After many blogs of writings by myself, I got a little fed up with it. For comforting myself, I start reading the writings of somebody else. Like the writings of professor dr. J.E.Bosma, who happens to be my promotor as well. As you will understand, he has written quite some books and articles. Since I have to limit myself, I indulge into his, according to me, most transcient writings with the title 'Ruimte voor een nieuwe tijd: vormgeving van de Nederlandse regio 1900-1945. Published in 1993 by Nai publishers, NL. Last night I forgot about the time, reading chapter II De stad: pastoraal of sanitair oord: stedebouwkunde 1880-1915 and making notes in the book I purchased in 2013. It is my book now. Well. So far about possesion.
In English:
Booktitle 'Space for a new time: designing the Dutch region 1900-1945.
Chapter II The city: pastoral or hygienic place: urban design/urbanism/urban planning 1880-1915, p.42-83
I read the pages 70 till 83 over and over again, trying to extract words and information which could be useful, relevant for my research. Reading the hygienic city and the civil-engineered city. Historic writings are very hermetic, dense so to say. There is a lot of information in every sentence. So I warn you, when you ever start reading history, be alert. It all must be based on facts, you know. Good history, I am talking about. Uh, uh. The best book Bosma has written, according to me, is 'Schuilstad', published in 2006. It is available in American English as well. ' Shelter city'.
Back to 'Space for a new time'. I read it before, a year ago and I already made notes on the white left of the printed pages. How I make notes? In various ways. One way is I draw lines around certain words or combinations of words which I think of might become useful (thinking fast, Thinking, Fast and slow, D. Kahneman, 2011, winner of the Nobel prize 2002). Ah, do I have you attention now?
After or in between making notes this way, I think about the content of the notes and the text in
general and now and then I write a text according to my own thoughts, on the subject (thinking slow,
Thinking, Fast and slow, D. Kahneman, 2011).
Which notes did I make? To really understand these notes, one needs to read the full text.
'Thinking, Fast' notes (original written in Dutch, translated in English by me)
The hygienic city
1. a medical-biological imperitve
2. on the social case.
3. The hygiƫnists viewed upon the city as a fundamental dangerous place. The city improves illness
and physical torndowns, because '...there was a deprivation of almost all natural conditions necessary
for a healthy life.' 85
(85. Houwaart, 1991, 65)
4. entered the politic arena.
5. - a health program-, - very influencial in time-, - the medical topographical-
6 - l'homme moyen-
7. A fictional person, human mediocre, became the so called objective norm for the knowledge about the individual, an econometric figure representing the entire population
8. In less than ten years, statistics has become the dominating factor in studying popular diseases
9. Being thirsty for econometric figure knowlegde in the Netherlands....
10. 1829 and beyond: population countings, 1847 first Statistic health yearbook is published, 1848 governmental Office for Statistics runs smoothly. 1850 The citycouncels were obliged to keep a population register.1866 A national (Dutch) medical topography, named ' Death atlas of the Netherlands' is published.1872 The encyclopedia 'Manual for public health regulation and the health
police' is published. 1879 The second national medical topography is published, over the years 1860-
1874. The encyclopedia was used as a 'bible' by hygiƫnists in the second half of the nineteenth century
11. The law on Medical State Supervision was activated in 1865, together with three other medical laws, it became the foundation for the health policy of the Dutch national government.
12. In 1901 the Law on Health, in Dutch ' de Gezondheidswet' is adopted in the Book of Laws, including hygienistic thinking.
The civil-engineering urban design/urbanism/urban planning ( in Dutch ' stedebouwkunde'
1. The natural approach .......... enrichests the city with the most beautiful boulevards. 101
(101. Nachenius, 1880, 48-49)
2.....the Prusian approach on authority. 103
(103. Valckenier Kips, 1905a. Idem, 1908a. Idem, 1909. Idem, 1916. Idem,1921. Idem, 1939)
3. ....explosive growth of urban development in Germany after 1870
4. .....demanded amounts of green ( plants etc) handbooks.
5. In 1908 Valckenier Kips formulated detail the urban growth and design cases.....
6. .......V. Kips writes about the taskforce of engineers and architects. He Thinks that thesectaskforces
should be apart.
It is quite enough for today.
eight more 'Fast' notes to go, seven 'Slow' notes to go...... see you tomorrow, early in the morning.....
Don't forget my reading tips! ( I will go to a teachers rehab soon or maybe I don't)
and something Nietzsche wrote in 'The gay science', p.134 (it is too good to be true) ( I really like the writings of Nietzsche, I always have a good laugh, reading. Fortunately, nobody sees me then, you could start to like me, imagine!). Since seven weeks I do no more teaching. I quit, I am now fully dedicating my thinkable and unthinkable life to the scholarly, a sort of science, but then , different.
305. Self control. -Those moral teachers who first and foremost order man to get himself into his own power, induce thereby a curious infirmity in him ( her! Friedrich, did you forget me! Oh, you didn't know me then, well, I forgive you, you darling dummy) - namely, a constant sensitiveness with reference to all natural strivings and inclinations, and as it were, a sort of itching. Whatever may henceforth drive him, draw him, allure or impel him, whether internally or externally - it always seems to this sensitive being as if his self-control were in danger: he is no longer at liberty to trust himself to any instinct, to any free flight, but stands constantly with defensive mien, armed against himself, with sharp distrustful eye, the eternal watcher of his stronghold, to which office he has appointed himself. Yes, he can be great in that position! But how unendurable he has now become to others, how difficult even for himself to bear, how impoverished and cut off from the finest accidents
of his soul! Yea, even from all further instruction! For we must be able to lose ourselves at times, if we want to learn something of what we have not in ourselves.
