer talked about his officebuilding, a former villa of a citizens of Groningen, built in the seventeenth century, with money this person has gained in the Middle -East. He talked about his neighbours, the philosophers. They need a garden, according to Elmer, he sees them ( the philosophers) outside, in deep thoughts.
Elmer talked about the fire of 1906. The fire that burned down the main Academy building of Groningen, erected according some 'classical' architecture principles. In 1909 a brand new building was realised. Complete other style, almost same frontal measurements ( length and heights) , new item: the tower, on the left side, in the back, almost in the shadow.
Elmer talked about the moving plans for the next four years. They ( the University) has bought the public library of Groningen (really!). This building is going to made fit to the Law faculty (!). The faculty of literature is out of date (built in the 1980s), too many small officerooms. This building is going into refubishment, so it will contain only large lecturers rooms in the near future. The
University library building is going to be extended. Within four years, this building will contain
fivehundred more studyspaces for students.
He shared this information with us, while we were standing on a very highly situated balcony, the
round balcony of the University tower. Going up into this tower is a realtime experience, it reminded
me of films where exiting things happen in lighttowers, in the middle of the night
The University as autonomous client, being the initiator and financier for quite a few buildings in the city centre, image important buildings, use important buildings. Sounding quite market common. You ask (the students), we build ( the University board).
Or does it sound promising? We ( University board) like you ( students), so we are going to do all what is in our power to make your studylife as comfortable as possible ( virtuous or wicked thinking, inspired by F. Nietzsche, 'Beyond good and evil', translated by Howell. 1990, part seven, Our virtues)
Back to the adress of Oude Boteringestraat 22. Elmer's office is on the ground floor, the lawyers of the University occupy the first floor. On the top floor the p.r. People are working. Wonder why Elmer was delighted to show us around.....
And would it be a coincidence that the eldest daughter of Elmer and Denise studied at the University
of Groningen, doing pharmacy, joining the honours group, decorated with cum laude, pretty soon, is the expectation? ( light distrusting thinking)
I am so glad I don't work in this old spaces. Please, give me something new. Something concrete and glass, clouds and air, sunlight and birds.
Memory, speak!
Two items of importance for my phd not mentioned in previous blog.
( It really helps to go out, drink a Grolsch and a Wartmeister, eat some bread, talk to a young military person about the quality or not quality of contemporary military buildings in the Netherlands ( kwalijk, he said, literally baddeadbody) see my son doing very adventurous Tarzan acts in the Woods and in the end fall asleep).
Elmer talked about his officebuilding, a former villa of a citizens of Groningen, built in the seventeenth century, with money this person has gained in the Middle -East. He talked about his neighbours, the philosophers. They need a garden, according to Elmer, he sees them ( the philosophers) outside, in deep thoughts.
Elmer talked about the fire of 1906. The fire that burned down the main Academy building of Groningen, erected according some 'classical' architecture principles. In 1909 a brand new building was realised. Complete other style, almost same frontal measurements ( length and heights) , new item: the tower, on the left side, in the back, almost in the shadow.
Elmer talked about the moving plans for the next four years. They ( the University) has bought the public library of Groningen (really!). This building is going to made fit to the Law faculty (!). The faculty of literature is out of date (built in the 1980s), too many small officerooms. This building is going into refubishment, so it will contain only large lecturers rooms in the near future. The
University library building is going to be extended. Within four years, this building will contain
fivehundred more studyspaces for students.
He shared this information with us, while we were standing on a very highly situated balcony, the
round balcony of the University tower. Going up into this tower is a realtime experience, it reminded
me of films where exiting things happen in lighttowers, in the middle of the night
The University as autonomous client, being the initiator and financier for quite a few buildings in the city centre, image important buildings, use important buildings. Sounding quite market common. You ask (the students), we build ( the University board).
Or does it sound promising? We ( University board) like you ( students), so we are going to do all what is in our power to make your studylife as comfortable as possible ( virtuous or wicked thinking, inspired by F. Nietzsche, 'Beyond good and evil', translated by Howell. 1990, part seven, Our virtues)
Back to the adress of Oude Boteringestraat 22. Elmer's office is on the ground floor, the lawyers of the University occupy the first floor. On the top floor the p.r. People are working. Wonder why Elmer was delighted to show us around.....
And would it be a coincidence that the eldest daughter of Elmer and Denise studied at the University
of Groningen, doing pharmacy, joining the honours group, decorated with cum laude, pretty soon, is the expectation? ( light distrusting thinking)
I am so glad I don't work in this old spaces. Please, give me something new. Something concrete and glass, clouds and air, sunlight and birds.
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