dinsdag 23 juni 2015

PhD process United Dutch Lawyers and Grasping quality

First things first. Calm down. After hearing Mezzanine (the album, cd, 1998) from the popgroep/ music group Massive Attack, 'songs': Angel, Risingson, Tear drop, Inertia Creeps, Exchange, Dissolved Girl, Man Next Door, Black Milk, Mezzanine, Group Four, Exchange. Vocals- Horace Andy, Elizabeth Fraser, Sara Jay.

Is anyone alarmed by now?
The question is: Who is not alarmed and how come?

That was not enough. My heartbeat has not slowed down. Too sensitive, probably? I try the greatest hits from the Australian Crawl, title: More wharf (1998). Containing: Beautiful people, The boys light up, Downhearted, Hoochie Gucci Fiorucci Mama, Indisposed, Things don't seem, Errol, Oh not you again, Lakeside, Shutdown, Daughters of the Northern Coast, Reckless, White limbo, Two can play, Trouble Spot Rock, Always The Way, Unpublished Critics

Now I hope for your sake, that you have Spotify or the same cd's somewhere. Otherwise, it could become difficult following me. I'll try.....I will do my best, as ever.

This helps. I am calmed down.
My Peers in Amsterdam seem to have had a 'super' excursion through Amsterdam, yesterday. Seen New things! One of them is on his way to Vienna, is in Vienna now! I have never been to Vienna, I am not sure I want to. Vienna is supposed to have the best organised and the busiest Airport of Europe. I read that in an article written by Planners, planning scientists (European Planning Studies, a quarterly published magazine, finances by the European Union) when I was lecturing European
Planning from 1997-2000 to groups of International students, mainly students Architecture from
somewhere in Europe.
I went skiing a lot in Austria, though, with my adventurous parents and with a former female peergroup at TU Delft University, from 1968-1987. Now I think of skiing as a luxury problem. My nieces ( the daughters of my sister) ask me every year, why are you not coming along! ( Skiing with the family they mean, it has become a family tradition, initiated by my father once. Also a hardworking, dominant family man, respecting the tradition invented by himself and wanting everybody Else in the family to do the same. Well, so much about the desires of a father in the Netherlands.  Every year I make up a new answer, probably to make them ( the nieces) understand me or just to be polite, for nobody else ask me anything. To make my father understand is a mission without succes, I gave up a long time ago. I very wise thing to do, according to myself. Was too frustating. To penetrate, to go through, popular said 'Men are from Mars' or , recently, 'Men and women from Mars' is not my style, my way of living my life, I walk circles, like a polar bear, I wrote about that before, obviously I am more an northern arctic person). I love the white and frozen. But, I
admit, I am fracking the ice since I am in the middle of the so called lifecrises. I am even starting to like men. Wonder why? It has to do with this history thing, must be.

The United Dutch Councellors. I did a check on the 'pre- advice 2015', acting on nr. 1 of my previous
Resourceful thinking products ( previous blog). How did I check it?

I googled ' pre advies  2015 '. ( sorry, is in Dutch, had to Google in Dutch, I'll translate later)

The full title of the pre advice is:
' Pre advies Jaarvergadering 2015   NJV. De pre adviseurs zijn mevrouw Mr. Dr. R.H. de Bock, de heer prof. dr. R.A.J. van Gestel, de heer mr. dr. P.J.P.M. van Lochem.
( Pre advice Annual meeting 2015. United Dutch Councellors)
The theme of the annual meeting was: ' Kwaliteit als keuze; kwaliteits ( beoordeling) van wetgeving, rechtspraak en rechtswetenschappelijk onderzoek
Detail text, on the side: NJV prijs 2014 was honoured to prof.dr. Ernst (M.H.) Hirsch Balin ( former minister of the State/ nation the Netherlands)

The pre advices ( advices! , so there are more!) are available for not members ( NJV)

Link to  www.wolterskluwer.nl

What? How 'commercieel', why isn't this accessible for free? Mark! ( Rutte) , ( Now 'president' of the Netherlands, doing his second, or third term, I lost counting ( haha), did a PhD in history in Leiden)Why  do you not care for making very important information/ knowledge accessible for everybody, for free, well, at least in Europe! The trouble is probably, Mark still goes skiing every year. In Austria? In Switzerland? Or, Jet! Do I have to focus my hope on JetvBussemaker, minister of Education etc. In the Netherlands? She recently has organised a national question inventory, within six months every thing was organised! What a power. But why all these questions? I simple want all the information accessible for free. No more clouds! Sunshine! No more alarming Folkert J's. No more newspapers, no more journalists. What a relief! No more thinking, critical thinking, too critical thinking? I can do much worse...., but remember, it is thinking! Be aware, not alarmed, nothing to worry about, it is in
my nature, you are reading safely, aren't you? Or is something alarming you?)

Okay, I know, I get  distracted sometimes ( the Australian crawls are still playing). Distracted thinking?

I strolled on, on the internet, holding the I- pad  I am using quietly in my left hand, typing with the pointing finger of my right hand ( details are necessary). To realise what I am doing, factual doing, I mean. I thought maybe there was a pre advice in 2000. The start of the time demarcation of this research ( 1800-1810, 1900-1910, 2000-2010, information I have given before, you can see it as a service for the new readers, you have become with about forty now)

I saw the text:  0 products.