Amen (just kidding), love you.
In English:
Booktitle 'Space for a new time: designing the Dutch region 1900-1945.
Chapter II The city: pastoral or hygienic place: urban design/urbanism/urban planning 1880-1915, p.42-83
I read the pages 70 till 83 over and over again, trying to extract words and information which could be useful, relevant for my research. Reading the hygienic city and the civil-engineered city. Historic writings are very hermetic, dense so to say. There is a lot of information in every sentence. So I warn you, when you ever start reading history, be alert. It all must be based on facts, you know. Good history, I am talking about. Uh, uh. The best book Bosma has written, according to me, is 'Schuilstad', published in 2006. It is available in American English as well. ' Shelter city'.
Back to 'Space for a new time'. I read it before, a year ago and I already made notes on the white left of the printed pages. How I make notes? In various ways. One way is I draw lines around certain words or combinations of words which I think of might become useful (thinking fast, Thinking, Fast and slow, D. Kahneman, 2011, winner of the Nobel prize 2002). Ah, do I have you attention now?
After or in between making notes this way, I think about the content of the notes and the text in
general and now and then I write a text according to my own thoughts, on the subject (thinking slow,
Thinking, Fast and slow, D. Kahneman, 2011).
Which notes did I make? To really understand these notes, one needs to read the full text.
'Thinking, Fast' notes (original written in Dutch, translated in English by me)
The hygienic city
1. a medical-biological imperitve
2. on the social case.
3. The hygiƫnists viewed upon the city as a fundamental dangerous place. The city improves illness
and physical torndowns, because '...there was a deprivation of almost all natural conditions necessary
for a healthy life.' 85
(85. Houwaart, 1991, 65)
4. entered the politic arena.
5. - a health program-, - very influencial in time-, - the medical topographical-
6 - l'homme moyen-
7. A fictional person, human mediocre, became the so called objective norm for the knowledge about the individual, an econometric figure representing the entire population
8. In less than ten years, statistics has become the dominating factor in studying popular diseases
9. Being thirsty for econometric figure knowlegde in the Netherlands....
10. 1829 and beyond: population countings, 1847 first Statistic health yearbook is published, 1848 governmental Office for Statistics runs smoothly. 1850 The citycouncels were obliged to keep a population register.1866 A national (Dutch) medical topography, named ' Death atlas of the Netherlands' is published.1872 The encyclopedia 'Manual for public health regulation and the health
police' is published. 1879 The second national medical topography is published, over the years 1860-
1874. The encyclopedia was used as a 'bible' by hygiƫnists in the second half of the nineteenth century
11. The law on Medical State Supervision was activated in 1865, together with three other medical laws, it became the foundation for the health policy of the Dutch national government.
12. In 1901 the Law on Health, in Dutch ' de Gezondheidswet' is adopted in the Book of Laws, including hygienistic thinking.
The civil-engineering urban design/urbanism/urban planning ( in Dutch ' stedebouwkunde'
1. The natural approach .......... enrichests the city with the most beautiful boulevards. 101
(101. Nachenius, 1880, 48-49)
2.....the Prusian approach on authority. 103
(103. Valckenier Kips, 1905a. Idem, 1908a. Idem, 1909. Idem, 1916. Idem,1921. Idem, 1939)
3. ....explosive growth of urban development in Germany after 1870
4. .....demanded amounts of green ( plants etc) handbooks.
5. In 1908 Valckenier Kips formulated detail the urban growth and design cases.....
6. .......V. Kips writes about the taskforce of engineers and architects. He Thinks that thesectaskforces
should be apart.
It is quite enough for today.
eight more 'Fast' notes to go, seven 'Slow' notes to go...... see you tomorrow, early in the morning.....
Don't forget my reading tips! ( I will go to a teachers rehab soon or maybe I don't)
and something Nietzsche wrote in 'The gay science', p.134 (it is too good to be true) ( I really like the writings of Nietzsche, I always have a good laugh, reading. Fortunately, nobody sees me then, you could start to like me, imagine!). Since seven weeks I do no more teaching. I quit, I am now fully dedicating my thinkable and unthinkable life to the scholarly, a sort of science, but then , different.
305. Self control. -Those moral teachers who first and foremost order man to get himself into his own power, induce thereby a curious infirmity in him ( her! Friedrich, did you forget me! Oh, you didn't know me then, well, I forgive you, you darling dummy) - namely, a constant sensitiveness with reference to all natural strivings and inclinations, and as it were, a sort of itching. Whatever may henceforth drive him, draw him, allure or impel him, whether internally or externally - it always seems to this sensitive being as if his self-control were in danger: he is no longer at liberty to trust himself to any instinct, to any free flight, but stands constantly with defensive mien, armed against himself, with sharp distrustful eye, the eternal watcher of his stronghold, to which office he has appointed himself. Yes, he can be great in that position! But how unendurable he has now become to others, how difficult even for himself to bear, how impoverished and cut off from the finest accidents
of his soul! Yea, even from all further instruction! For we must be able to lose ourselves at times, if we want to learn something of what we have not in ourselves.
Amen (just kidding), love you.
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