donderdag 19 november 2015

City of Paris, Philip Mansel and Mijnske Sival, two whathappnd scientists

Paris in the time of the empress Eugenie, Napoleon III and baron Haussmann. 1815, knowledge sharing by Philip Mansel

Paris in the time of Marine le Pen, Hollande III, Philip le Blanc and all the words fashionistas, 2015, knowledge sharing by Mijnske Sival

Do you see the similarities?!

Paris  under Napoleon III dominated Europe both by arms and by the arts.  PM
Paris under Hollande dominated Europe both by communication on green and plants and fashion. MAS

Memories of Napoleon I 's victories helped his nephew to be elected president of the Republic in 1848, to seize absolute power through a military coup on 2 December 1851 and to be proclaimed emperor of the French a year later. PM
Old age of the president of France was an urge for the public to vote for a younger, fitter person, a Napoleon lookalike, monsieur Hollande III, in the, in the meanwhile developed democracy of the republic de la France.  MAS

Napoleon III soon won victories of his own. PM
Hollande III, after having being the mayor of Nice for some time, was elected as president, merely thanks to all the work the parti members did. MAS

The French army helped defeat Russia kn the Crimean war and Austria in the war of 1859 in Italy.
The French lawpeople helped screwing Russia by not dealing correctly, not good at all, in the
contemporary context of international juridiction. The French played it so, that it looked , in the end of 2014 and till november 2015, that Russia was the bad guy in the eyes of the world journalists. In the meantime Mr Draghi, a political representative of Italy and president of the most important European bank, created space to play for the French. Most French people weren't bothered at all to spent the winterholidays of 2014/2015 skiing in Austria. Just like the minister president of the Netherlands and friends. And what was that worldtop about, in Vienna, last October 2015? Safety, world safety, off course. MAS

When did the French go wrong? MAS
I cite queen Victoria, a selected txt from a speech hold by her in 1855:

Everything is so truly regal, so large, so grand, so comprehensive, it makes me jealous that our great country and particularly our great metropolis should have nothing of the same kind to show!

The book ' The great cities in history. ', edited by John Julius Norwich, published by Thames and Hudson, 2009, page 226

All sorts of articles in the Dutch newspapers Trouw, NRC, Metro and Volkskrant

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