Would the United Dutch Architects/ Urbanists/ Planners/ Historians know about this? That you can sell your annual reports as products, by Kluwer, for about  €40?

I do all the typing in Dutch. But, suppose I am Simon Schama, British historian , still alive and kicking, trying to verify sources like this. How does he has to do this? How did he do the research, resulting in the book ' The embarrasment  of riches. An interpretation of Dutch culture in the golden age (1987). The book was published just the year I flew to London, and stsyed a year there, interrupting my architecture and design studies ( I was really fed up with this study). Why didn't I meet Simon then, or at least read this book. I could have started with studying history so much earlier. I could have learned to write history properly, so much earlier. I could have published so much more and made even more money. I almost feel sorry for myself. But no, that I do not think of as a good

thing to do. It is not good for me, I know. I was almost complaining, I almost started to hate myself.

Pre advice 2012 is available, ' Harmonisation of Insolvency law in Europe', ( United Rights for Civilians). Auteur: prof. mr. I. F. Fletcher, prof. mr. Bob Wessels.
' The European Parliament's resolution with recommendations to the European Commission on Insolvency proceedings in the context of EU company law of November 2011, calls for one of more legislative proposals 'relating to an EU corporate insolvency framework', including the harmonisation  of specific aspects of insolvency law. The central question in this Report s wether harmonisation is possible, and if so, in what form( form?!, not forms? No creative, no inventive, no pluralism thinking! MAS) and related to which topics. ( In English, did you notice?!)

Very interesting webpage     wolterskluwer.nl

I go to the next book:

All in Dutch, again, I'll translate later......

'Memo financiële planning - Wft/ Bgfo. De nieuwe financiële advieswereld. Auteur: Jan Aikens.
'De fundamentele wijziging van het beloningssysteem voor het intermediair is lang niet de enige wijziging in de Wft-regelgeving. In feite kan gesproken dat van het Besluit gedragstoezicht financiële  ondernemingen 'een geheel herziene versie' is verschenen ( is deze zin goed Nederlands? Volgens mij zijn ze ergens het woord 'worden' vergeten. Te snel getypt, wellicht?)
e- book. ( text on  coloured bar you can touch)

It becomes more and more interesting, when willI cross the 2010 'border'?

'Vijf jaar wet op het financieel toezicht'. Pre advies Vereniging voor financieel recht 2013. Serie vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut (?????? Never heard of it).  deel 118.
Auteur: prof. dr. Bart Joosen, mr. Rogier Raas.

Na de inwerkingtreding van de Wft op 1 januari 2007 (!!!!!!! bingo) is deze veelvuldig gewijzigd door Europese ontwikkelingen. De vraag rijst in hoeverre de Wft in zijn huidige vorm houdbaar en wenselijk is.
e- book

It becomes even more interesting.......going to the big catch

'Financieel toezicht in bestuursrecht en privaatrecht. Pre advies 2009. Vereniging voor Effectenrecht. Serie vanwege het Van der Heijden Instituut.  deel 101. Mr. A. H. Scheltema, prof. Mr. M. Scheltema.    Preadvies Vereniging voor Effecten recht van juni 2009.
'Hoge actualiteitswaarde inzake de verhouding tussen publiekrecht en privaatrecht, met name vraagstukken rondom de sanctionering van de overtreding van gedragsvoorschriften (financiële sector).
Informatie + bestellen
geen e- book

Suppose, I buy all these books, as a citizen of Groningen, as an inhabitant of the Netherlands ( emphatical thinking), what can I do with this knowledge? How do I deal,with this information?

Fortunately for me there is another book on the list of this very webpage:
Title: ' Het hoe en wat van de Wft. Een praktische handleiding. Wegwijzers financieel advies  deel 17
Auteur: mr. Michiel Bouwman, M?J. Westerlaak
De wet op het financieel toezicht (Wft) is op 1 januari 2007 ingegaan. ( and in 2008 'we' in the Netherlands were supposed to be in a crisis, a financial crisis. How come, could you be thinking now! MAS). In deze wet zijn acht verschillende wetten opgegaan waarin eerder het toezicht op financiële ondernemingen werd geregeld.
Geen e- book

Source:   www.wolterskluwer.nl    WoltersKluwerShop. Boeken, vakbladen, opleidingen en software voor professionals.

Question: Were'nt 'we' 'all' alarmed at 11 sept 2001? Two planes flew into the highest buildings containing the most professionals in the field of finance. I was glad Inhad 'doen New York three times. No more. Still, friends of mine go to New York for fun. Challenging, calculating or reckless, not realising, not knowing.
Well, you never know, will you?

Alarmed! What is alarming us?
That's why I sleep very well at night. I don't have to fly to New York, no more. No more big apples. I rather eat big fishes. And the Dutch are good fishingpeople. I am safe here. Now, I work on the fact that I like the Dutch going to love my mind. And the rest of the world, as you understand.

I am in a plane.......vocal Curt Cobain......pop group Nirvana......album 'Nevermind'........1991..........!

O, and what does this have to do with ' Bad, ugly, the plants, cities, Europe'?

I give you one clue: the songtext of the second song in the album 'Nevermind', In Bloom.

And maybe, just maybe, I will type this songtext tomorrow, for your eyes only, on this very spot.
Just maybe. Do you know when you are going to die?

Sleep tight, kiss kiss, big hug.

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