vrijdag 20 november 2015

The city of Brussels is of much more importance than the city of Paris

Some whathappnd feeds:

2002 World top on sustainability, city of Johannesburg, South-Africa

Nucleair terrorism is one of the most impact threads on the scale if planet Earth.

2012 NATO starts European spaceshuttle shield
2012 The Netherlands, ministery of fireign affairs, proclaimed: het voorkomen van nucleair en radiologisch terrorisme is voor Nederland nu de topprioriteit

2015. Seven terrorists attacks were silenced succesfully in the city of London, one terrorist attack wasn't silenced succesfully in the city of Paris.

policy on defense, the agenda, 2015
26/11. NL, procedure vergadering  Tweede Kamer, commissie voor Defensie, The Hague
30/11. Meeting subcommissie veiligheid en defensie, Brussel

14/01. Brussels. First plenary session: Consultation forum for sustainable Energy in the defense and security sector.

Source: parlementairemonitor.nl

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