donderdag 18 juni 2015

PhD process Weekend news about contemporary law in the Netherlands

Journalists and correspondents are becoming, no, are already, are now, the eyes and ears of historians. Well, historians like me. You never walk alone..........

A compliment! Well done, NRC team! ( news about the law and history, finances and photographs).Volkskrant team!( news about parties and politics, money,  festivals, popular items, photographs).

Folkert Jensma took the effort to write me ( factual writing, I do not know who 'us' is) about good judges and mediocre law practice ( context: the State, the Nation, the Netherlands). He adresses his piece of text to the 'burgers' ( burger), the civilian. Would that include the hardworking 'Nederlander' ( the former 'Volk', the 'public', the professional, the pensionado's, immigrants, children (Luuk has started to read the newspapers, since he is learning to read at school), nomads, journalists themselves?

Anyway, the 'burger' should be alarmed, he writes. Did anyone Twitter on his piece d'alarme this weekend? Is the 'burger ' not alarmed already? Did he do a zero - measurement? Dies gecreosoteerd believed the 'burger' sleeps well and sufficiënt hours? Doesn't he read the newspapers? The 'burger' seems to swallow millions and millions of sleeping pills. These pills are produced somewhere, doesn't he know. Does he sleeps well? He looks like it. You never know.....
Is he a 'l'homme moyen' ? ( you remember, I blogged about that in a previous blog...). Is the 'burger' a l'homme moyen', or ( now I am  going to sprawl some Mijnske knowledge ) is he a 'homme vraiment fort' (said by André Gide, source: H.A Gomperts, Jagen om te leven, chapter E. du Perron, 1948, p.153) or is he a 'free woman' ( Doris Lessing, Het gouden boek (The golden notebook), 1988, p. 24) or is he a 'Dikke ik' ( Volksktprant magazine, weekend 13-14June 2015) or does wants to be a knight because it is the day of the 'juffen' today?( Luuk attends a primary school following the 'Dalton' education principles, American based education system, adapted to Dutch education laws). It is becoming rather complicated now.
Maybe, and I am interpreting now, just maybe, he ( Folkert Jensma, correspondent, columnist) meant a person with rights according to all Dutch laws. And maybe, just very maybe, he meant a person with the two main rights according to the Magna Carta ( anno 1215).
I have only started......
When I take a good look at the portret photo printed above the text Folkert Jensma seems to have written, (First things first, from hearsay and printed in the book ' The raw shark texts, writer: Steven Hall, 2007, dedicated to Stanley Hall, a gentleman and a scholar ),  resembles a kind of policeman to me, but also a shortsighted man, because of his glasses. He is looking at me in a very frontal pose, his eyes staring above his glasses. He doesn't have long hair, but he seems old enough to have been a hippie. Definitely not a 'contemporary hipster'. Also a bit of a head of a school from past times, trying to explain to you, with a calm and friendly voice that you shouln't have spent your time outside the school. Because of the Education law, you are obliged to spent your time in the school. Would the 'burger' dress up for Folkert the columnist as well, to celebrate a 'Folky' day? And how would the
'burger' look like then? How could I recognize the 'burger'. Has somebody characterized the 'burger'?Is the 'burger' defined, characterized in the Civilian Book of Laws? And is the 'burger' defined and
characterized the same way in every nation of Europe?  Are , we, Europeans, all 'burgers'. What about the  'Berliner' then. Or ' Charlie H.' Do they only have rights as a 'burger'? And what about the mayors of cities, are they still 'burger' or, as they are named ' father ( should also be Mother, now, old school language) of the burger', or 'burgermeester' (burgerjuf), meaning 'master of burger', 'mistress of the burger'.
Some people in the Netherlands are talking about living as it is a life long learning. One never stops learning. In that case, the nation is a school, the prime minister is the headmaster. In the USA the futurous headmaster and headmistress are running for president now. The 'burgers' of the USA are going to have the possibility to choose whether they are going to celebrate ' Folky' day  or 'Juffen' day.( logical thinking). The 'burger' of China, commonly named the 'Han Chinese', what about it. What are they able to celebrate? Does it have a choice? The 'burger' of Russia celebraties 'Poetin' day, there is no doubt about that ( must be sure of something thinking).

Do you understand some persons who want to understand me?


1. I am so glad I don't live in the USA. I am really happy with the team of correspondents, delivering me news every day.
2. I do sleep very well at night.


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